
Tuesday, March 29, 2016

"9/11/15" By Destynee T

     We all know September 11th, is an remembrance towards the several lives lost in the first terrorist attack in the United States. For me, I gained a whole new reason to have a love hate relationship towards this day. This day started off as normal as it can be, I have to admit. I did my daily routine then I was off to a place a dread daily (aka school) ,but luckily it was an Friday. Let’s skip the whole talk of what happened at school and to the time after. My mom had told me she had an doctors appointment that day. So here I come into a car filled with silence my only concern was about how horribly wrong my day had gone and myself questioning if I done something wrong. After some mumbles here and there, I decided to ask, “How was the doctor's appointment mom…” That’s when I knew something was weird because both my mother and sister looked to and from each other and said, “We’ll talk about it when we get home.”
     The news I was told shortly after getting home was four simple words a daughter or son never wanted to hear come from their mother's mouth. “I have Breast Cancer…” My mother had said not even seeming sad about it or mildly upset. For me none the less, I was upset more like frustrated and completely scared at that very moment. I did what any teenager would do from receiving this news, I cried my heart out and after talking for a while with my family. I ran upstairs to my room where I just sat there upset at the world.
     Fast forward to right now as I type this. It’s February 19th, one more month and it’s my birthday month. My mother only has two more rounds of chemo. By the time this posted it will be March and that means my mom only has one more round .but back to what I was saying. It’s been a rollercoaster a harsh rollercoaster where you should probably sue someone for all the whiplash. I have to admit, throughout this whole life changing event my mom has been amazing. Yeah, here and there she has those days where all she needs is rest ,but I am glad to say she is my mom. She’s a strong independent women, who has dealt with so much in her life and now she can brag about how she kicked cancers butt. I am not writing this because I simply want sympathy… I am writing this because, my mom is an strong women. If you didn’t know already March is mostly a month dedicated towards strong women who have changed the world. So I decicate this to my mother, Evelyn Torres, a woman who has raised three children on her own with no man’s help and has been my light through the darkest moments.


  1. Its okat Destynee. Your mom does sould like a strong person. I know but i was told a year ago my grandma and my dads side said that i might have breast cancer and that she had it and got rid of it and that someone else on that side said that they had it and because they didnt get to it in time that she died. But i know it can be hard you just and to pull through and you have your friends to help in your life.

    Per. 4

  2. Your mother sounds like a very strong and independent woman. One of my really close friend's mom was diagnosed with breast cancer and when i had heard the news I was shocked. Thankfully she is still alive to this day and getting all help and support she needs.

  3. This is an amazing story! Even though I do not know your mother I am very proud of her for pushing through everything. I am also proud of you for getting the courage to dedicate your blog post to your mom. Stay strong and I hope for the best of luck to you, your mother, and your family.
    -Miren Cancio Period 5

  4. This is a truly inspirational story! First and foremost, there were quite a few grammatical errors but it did not impinge my understanding whatsoever. However, besides the point, this was a very heart-warming story. Not many people have the courage to overcome situations like this; myself included. The way you stand by your mother's side is very encouraging to others and I appreciate you sharing this with us. Prayers go out to you, your family, and your mother. Good job!

    Period 3

  5. This story puts in perspective of how small the problems that "typical teenagers" have (iPhone died in class, rained during prom, etc.). Your mother must be proud of you and you of her, you guys are fighters.

  6. I think that we all so caught up with school that we forget all of us have personal lives at home. Im proud of you and im proud you were able to write this and share this with so many people. The message at the end of the piece was strongly expressed which I loved because not only do you show your mom's strength, but yours as well. We need to spend more time glorifying and applauding women, especially ones like your mother. Remember that there are rewards for people who stay strong and endure challenges!
    Jeannette Martinez
    Period 2

  7. I can feel the pain you went through just by reading this piece. It's also amazing how you've gotten me in a whole mess of emotions in just three paragraphs. I am so happy that your mother is getting better now! Thanks for sharing; this must have taken a lot of courage to write about! I hope for the best with everything and give your mom a hug for me!

  8. This was really touching to read. I haven't had to deal with a situation like this before until recently when I found out a long time family friend was diagnosed with cancer, but unfortunately its too late for treatment. But yet again, she was always a strong, independent woman. Your mom seems like such a rock and wonderful person. You are very lucky to have her. I am glad you shared this story though because as you described it in detail, it really makes you start to understand what something like that is to go through, but also how much I love my own mom and am thankful for her.

  9. This piece was very touching and the pain you and your family experienced is unimaginable to me and is expressed so well these few paragraphs. I am very happy for your mother for kicking cancer's butt and i admire her strength throughout this experience. Thank you for sharing her story with us!
    Leslie Rocha

  10. this is a really good story I'm not sure if its true or not but your mom sounds like a very strong women and I respect that

  11. This was a touching thing to read and I honestly would read something like this again.

  12. awwwwwww this story really got to me. amazing I am inspired by your story I really loved it. blessings go out to your mother and she seems to b a really strong amazing woman and I am more than happy that I read this <3
    ~julianna Alvarado period 1

  13. i believe if you hear bad news coming from anyone you love it hurts to understand why it would be happening to them it hurts but in time you will heal and that person will get better mothers are always keep everything together no matter what we thank moms for everything they do for us no matter what.
    p.4 alexis medina

  14. This story is very personal to me because I know many people who have had cancer in so way or another and I understand the tough time you are going through. If you stay strong it will really help your mother and I hope you, your mom, and your entire family get through this hard time.

  15. I'm very sorry that this happened Destynee. I really am. But from what it seems like, she is a strong woman that will get through it. I hope that everything goes well.

  16. I admire your piece so much it's unbelievable. My father also had cancer but it unfortunately took him however, shout out to your mom who is fighting this ugly disease with an iron fist. I love hearing stories like these because they go against all odds. Stay strong girl.

  17. I see that it looks like this story is very personal to you. I'm glad you were able to share it as it might be hard to think about. However, it seems like you can brace through all the times of heartache and sorrow, as something good will always come out of it, as in your story

  18. I see that it looks like this story is very personal to you. I'm glad you were able to share it as it might be hard to think about. However, it seems like you can brace through all the times of heartache and sorrow, as something good will always come out of it, as in your story

  19. This story is very inspiring for me because my mom had to go through chemo at a point of her life and it was hard for me but what helped me was that she was strong just like your mom, wonderful story.
    Zya Woody
    Period 4

  20. This is a very impactful and inspiring story that you've made. 9/11 will always be an unforgettable day and I hope that your mother stays strong.

  21. great job im really sorry to hear about that but at least she is a fighter

  22. this is a really heart given piece. Im sorry to hear your mom has cancer but moms will always fight no matter what. I hope you and your family get through this as peaceful as possible.
    Evanne Turner
    Period 1

  23. Wow what a weird coincidence. I'm definitely glad to hear that things are getting better. This piece did a great job of providing the audience with shock and then luckily lightened the mood with some progress reports. I wish you and your family the best.
    -Kayla Salas

  24. I'm really happy to know that your mom was alright at the end of this. She is clearly a very strong woman and raised a very good daughter who sees her mom's struggles. It seems as if there aren't many who do anymore and I am guilty of that myself at times.

  25. Very emotional piece, also heartwarming. Your mom is very strong and I give her my full respect. Big props to her and your family! ALSO, I liked your essay, it brought me happiness and inspired me as well. Good job!
    Rodrick Hill
    Period 2

  26. Thank you for the inspiring reading. I'm very well aware of breast cancer since many of my family members have been diagnosed with it and successfully fought it. But I'll be honest, it was not an easy task. It was harder than trying to win scholarship award; but with enough support and motivation you can give your mother- surely she'll be happy and energized to take down anything with you and her family. I'm glad to have another strong woman in this world.

  27. I am sure that I can vouch for everyone when I say thank you for sharing something so personal with all of us. In my opinion, it takes a lot of courage to openly show our innermost experiences with our peers, many of whom we do not know. You are a rather competent writer and I am quite impressed with the ability that you have to convey such intense emotion solely through the use of words. Your mother is a very inspiring woman to us all and you are very lucky to have the title of her daughter. Once again, thank you for sharing something so personal and inspiring.

  28. This piece is so emotional as you were able to clearly identify the good and bad in situations. I admire your ability to see the good in such an event and applaud you for sharing this with others! Your writing made it easy to connect with the readers and defiantly caught my attention. Thank you for writing such an honest and inspiring piece. I wish the best for you and your family and encourage you to continue focusing on the positive! Well done!

  29. This is really touching and inspiring to me because I feel the exact same way of my mother. I like how you got straight to the point and the moral of the story. There were a few grammar issues, but other than that this was really a delight to read. Good Job.

  30. this was a very touching story. Im sorry to hear that happened to yor mom. But this was very well writen good jobn./ n

  31. Your mother sounds like a very strong woman. I loved this story it was interesting and inspiring to me. Thanks for sharing. Great jop.
    Period 4


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