
Monday, February 22, 2016

"Passion" by Janus B

      From the moments that we spent as children playing with Fisher Price toys, to our scarring, hyper hormonal adolescent years, we have always been urged by adults to "make the most of our youth." We see the sagacious, wrinkled elderly sitting in rocking chairs with nothing to do but stare at television screens, and we are encouraged to do something with our lives before we turn into them. We are told to find a career that best suits our ambitions, and expected to decide what we picture ourselves doing for the remainder of our lifetimes before we are even considered legal adults. For as much as we know, we are pressured into investing our leisure into extracurricular activities in hopes of finding something that genuinely captivates our interests, in order to "discover ourselves." You cannot discover yourself until you spend your time doing things that expose parts of you that you have never before seen. Much like a multi-layered onion, we must peel ourselves by doing things that appeel to us until we reach our true centers.
     If you have ever stopped yourself in the midst of doing something that you do quite frequently and observed a sense of completion and certainty, then you have thus found passion. Passion is when you are doing something and you just know for sure that it is right. In that very moment that you have lost yourself in happiness and yet found yourself because it just makes you so  happy, you feel completed, as if you have just discovered parts of you that you have never seen before.
     Passion is when someone asks you a question about your obsession and you are able to perfectly describe to them all of the exhilaration that surges through your veins whenever you are lost in doing it; or, on the contrary, not being able to find the right words that depict this exhilaration no matter how many times you have tried describing it because it just means so much to you that you cannot express your feelings about it, and instead, you feel frustration.
     Passion is when you have spent hours on end on your hobby, and yet, whenever you face difficulties in doing so, you don't feel stress. No matter how much stress you actually have, it isn't stress, because at the end of the day it ultimately brings you happiness. If it makes you happy, then you will travel great measures to stress yourself out over it just to reach your happiness.
     Before you find yourself, you must find what you are passionate for. You are the best version of yourself whenever you are doing whatever makes you happy. Instead of throwing away your precious youth and doing nothing with your life, I encourage you to invest yourself into different things and to discover this type of passion. Strive for this discovery no matter how much judgment, disagreement, or pressure that you face in the questions of others. Find a career that makes you feel completion and certainty.


  1. I loved how insightful your piece was! It was very interesting to see a different perspective on a topic that we are constantly forced to think about. I really liked how you were able to describe your life and also look at he topic as a whole. Thank you for writing something thought provoking!

  2. "Apeel" nice Janus that was perfect haha. Anyway, your piece is as states is inspiring and truly significant because this appeals to the youth generation and the multitude of stress and pressure we are thrown upon, yet however the older generation complains of our lack of motivation or our unintelligent minds, so we choose to strive for a career that is successful and economically pleasurable, instead of a career that truly satisfies us. The part of your piece talking about being the best you can be, is honestly a very hard goal and what you stated is what should be motivation for the youth and their decision for their future.

  3. I'm pleased to read a piece that I know is truly a testament to the trying times and trials you've faced as a human being and it's refreshing to hear some of your perspective through the words of a screen, in which, I, the reader, give you, the writer, feedback on things that could make this piece much better. But I digress! I am very well aware of the thread of progression you've crafted through the advancement of what passion means, or what it means to you. I think it would be cool to actually elaborate more on the idea of "passion" from your psyche's point-of-view by placing an anecdote of what "passion" means and what it is in the most simplest form, maybe by putting in a specific experience with Key Club or any activity you love doing. It would make the reader much more comfortable with your piece -- think of it as a book that you're made to read. The author needs to develop the ability to attract their reader in order to make them like the book to avoid having them read with the mindset that it's a chore. I also liked your analogies and metaphors -- it adds a sense of aestheticism that your character and personality begets, but it'd also be cool if you maybe tried to find different ways to expand your means of expressing your character in your piece, aside from all the puns and abstract ideals you try to face head on. I feel in these pieces, you really have to get the reader comfortable with who you really are and what this subject really means to you before they can actually understand. Luckily for you, I did and I hope many of your other peers do as well. Thanks for a great read and I hope that this helps!


  4. I love this piece. I agree with everything you said about finding your passion. Passions make us who we are, and without them we don't have an identity. Until you have that one thing that you love doing, you'll never be satisfied. I'm one of the lucky people who've found their passion and because of it i'm a much happier person.
    -Emily French, period 5

  5. I really enjoyed this piece, Janus. I agree with your insight about "passion" and how we should not waste our youth doing nothing, but to try to discover what we love to do. I feel that your piece can speak out to many people who have not yet discovered their passion and that makes it really amazing. Thanks for sharing!

  6. I really enjoyed this piece and from reading this I really hope you have found your passion. I agree with you and that we should try to expose ourselves to as many things as possible in order to find what we truly love to do. I myself have not found that "passion" yet and hope to one day experience what you have described in this piece. Good job Janus!
    -Annika Joshi p. 5

  7. I really liked your story keep writing great things.

  8. I love this piece. It really made me realize how you should find a career that suits you and not a career that makes you feel stressed. This piece encourages people to find out what they really like to do. Great job!

    Valarie Ly
    Period 1

  9. I really love what you wrote and I completely agree with you. Keep writing because you are amazing!!
    -Destynee Torres
    Period 4

  10. Fly higher man, soar and feel the adrenaline rushing through your veins everyday as you experience passion. It is through music, in which myself can relate to, that creates an ambiance of aliveness inside of me every day, but enough digression! An excellent addition of metaphors and analogies added flavor to this satisfying literary work, sending the reader through the spectrum of emotionary feels when in the presence of true automatory passion. Excellent job!

  11. This was a great piece because many kids in high school don't know what they're passion is and you gave a great definition on how to know if we have found our passion.

  12. I now know how to find passion you helped a ton thanks man.

    -Audriana Youssef
    -period 4

  13. Janus, I really enjoyed reading your post. I totally agree with the point you are trying to make. Being a senior, I now am experiencing these stresses more than ever. Between college applications and life in general, it's really hard trying to find your true purpose in life. Once you find your passion though, it's the most amazing feeling. I think we all jut have to realize that finding a passion takes time and thought, there's absolutely no need to rush.

  14. Your piece really inspired me to get out there and try new things. I also really like the pun you threw in there. Good job. :D -Deven Kiphen Pd.2

  15. This is true because you dont want to wake up everyday and hate work and not want to go. You need to find something that your passionate about.
    logan donoho

  16. I found that this piece delved quite perfectly into the importance of passion in life. Too much in life do we find ourselves lacking such a quality, thus leading to a sense of incompletion and dissatisfaction. Especially at this point in life, when most are worrying about making such important decisions that will undoubtedly affect their future. By tackling this topic, you encourage all your readers to find their passion, which I find is particularly important here, and now. You're a wonderful writer, always have been, and I quite enjoyed your pun.
    Danelle Angeline Baronia
    Period 2

  17. Janus, this was such a hopeful, inspiring piece especially for our age of nearing adulthood. As this year, we spend time contemplating what career we hope to pursue in the future which does cause a number of uncertainties, Yet, your piece calms us to breathe and regardless follow a career that we're passionate about. Not to focus on money or the like, although they are important topics, they fall second best to our own interests. So as we explore ourselves and our passions, we can easily answer these previous uncertainties.

    -Amber Tacderan, Period 2

  18. I love how you still find a way to drop a pun in the middle of an inspiring and uplifting piece. Apeeling. Great job bringing up the unpopular opinion (that I also believe in) of striving for a career that makes one happy and contented. I do feel like if you pursue a career that you are passionate about, it will take you farther than if you'd taken a 'safe' career. It is something that many people have struggled with- choosing to follow your dreams and passions versus finding a job you know will provide money and a 'comfortable' life. I am also struggling, still struggling, to find a compromise to the two.

  19. Your thoughts and insightfulness was brought together in this piece beautifully! Ever since I was young my parents urged me to make the most of my childhood and use it in order to prepare for my future, before my time is wasted, so your essay is highly relate-able. Good job, Janus!
    Rodrick Hill
    Period 2

  20. I have always been told that I have find something that I love so I can do it in the future. But that message is more apparent now more than ever with college admissions, deciding where to go, and more importantly what we are going to be studying for the next few years. If we choose something we hate then college isnt going to be the most enjoyable time of our lives. So we better choose something we are passionate about, a lot of pressure but im sure everyone is gonna make the right decision. Great job making this piece relatable to everyone but especially to the senior graduating this year!
    -Marvin Virola

  21. Wow this was a great piece. I absolutely loved you insight and perspective on passion. This was definitely inspiring and a very uplifting piece and I really enjoyed reading it

  22. Oh my gosh, I have no words. I agree with everything that you said in the beginning, I feel the same way but I have never found the words but you just said it. I loved how you explained passion, you explained it in the most professional way, like you know what your talking about. And it just makes me want to go out and find something that I'm truly passionate for. Not to be dramatic but you really opened my eyes, and I hope you feel good about that because I for one do. You have explained to me the true explanation of passion, in which to be honest I never really known what the definition is, but you gave it to me and now I just want find it because it sounds PERFECT, it sounds AMAZING. thank you for introducing me to that feeling.


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