
Monday, February 22, 2016

"How to Take Someone on a Date" by Miren C

 Nowadays teenagers have a misconception on dating. No, not dating as in girlfriend or
boyfriend; simply dating as in taking a person out to get to know each other more. “Dating” can
take place with people in a relationship or before a possible relationship occurs. Some
teenagers think of dating as going to movies or texting and asking that person to be their
significant other. This “How to” talks about how to take someone on a date to get to know each
other more.

Step 1: Choosing

First, you need to figure out who you’re going to ask on a date. Is it the cute girl in your math
class? Is it the “really hot” guy that you see during passing period but never talked to? Is it the
person you ask for a piece of paper from during class?

Step 2: Make Yourself Noticed
Stand out from everybody else. You need to introduce yourself to them and get to know each
other a little bit. Figure out if this is really the person you want to take on a date.
A way for you to start a conversation is to take a picture of them and ask for their name and say
you are in Yearbook (I have done this twice and I am not in Yearbook). Another way to start a
conversation is simple, be friendly and make friends with that person.
WARNING: Do not stand out by stalking or following them!

Step 3: Ask that Person on a Date

By now, you should know who you want to take on a date. The person you want to take should
be used to you by now. Now is the time where you stand up and take the risk of asking the
person on a date. Be simple, just say the words “Do you want to go on a date with me?” This
step does not have to be anything big.
WARNING: There is a chance of the person rejecting you.

Step 4 (If that person accepts): Planning
Congratulations, the person you asked agreed to go on a date with you. Since you are the
person who asked to go on a date, most likely you’re the person who has to plan it. This step is
where the nerves kick in, the person accepted the date and now you have to make it a
memorable one. Take into consideration the other person, it may be something you like to do
but the other person might hate it.
The planning stage, this step does not have to be extravagant. A simple picnic at the park or a
nice coffee date will suffice.
TIP: Here are a few first date ideas that I have done and it ended up being memorable.
● “Coffee date”: Visit a local coffee shop or any Starbucks. Enjoy a nice drink and a nice
conversation getting to know each other a little more.

● “Study date”: If both of you have an upcoming test, meet up at the library and study
together. Help each other when needed.
● “Movie Marathon/ TV Show date”: Find a common tv show or movie that both of you
guys enjoy and binge watch that series or movie. Do not forget the snacks; such as
popcorn, candy, and some drinks.
● “Picnic date”: Go to a grocery store together and buy all kinds of food. Once this is done,
go to a local park and have a picnic.
● “Cheap date”: If you are trying to save money, a nice free date is stargazing together or
taking a walk around the city.

Step 5: Preparing Yourself for the Date

Depending on what kind of date you have you do not have to be all fancy in a suit or a nice
dress. If it is a dinner date go ahead dress nice, there is no problem with dressing up and going
on a date. However, if you are having a movie marathon date or a “stay home” kind of date I
suggest that you will try to present yourself nicely. Wear your nice pair of sweatpants not the
faded kind, wear a nice clean shirt, and do your hair. No matter what kind of date it is be
presentable. Do not under dress but do not over dress, think about the kind of date you have
planned. NEVER go on a date not groomed.

Step 6: The Actual Date

Do not be scared, the person you asked already said yes. Now is the time to go through with
your plan. Have a good time and do not let the date become boring. Do not be afraid if your date
does not go as planned. The date will run smoothly and it will go in different paths. Have fun and
keep the conversation going, make them laugh and want to go out on another date with you.

I hope you have a good time on your date and do not be scared. Take the risk because in the
future you will either regret not asking the other person on a date or you will love that you asked
them on a date. Have a good time on your date!


  1. I personally don't have problem when I take girls out on dates. I'm a simple person buy her what she wants, compliment her, and cuddle with her in the theater. I don't go for it unless I get the vibe that she wants to. My friend need to see this because a lot of girls slap him because he's retarded.
    Elton Adigwu pd1

  2. This piece is a very informative piece and can help many people who don't know how to ask their crush when they really want to. Great job on this piece I love how much details you put into this.
    Lailah Harris
    period 1

  3. Such great description! I also love the underlying comical nature of this piece. The burlesque way you describe each step exaggerates the importance to follow each one. The way you word each step makes it very relevant, especially your advice to " Do not stand out by stalking or following them".
    Great job, maybe you should start a blog based off relationship advice.;) I would read.

    Jordyn France
    per 3
    AP English

  4. Such great description! I also love the underlying comical nature of this piece. The burlesque way you describe each step exaggerates the importance to follow each one. The way you word each step makes it very relevant, especially your advice to " Do not stand out by stalking or following them".
    Great job, maybe you should start a blog based off relationship advice.;) I would read.

    Jordyn France
    per 3
    AP English

  5. So many people made their writings on love but you actually made a how to ask out someone on a date that is so cool haha.
    Marco Garcia~Ordaz

  6. This is so great! I love the warnings at the end of a couple of the steps.I also think that this piece in particular is so different because it doesn't talk about how to make someone your "significant other"but talks about how to simply get to know the person. You hit the key points in the relationship which is building a base from the beginning. Great Job Miren!

  7. Great description! I loved the warnings, they added a nice touch of comedy. I'm glad you brought this topic into our insecure would. Many people do have a hard time making the first move because their scared or don't necessarily know how to approach the person. You definitely gave some people confidence with your “how to”.

    Emily Gonzalez
    Period 2

  8. Your piece on how to take someone on a date was pretty informative. However, I felt that the piece was lacking details. There was a lot more to expand upon when it comes to the topic you wrote about. However, the simplicity of your article is one of its strong points so the lack of details isn't very noticable. I enjoyed reading this piece of advice. Your piece can actually be very helpful to those who are not experienced when it comes to dates.

  9. i love how you give your readers a few tips on how to take someone out and what you should do. Before actual dating all of us need to take a few moments to get to know the person more before you actually ask them out.

  10. I think this piece is really cute and it gives a lot of good pointers that I believe this generation needs to hear because no one really explains how dating should go. We just have a bunch or preconceptions of what it should be like and then there's TV of course. You did a good job of breaking everything down and it was cool to see how u felt dating should go so good job! You’re piece was beneficial and entertaining.

    Dominique Washington
    Period 2

  11. I think piece was really funny,cute,and creative. Ithe gives good advice for teenagers seeking it and explains and interpretsee many key points on the world of dating.
    Colyn Westbrook
    Period 1

  12. I think piece was really funny,cute,and creative. Ithe gives good advice for teenagers seeking it and explains and interpretsee many key points on the world of dating.
    Colyn Westbrook
    Period 1

  13. This was such a dang cute piece, Miren! I loved the humorous underlying elements is this, and reading it was definitely enjoyable. Good job!
    -Kelene H.

  14. This was such a cute piece especially because it's February. As they always say love is in the air this month. These tips were cute and funny to hear thoroughly explained.
    - Sydney Vargas

  15. This is adorable! I loved that you wrote an instructional piece on dating because everyone thinks of it differently. I always saw it as a way to get to know someone rather than just in the relationship sense. I liked that you numbered the steps, provided extreme amounts of detail, and even included pictures. It reminded me of a blog. This was extremely informative and cute, and definitely could be a way for someone to get up the courage to just hang out with someone. Thanks for this informative piece!

  16. This was really cute!! ive never seen anything like this, it seems like it could be very useful.

    Madison Behee

  17. works great i tried it for myself and it works thanks for the help

  18. works great i tried it for myself and it works thanks for the help

  19. This is sooo descriptive !!! I love this ,, great job. This can help others on take people out on dates that are shy to ask.

  20. I think this is a very helpful "how to" because i know this subject is very nerve- wrecking and stressful for many people including myself. Great descriptions and well organized piece!
    Leslie Rocha
    Period 2

  21. Good job Miren, I can tell you put a lot of time and effort into making this piece as informative and as instructional as possible. All of the advice you gave is solid, and the description and detail really makes the piece above par.
    Taylor Sandoval

  22. This is very funny and cute. I love your description on these directions. This will definitely help others grow to have an understanding about the dating world.

  23. This step by step really gives a hands on experience for people who are looking to take someone out. It isn't too cliche and gives great advice. Good job
    Michael Dingle
    Period 5

  24. Good job on this! I really like how organized you made each specific step. It was very easy for me to read.

  25. Great work. With prom right around the corner, this should definitely help some people out
    Prd 5

  26. I loved how you incorporated the warnings. What I love most about this piece of writing is that this is one of the things I never thought I would see on the blog. I found this very creative and most likely helpful to many. I love the encouragement you had in your essay. Nicely done!

    Period 4

  27. I found myself smiling the entire time. This was very cute and funny, especially the warnings. I like how you incorporated your own voice into the instructions, which not only adds to the humor, but makes it seem more personal as if your best friend is hilariously trying to coach you how to take that cute girl/hot guy on a date.

  28. I found myself smiling the entire time. This was very cute and funny, especially the warnings. I like how you incorporated your own voice into the instructions, which not only adds to the humor, but makes it seem more personal as if your best friend is hilariously trying to coach you how to take that cute girl/hot guy on a date.

  29. Miren! Great advice! lol this reminded of a slightly more sophisticated wiki how-to article with pictures. Thanks for making it a point to make a better connection with your readers AKA the warnings. Also, I think we can all appreciate the realism incorporated; such as, understanding rejection can be a possibility and going on financially practical dates on the budget of a high school student. Thanks so much!

  30. This was such a great idea to write about. This generation nobody goes out on dates anymore all they do is go straight into relationships without even knowing the person. Loved how you included the pictures because that really kept the story going. It showed how the steps go and how it should look like. Great job i loved it!
    - calaya a
    -period 1

  31. You made the date process seem easy, and it's obvious that a lot of teenagers in our generation are over come by rejection that they don't take the risk! Although your personal comments ultimately are motivational to try something different, but I must say you continuously repeated the word date. But I'll make sure to remember your cheap date idea!
    -Diana Godinez P.5

  32. This is very interesting. I feel like its so much easier just to take someone out but again its great that teenagers like us are able to read this. Good job!
    period 4

  33. I love how encouraging this piece was. This simple guide makes dating seem like a breeze! Nice job. -cris O.

  34. Very creative topic to write about! And you gave great advice. I agree that many people our age overlook the importance of getting to know someone before jumping right into a relationship. I also appreciated that you provided examples of different types of dates that you have found to be successful for you.
    -Kayla Salas

  35. I love how very well thought out this was and I really found it enjoyable to read. I know this will be very helpful to the kids in our generation who find themselves in this situation. Great job Miren!
    Victoria hurtado
    Period 5

  36. Miren,
    This was such a cute piece. I love how you went away from the usual idea of dating to bring your piece back to the more traditional type of dating that most don't do anymore. I loved the comedic tone in some parts while keeping the piece serious enough to be a how-to. This was a great February piece and I really liked reading it, good job!
    Aubrianne Milton
    Period 5

  37. This is honestly such a great guide to follow by with lots of description. I found it intriguing and interesting to read. I love how you describe a traditional date. This piece included very good ideas. :)

  38. I found this really funny but also really creative and this will be a lot of help to people who don't know how to go on dates and they steps are easy and creative

  39. I love how informative this piece is! I love how you took the time to explain a type of date that many would consider 'old fashion'. Including several different types of dates that you could go on was a such a good addition to your piece!

  40. I found this piece really cute and funny. I liked how you went in detail and explained the proper way to go on a date. I feel like in our generation its important for young adults to understand how a traditional date should be like. Great job!

  41. Miren, GUTS! This is gret! So many people cannot work up the courage to ask someone on a date, let alone know what to do. This is a great motivation for others and I find it so funny that you put the "take a picture of them" and then lie about being in year book; it adds a good sense of humor to a nerv-racking situation like these. Good job and great advice!

    Period 3

  42. This is so great! Very fun and fresh compared to some other redundant posts that we see, and hey; someone had to make this eventually. Very informative and ill for sure use some of these pointers!

    -Dulce Congo

  43. This was so funny in an informative way. It was also kind of cute because it actually has some good points. This could have gone in an offensive way but its actually funny! I really liked it and am curious to how foolproof it is. Also nice satire!!


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