
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

"What Can 'Strength' Mean?" by Kelene H

            “Strength isn’t always shown by what you can hold onto, but sometimes it’s shown in what you can let go of.” Universally as well as individually, this quote can be interpreted in numerous ways. It can be seen as a simple inspirational message, meant plainly just to spread positivity and courage, or it can be seen as a sort of vengeance, conveying the message to people who have done you wrong that you’re no longer going to take their demeaning attitude. However whenever I see this quote, I see one of the most important qualities any person could be lucky enough to possess- having the courage to put yourself and your heart first and walk away from anyone who tries to tell you that you’re not worth it. Being a strong, independent, confident person is the most admirable thing anyone could ever hope to be. Strength in this particular matter can come in countless forms. However, it all comes down to deciding when enough is enough, and finally understanding that your own happiness and felicity comes before anything else. Let go of the friends that aren’t there for you when you need them and only acknowledge your existence when they need something. Choosing to finally walk away from the girl who thinks she’s too good for you and won’t give you the world, just as you’ve given her. Or finally leaving the boy who treats you like you’re nothing behind because you realize you deserve more than lies and mascara tear stained pillow cases. Have the courage to know your self value, because in this world, you are all you’ll have in the end. And at the end of the day, don’t ever feel bad for saying you deserve more than what you’re being offered. Do something your future self will thank you for, because choosing to love yourself and live life more openly and freely is the most beautiful choice you could ever make. And lastly, remember to “stay away from people who make you feel like you are hard to love”, because knowing you’re worthy of greater things doesn’t make you a bad person- and neither does walking away from people who aren’t good for you. As a good person, you are worthy of the world, and of all good things that happen to fall into place before you. Good people deserve to have good things and good fortune.


  1. Truly inspiring piece girl. I completely agree with your term on strength and I loved the beginning quote to justify. Through your writing style, I could sense the emotion and significance of what this simple word meant to you and personally I believe that is a little hard to accomplish, trying to portray your true emotion and significance of the piece that is written. The examples you used to define strength was a great tool to allow the reader to relate to your topic. Really great piece, loved every word.
    -Samar Elshekh P.3

  2. You are absolutely right on this. Strength should be to encourage someone or pump them up not break them down. Just reading this encouraged me. Starting tomorrow I'm gonna give that same strength to someone else who really needs it.

  3. Kelene, I seriously love every single one of your writings. Through this particular piece, I can see how greatly strength has influenced your decisions in relationships, whether it be platonic or romantic. I definitely agree that strength cannot only mean holding onto something, but also letting go of it. Because I personally know you, I can say without a doubt that you are most certainly a strong person who I admire very much. And, keep writing too- I can't wait to read your books!
    Natalia Garcia
    Period 2

  4. Kelene, from the start I already knew your piece was going to be amazing and of course after reading it was amazing. I admire how you chose to speak about this because a lot of people can read this and truly learn something. Love it and ALWAYS write more
    Jazlynn Garcia
    Period 2

  5. You explained a lot about strength because sometimes that drop of strength we have can take us so far but we sometimes have to let go of other things in life. It is important to know though that we have that strength in us to keep us going.
    Katlyn Hall

  6. You did an amzing job getting your point across! With a great moral, I thik more people need to read this and will get a lot out of it!

    Karina Blocker
    Period 4

  7. I really enjoyed reading your piece because not only was it insightful, but it is applicable to our everyday lives. Not many of us take the time out of our day to analyze situations through, and many of us get carried away with others' feelings while neglecting our own. I think its important, like you stated, to be strong for ourselves and be able to make choices that will not be easy but are for the best. Reading your piece was refreshing, so good job!
    Sabrina H
    Period 2

  8. Yes. I knew this was going to be good but it surpassed all my expectations. You really spoke from the heart and it comes across in your writing. It feels like I am actually talking to you and you are giving me this pep talk, and I’m just taking in every word.
    Darian henry
    Period 2

  9. You really should write like all the time honestly Kelene. This piece was built on the foundation that you've been through enough experiences in your life to reach the conclusion that 'yes i do deserve better,' and it's because of that that you are able to now offer your own thoughts and feelings on this topic. It was definitely an uplifting piece and I really enjoyed it :)

  10. As I read this piece, I realized that even in myself I struggle to have the strength you described here. While many people are worthwhile to hold onto, sometimes we need to learn that letting go of someone or something is ultimately the best thing to do. Thank you for the little reality check, great job!

  11. I really loved this piece because it showed you truly wrote from your heart through all your uplifting words. It was really inspirational and i feel like many people can relate. I also agree with you on the fact that everyone deserves to be treated like they're worth something. Good job Kelene!
    -Victoria Hurtado
    Period 5

  12. Wow that was very inspirational. it was very deep too. it was well written.
    Keep up the good work!
    Adrian Modesty
    PD 4

  13. You explained this piece and showed you point very well. This was excellent.

  14. You went into detail and explained your point very well. I hope people can learn from this piece.
    Logan Donoho
    Per 1

  15. Interesting. I find that people who lack mental strength have no confidence in what they say or do. Have mental strength to move on from people in your life and moving on from the past is an admirable trait to have. So I would agree with your essay fully. It was a well written piece, and I can see why you wrote it too lol. Moving on may be tough, but sometimes it may be your only option, depending on how the person is treating you. Overall, great job, I liked reading it! Stay confident Kelene!
    Rodrick Hill
    Period 1

  16. Kelene i cannot even begin to tell you how inspiring and relevant this piece is to me right now. This was absolutely incredible and i agreed with you throughout the entire piece. The quote you used in the beginning really stood out to me. Im so happy you wrote this, please do us all a favor and write a book lol. Wonderful job girl.
    -Legend Holman p.3

  17. Love your story and how you went into detail and explained your point very well with some strong details.Nice Job!


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