
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

"How to make peanut butter cookies" by Zya W

Do you ever just crave of soft, deliciously warm peanut butter cookies. Well now you don’t have to crave anymore  you can just bake its as easy as a blink of an eye.
Step 1: get a bowl, a spoon,  a pan, and preheat the oven to 350
Step2:  You will need peanut butter, vanilla  extract, sugar, and one egg
Step3: Add one cup of peanut butter into the bowl
Step4: Then you add a cup of sugar
Step5: Add a tablespoon of  vanilla
Step6: Crack one egg into the bowl
Step7:  you mix all the ingredients together after you add them
Step8:once you mix all of them together you pull out your cookie sheet and roll out the dough and place them about 2 inches apart
Step9: Place the cookie sheet with the rolled cookie dough into the oven leave it in for 8-10 minutes
Step10:once the timer is the done take out the cookies and see if they are soft & brown
Step11:EAT ALLTHE COOKIES YOU MADE!!!!!!!!!!!! You don’t have to share
I hope you enjoy these cookies!


  1. I'm surprised that you only need four ingredient for this recipe. I'm not an expert but wouldn't it be necessary to use some flour in this cookie recipe? It seems that without it, the dough wouldn't pull together properly. A visual would have been nice to see how these actually turn out, but nevertheless, this peanut butter cookies sound delicious because I love peanut butter! Thank you for your recipe!
    Sabrina H
    Period 2

  2. samantha QuintanillaFebruary 6, 2016 at 11:11 PM

    Oh my god i love peanut butter and this sounds so easy! I am probably going to try this just because i have everything in my cabinet and like Sabrina said, depending on the thickness of the peanut butter i might add some flour. But overall i loved the simplicity of the recipe and it was clearly written so i enjoyed it. Great job!

  3. Thanks for the recipe! I love how you said, "EAT ALL THE COOKIES YOU MADE! You don't have to share." I also plan to try this recipe sometime soon. Peanut butter cookies was an excellent choice because many enjoy cookies. Good Job.
    -Period 4

  4. This is a very interesting blog submission and I'm glad i found it! I love cookies and this recipe sounds real easy to follow. Its very descriptive and thorough. Great submission!

    1. I really love this.Thank you for the recipe, will be a great treat . Good job.

  5. These sound delicious I want to try these now I've had a lot of cookies and these sound better than all of the others and I love vannila extract it taste good with almost anything that is sweet to me at least and the way you described the cookies made my mouth water with every word

  6. These cookies sound soooo good. I love peanut butter cookies so I'll be sure to try this wonderful recipe. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.
    Colyn Westbrook
    Period 1

  7. oooh girl yes these are my fav i'll will have to try them!!!!!!! way to keep it neat and to the point.
    Ashley Garcia

  8. Wow!!!! This ingredients are really simple and easy to bake a peanut butter cookie. I can't wait to try it out, and it's a coincidence too because i love peanut butter. I like how you put it in chronological orders and the element of the piece.

    -Michelle Truong
    Period 1

  9. Thank you for this, I have been really craving Peanut Butter Cookies
    -Christian Ortega
    Period 5

  10. I always am craving peanut butter and sometimes peanut butter and jellies get a little old. This recipe is something I look forward to trying thank you for uploading such thorough instructions


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