
Monday, December 7, 2015

"Money Can’t Buy Happiness" By: JC B.

     There once was a young boy who’d always dreamed of being very wealthy when he grew up. This motivated him to do well in school so he can have a good education to ensure a good future. He said he was going to work as hard as he can to become like those wealthy people that everyone always sees on the news. His goal was to live the bachelor life in a big house and own lots of expensive cars for the rest of his life. As the boy grew up his dream came true and he got what he wanted. He worked very hard and earned a lot of money. He was a bachelor so he had no wife or kids and he had no family left, he only has money and friends he knew back in school. He and his friends always had parties; they always had the time of their lives when they were partying. He was happy with his life at the moment he thought that he has everything he’s ever wanted until he realized he didn’t. Eventually all his friend grew up went to school and got separate jobs. All his friends grew up and had a family he on the other hand was still alone. Every time he would go to a get together everyone had a family and he was the only one without a wife and a kid. Everyone had gotten old at this age, he can’t help but see everyone was joyful with family and he was rich and alone. He tried to buy many items to try and get his mind off of his unhappiness but it wasn’t working. One day he met a very beautiful girl the same age as him they fall in love instantly with each other. He is finally happy until a few months later he gets sick and is lying on his deathbed dying. He realizes now that his dream of becoming wealthy wasn’t as great as he thought and he realized he should’ve had a family while he was still young and strong, he lays there holding his love realizing it was too late.


  1. I really love the saying/concept of "money can't buy happiness" because I personally believe that. I mean it's great to buy everything you want, but would it really be useful at the end? Is it more valuable than friends and family? In the end, friends and family are what truly brings us happiness. I really do love on how you brought this topic up because it does relate to our society now! Great and simple piece!
    -Brenda Do P.1

  2. I love the message you give. I personally agree with you that money cannot buy happiness. There has to be more to life than the new and shiny things. We cannot let them rule us and control us or steer us in the wrong direction.

  3. you're right money cant buy happiness. family can
    - Eric Edwards

  4. I really enjoyed reading this just because of how much this guy thought that he already thought he had everything he needs but soonly after it must suck when you see your friends and they have a family and everything and you are just left alone. But also like you say money cannot bring happiness but love and a family can.

    Justin Hirata
    Period 4

  5. This writing really made me think. Money really can't buy happiness. Love and family buy happiness. You explained that in a well formatted paragraph. This writing relates to most people out there because in our generation today, people are so selfish and think money can buy happiness, but it can not. well done.

    Garret janikowski
    Period 4

  6. I agree with you, money cant buy happiness. You have explained your statement in this paragraph and i think its a very well written piece. The only think that can buy happiness in this world is family.
    Katy O'Hara
    Per. 1

  7. This piece made me think. Because just recently I was thinking about the importance of getting married, and I never saw any. This made me think, because I never thought of me being alone long term and how it could affect me. In my head I was thinking to be a bachelor and earn money to buy myself stuff and hang out with my friends when I had free time. But, when I think about me going to family parties or just hanging out with my friends and they have relationships, and I don't, I would be pretty sad, in all honestly. Although i am still considering being a bachelor, this made me think of the negative aspects of being one. Good job on the story JC, it was very reflective for me, I'm glad that you wrote it.

    Rodrick Hill
    Period 2

  8. I like this piece because a lot of people really do think that money can buy them happiness. To an extent I think it can be true, but only for a short period of time. Material things can only make one happy temporarily and it's cool to hear you speaking on this topic because it's something us high schoolers should keep in mind when picking what career path they want to pursue. Your piece was short and sweet and your point was very clear , therefore I think you did a good job overall.

    Dominique Washington
    Period 2

  9. Good story! I truly believe that money ant buy happiness and i like how you turned that into a topi to write about. Keep up the good work!

  10. I was glad he learned his lessons, but at the end it was sad how he have to die without living a new life with his love one.

    Michelle Truong
    Period 1

  11. It's amazing how harsh reality can be sometimes and how life shows us how hollow our aspirations truly are. Good character growth though and solid life principles.

  12. The title really got my attention because many of us are going to college to become wealthy. I think it's important to remember that our happiness won't be determined by the amount of money we have and your story is a prime example. It really demonstrates missed opportunities in life due to his quest for wealth. I also like how you contrasted the boy's life to his friends who seem to be happier.

    Joseph Jacinto
    Period 5

  13. This is a concept that i feel like that we all need to be reminded specially because we are seniors and ready to move on to the real world. Its important to remember that money isn't everything and we should enjoy the simple things.

  14. What can you say. Family is worth MUCH more than money. It's hard to have both, but only having one choice would have to be family to me. Your a rich man but are very lonely and have to watch other people be happy with their own families while your home alone with your money. Family always comes first. Very deep and thoughtful writing!

    Ricky Martin

  15. This story is one that really makes you question what is truly important in life. Even though the old man had absolutely everything that he wanted externally, he would have given anything to fill the internal void that he had. It is always good to work as hard as you can to get to a better place in life, but it should never come before those who are special to you. Money can buy a lot of things, but it cannot buy a happy life and all the pleasures that come with it.

  16. Great story! I remember back in sophomore year in Mr. Dinkleman's history class he would always tell us something similar to what you are telling us in this story. It's important that we always keep in our young minds that the end goal shouldn't be money, but happiness, what ever that may be for each individual.

  17. Lilibeth Martinez, Period 3December 14, 2015 at 8:45 AM

    This is very true, money can't by happiness! The change in the story was very sudden, therefore it could use some more rising action and details but overall it has a good moral of the story!


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