
Monday, December 7, 2015

"Finals" by Evanne T

As a freshman I see finals as a huge test that goes over a semester of curriculum to see if you actually know what you are learning. Most of my teachers have given me study tools but it seems as if I will never be able to memorize the whole sheet. The closer the days come to finals the more test my teachers have been giving me. I do not what goes through a teachers mind when they say we have a test next week on half of the semester’s curriculum. My theory on why teachers give test before finals is to boost some kid’s grades that need it. I do not really see any positive effects out of finals unless you do well on any of the finals. Many seniors that I have talked say finals are not that bad after your first couple of finals. From the past few weeks I learned that finals take away precious sleep, time for studying. It also adds major stress that is not needed. When I first heard that Spanish has three finals I almost passed out from shock. I understand why there is three finals but if I know how to speak Spanish there is an 80% chance that I know how to write it. As I begin to study even harder for each subject my teacher teaches a new lesson so I have to add it to the list to study for. Some of my teachers are trying add in chapters so we are not behind other classes but they skim through some lessons so then missing some of the information that will most likely be on the final. A couple of my teachers wait to the day of the test to teach the class a key part in the subject and expect everyone to memorize immediately the information, but when more than half the class gets that part of the test wrong it is a problem. So hopefully the teachers do not have any last minute lessons before the final. It seems as if some of my friends are not studying they get and I’m studying like a maniac. It is more so how well you are doing in that class or some people just don’t care. The closer it gets to finals some days I feel like I have study for the whole then other nights I know I feel like that I can get a high grade in every class. The only good thing that comes from finals is that you get to leave early. For each final they are two hours long, are the finals that long to where it takes two hours to finish. As a student athlete it is very important that I do well on all my final so that I will not become ineligible. Because with ineligibility I will not be able to play this season. Being a student athlete means that my grades come before my sport. Another reason why finals make students stress out is because it could take away their extracurricular activities. But really finals are just a test to show what you have learned this semester, the only way to get through the stress is to have good study habits. Good luck to everyone on their finals.


  1. I enjoyed your point of view on finals as a freshman. I liked how you mentioned that you are a student athlete, it shows the readers a new side about you. Honestly, don't worry about the fact that your friends don't study as much as you do because you are creating study habits that will continue on in your life. Most teachers don't teach a new lesson during the week before finals so I know you will do great. Also, if teachers are giving tests before a final and it's on topics that you worked on before, it's not just to boost people's grades up but it's also a way to study. Good luck on your finals! I hope you do great!
    -Miren Cancio
    Period 5

  2. This is a very great piece. I know I can relate really well, finals can be really stressful. It makes you really down and tired but we have no choice but to take it because its a very big part of our grade. I think we can all relate on finals being stressful but its ok because your not alone its an activity that everyone has to do. Great job with this piece!

    Period 3
    JC Bagro

  3. Great job on this piece! I remember being a freshman and freaking out about finals. I mean I still stress about finals for certain classes but after your first few finals you'll realize they aren't that bad. As long as you study you'll do fine, and teachers always make finals seem worse than they are. When teachers say "this final determines your whole grade", they're lying. I've failed many finals and it didn't hurt my grade that much. So don't stress, you'll do good
    -Emily French
    Period 5

  4. samantha QuintanillaDecember 11, 2015 at 9:25 PM

    Honestly, finals are not that bad at all. The fact that you are taking finals so seriously shows that you will do fine simply by putting so much effort in. Also, everything you said about teachers is true, they give you either tons of review or none at all, teach very important lessons a day before tests, and assume other lessons are easy so they don't cover it well enough. This is very common but it is something you deal with and by the time and commitment you have dedicated to your academics shows that this wont be a problem for you. Trust the seniors, finals get easier to handle (stress not so much) but thank you for sharing your worries with us. Your language was clear and your style simple and to the chase. A very nice read, good luck to you too! :)

  5. Wow this brings back so many memories! As a senior I totally remember going through these same thoughts, worries and feelings of anxiety. I wish you the best luck on your finals and hope that all works out in your favor. Good things come to those who work hard and I hope that this proves true for you. Stay strong, calm down, and relax. All of the studying you have been doing will pay off eventually, I promise. Just remember that your grades (however important they may be) do not define you, but rather your life and the person that you are does. This took me forever to learn so don't feel bad if it doesn't come easy, but trust me, once you learn this, life will become WWAAAAYYY easier. Once again Good Luck!

  6. As a freshman, I am also stressing out because of finals. I really like the fact that you mentioned yourself being a student athlete and that your finals will determine if you can keep playing your sport. To be honest, we just have to push through this last week of work before winter break. Let's hope that we can all do well on our finals. Good luck!

  7. Reading the line about freshmen's made me realize how stressed I got, even though I still stress today as well. In the long run I know that the studying will pay off in the end, and I will be rewarded with better things in life. All of these finals and schools will be something we miss as we get older though. Great job! Thanks for the good luck!!

  8. Thank you Evanne T for writing this. As a freshmen I to am freaking out about finals but reading this tells me that everything is going to be alright if I work hard and study.
    - Eric Edwards

  9. As a fellow freshman, I feel your pain studying for finals has taken a big tole on me. It is very stressful and I also don't get enough sleep. I believe that no student should take finals. To me they are useless because they make you go crazy and angry. Well I hope you do good on your finals.

  10. I am also a fellow freshman as well and I still am pretty scared of finals. Everyday seems to pass by so fast that I get nervous for the finals. But now I surely know that I have to start studying know but I knew that I've should've started studying a long time ago. I really enjoyed reading this.

    Justin Hirata
    Period 4

  11. As a freshman myself, I can feel the pain of being a student athlete and also having to study for finals. This really relates to me because I am working hard to study for finals, but I also have sports to worry about this weekend. I liked the detail you put into this story and how it relates to us freshman and the stress of finals. Great piece!

    Garret Janikowski
    period 4

  12. good story! as a freshen I have been studying all weekend and stressing out. I like how you mentioned your an athlete. good story keep up the good work.

  13. I am also a student athlete, and i know how stressful it is to keep your grades up during the finals. You no longer get as much time to sleep, because your at practice, then you go home to study for the rest of the day.
    Logan Donoho
    Per 1.

  14. Your point of view was my exact POV when I was a freshman. But now as a Senior, I don't think that they are that bad although they are kind of stressful if I have a borderline grade in the class. But you should be fine, just hard and make sure you get some tutoring as well to further understand the topics presented in the class. Overall, good job on your piece, it was very relateable because I could correlate it with my own life. Awesome job!

    Rodrick Hill
    Period 2

  15. good story! as a freshen I have been studying all weekend and stressing out. I like how you mentioned your an athlete. good story keep up the good work.

  16. This is definitely relatable. I certainly can say that I experienced all this anxiety and stress during my freshman year finals. While the mere idea of taking exams that covers topics from the whole semester is super scary, it's really not that bad. After taking 5-6 finals every semester, you sort of get used to it.
    As for this piece, I really like how honest you are about your feelings and opinions about the finals. You also got your emotions across really well. (In fact, your point of view brought back some of my freshman year memories) Good luck on your finals!!

    Fiona Cheung
    Period 3

  17. I am also a freshman and I can relate to a lot of the stuff you just described here. Such as being a student athlete, and having the stress that if you don't pass, you may no longer be able to play your sport. But just like you said, the only way to get through the stress is to have good study habits. Good luck on your finals!
    -Victoria Ervin
    Period 1

  18. Oh my goodness. Your piece brought back some memories of me and my friend when we were studying for finals together when we were freshman. As freshman, yes, we were stressing out and losing sleep. But in the end, we made it through with good grades and all was worth it. Now as a senior, I have more experience on how to handle finals and the stress that comes along with the process for studying a semesters worth of work. Honestly, you will be completely fine, because in the long run, your grades don't define you! Grades may seem like the world now, but it is just a another journey and part of your life. I hope you do well on your finals so stay calm and relax! Good luck to you on your finals!

  19. With finals this week, I knew I had to read your piece and I agree with a lot of it.
    As a senior, finals are stressful! They always have been for me and after four years, you'd think I would be used to them, but I'm not!
    It feels awful having a great grade the entire semester and that one big test at the end of it all brings you down a whole letter grade (which did happen to me once and I felt so disappointed).
    Although this piece is well-crafted and intelligently expressed, the fact of the matter is that finals are just here to stay. Literally, the best you can do is study.
    Thank you for sharing your opinion on this topic. I found it easy to relate to and it must have taken a lot of courage to share this strong opinion with a teacher who gives a final (haha). I hope you do well on your finals this semester and that your stress goes away as soon as possible! :)

  20. Evanne, I know with finals this week, especially going through your first year of finals, it can be incredibly overwhelming. But fear not! Like other seniors you have talked to, it's really not all that bad. Especially if you work throughout the entire semester, and do what needs to be done, finals can be less intimidating. Just study what you're not completely confident on and I'm sure you will be fine. Take it all bit by bit and try not to get overwhelmed by thinking about it all at once. I believe in you and good luck!

    Danelle Angeline Baronia
    Period 2

  21. I know how you feel, I'm also very stressed about finals. Good luck!

  22. Finals have me scared to death and I'm going crazy trying to study. It's so much different than middle school beach they actually affect your grade. The part I hate most is sitting in a class for two hours.

    Mackenzie Tipple

  23. Your title of "Finals" immediately caught my attention being that it is now finals week! By the intensity of your detail I can understand your stress but there is no need to worry, it is simply a test and it will never define you. You seem to be preparing yourself very well so I'm sure you will do great! As for your piece I enjoyed it and found some comic relief as I too find it to be a little ridiculous of all the work and stress brought upon us this time of year but it will all be over in four days! Best of luck, you got this!

  24. Finals can be stressful, but if you continue to study and work hard you'll be just fine! There are several myths to finals that you will learn throughout the rest of your four years. I feel as if some teachers exaggerate how hard the final will be, so that their students take it seriously. Even as a Senior, I have to admit I find your piece relatable because I still get nervous for finals! Don't stress and continue to study, but remember that you have a life too! Best of luck!

  25. In my opinion, I feel like finals are essentially a way to recap over what has been learned in the semester and in most cases I think it's important to revisit what you have learned. However, I understand your struggles and could see why you would be stressed over them. Just continue to put in the work and maintain good study habits and you'll be fine, good luck on your finals!

  26. As a fellow student athlete, I can completely agree with you. I have been non stop stressing about my math and biology final. Some teachers just expect us to memorize things that they barely explain to us. Good luck to you on your finals.

  27. I'm studying for the finals like crazy right now to and know exactly where you are coming from and how much it takes away from other crucial things where i have to put personal problems aside. This suffering is bound to get us all somewhere so good luck!

  28. Hi! Ahhhhhh, the dreaded finals. I remember when I would be going crazy just trying to study for finals. However, it actually isn’t that bad. I mean, yes, you have to stay in each period for two hours and stare at the wall or your paper (I mean, do your final) and yes, this is a long, cumulative examination. Yet, finals aren’t as bad as it seems. I personally think that finals is just a way for the teachers to make sure that you weren’t sleeping all semester in their classes. Plus, once finals is over, you can always look forward that break from school whether it be winter break or summer break. Anyway, this was very interesting to see how finals are viewed from a freshman’s point of view. It is true that finals does get better after you take a few! So, just relax, study well and don’t procrastinate on those finals. Yes, we all know that it’s stressful, but you’ll get through it in one piece! So, good luck and keep up the good work in terms of writing!
    Kimberly Chua
    period 2

  29. Well first thank you and good luck to you as well. Being that your freshman and you already know the stress of finals is crazy. You basically just portrayed everyone's reality through this short little piece of writing. Which amazing that you put an ample amount of information in a small piece. You did a really great job of showing what we all go through as a school.


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