
Monday, November 30, 2015

"Untitled" by Emmanuel W.

     Bruce’s goal in life was to have the fastest and cleanest car in the world. However there was a problem, he didn’t have the money to fund this dream but was still very lucky to drive his dream car but needed some work that was coming along a little slower then he hoped. This didn’t stop him though from showing it off and making it a big part of his life. One night he took it to a meet with his friend. They were just chilling, looking at some cars when it happened. Someone called them out asking for a race for pinks. Bruce never would have thought he would ever race for pinks because he loved his car too much and never wanted to risk it for anything. However Bruce was extremely frustrated on the disrespect that he received, for what was in his opinion an awesome build, yet nobody appreciated it or understood what he did to get this car with only the money he had. He was tired of these loud mouths claiming their cars were better. Bruce looks over at the guy and says "pinks in hand?" And the guy holds it up taunting him. Bruce says “ok I’m down.” Bruce’s friend tries to stop him saying don’t do it Bruce that car probably has over a hundred grand in repairs under the hood. Bruce laughs and says I got this.  The guy gets in his ricer mustang and they lineup at the starting point. The rules are simple you race half a mile down the strip first one to cross the finish line wins the other person's car. Not yet racing with his new set up Bruce didn't know what to expect but he had faith in his car. The light starts red then yellow then green and they're gone. He takes off but the ricer hits the Nos and starts to pass him and right when he's about to win the turbos kick in and Bruce's car starts to soar and leave the ricer behind him. As Bruce is excited and happy that he just won a new car but before he can his car starts to change and do something different it seems as if his car is kind of getting smaller on the inside it seems that his face is been pushed back by the GeForce as an effect of how fast is going. It seems that the finish line has turned into a bright light as there's no way of stopping his momentum of flying through it. On the other side Bruce find some himself in mid-day light on a regular street. Very confused he looks around and can't believe what he sees; everywhere he is surrounded by the cars that he likes. As he starts driving down the street everybody notices his car and stops, looks and talks about it. Everybody wants to talk to Bruce about his car but he is so shocked that he's in a whole other world. He finally asked where he was and they are responded this is “Nissan Ville.” Bruce could not believe his ears, it's almost like he's dreaming. He is surrounded by people that share all the same interest, love the same things and just love talking about cars, they are just like him. As Bruce goes on throughout the next couple of days he’s having the time of his life just day in day out talking 24/7 about cars and especially the ones that he loves. He's always helping people work on their cars and do stuff to his car. It was the same routine every day, wake up, eat, and work on cars all day. Literally "eat sleep car." The best part is they would go on drives and there were no speed limits. A couple weeks later as Bruce’s supposedly lifelong project of his car seemed practically done because that's all he's been doing along with the rest of the town. This is not a sad thing for Bruce as he knows you can never be finished but it is kind of a wakeup call maybe he has been spending too much time on his car. He tried to look to the other people whose cars are already finished for advice of what they think he should do. However all the responses were the same? “Dude JDM life stance nation bro how could you say that!?” Bruce says “yea I still think that but isn’t there something else you guys want to talk about besides cars?” It seemed as the whole town stopped and looked at Bruce as an outcast and questioned him. Why do you have this car if you don't want it to become your life? As Bruce try to explain that there's more to life than just cars they just laughed and took it as a joke because they knew no other way of life. However Bruce did and still remembered what it was like in the world he grew up in and knew he had to go back. One night during Bruce snuck out of the meet and took off and nobody knew where he was going. As Bruce accelerated his car began to top out he was traveling down the same road which led him here and then all the sudden the car became a little bit smaller there was a light that appeared. When Bruce was on the other side he was sitting at the finish line in his car as people ran up to the side of his car cheering and telling him he won. It appeared as if they didn’t see anything what Bruce just experienced the ricer got out of the car, “Here.” As he tried to give Bruce the keys, Bruce looked up at him smiling, “you can keep it man it was a valuable lesson.” The ricer was puzzled as he walked away confused. Bruce’s close friend asks him, “Why did you do that!  You could have easily taken that and got more car parts.” However as the crowd dispersed Bruce walked his friend over to the hood and popped it, “Honestly I've learned that everybody’s unique. We all have our own interests and there's nothing wrong with becoming the best at what you are interested in but that's what makes us who we are.” “Plus I don't need any car parts!” as Bruce popped his hood all the modifications were still there. 


  1. Great story. Really capture the excitement of a race and the passion you and other have for their cars. I enjoyed how he learned that there were more important things in life besides his car. Your passion for cars is very noticeable throughout this story.

  2. Your passion for cars is clearly seen through all of your work. Very evident. I have thoroughly enjoyed hearing the many different and creative ways you have come to tie in English assignments to cars, and might I say you have done a very great job. I was hooked on the story line for sure, Great job Sir!


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