
Monday, September 28, 2015

“'Beauty' in America" By Abby E

As a twelve-year-old girl, I vividly remember going in the bathroom and staring into the mirror as my reflection stared me straight back. I will always recall glancing over every inch of myself only to feel repulsed about every aspect of me. Coming from loving and nurturing parents they couldn’t understand, I couldn’t understand, where this negative viewpoint came from but all I know is how much it hindered my capability to self-love. Now at seventeen and reaching adulthood, looking back at this, to be a twelve-year-old girl and already have a negative perception of myself breaks my heart. But still today, I can’t deny my constant battle with self-image.

Beauty is different to everyone, everyone has a different definition, however, my take on beauty is just simply the person you are and just embracing yourself is gorgeous, it shines through. Unfortunately, it seems like in today’s society the definition of beauty has been viciously chewed up and spat back out only to form a completely warped meaning of what it truly is. Beauty in America seems to only apply to one body type, one ethnicity, one color, one gender identity and the pressure for girls to fit into this prototype is so intense and the statistics show, “72% of girls feel tremendous pressure to be beautiful; Only 4% of women around the world consider themselves beautiful.” (Dove Co. Research) This shows that almost three fourths of the women in America feel society’s pressures to conform and 96% of women around the world do not consider themselves beautiful, think about that. Pressures of society seem to contribute to some major mental illnesses in young girls such eating disorders, it’s been stated that, “69% of girls in 5th-12th grade reported that magazine pictures influenced their idea of a perfect body shape.” Is this really the society we want our future girls to live in? A place where they can’t do something as simple as feel comfortable in their own skin?

I believe we can make the change. We must protect girls at all costs, to teach them to love their body no matter what color, ethnicity, size, culture, shape, sexuality, sexual orientation, and gender identity they are. We must teach girls to love themselves unapologetically. I truly mean when I say I find beauty in everyone whether it be the freckles on their skin like an array of constellations stretching from cheek to cheek or the beautiful Saturn-ring like scars that represent growth. I believe every girls perception on beauty should be this way, not only towards other girls but also towards themselves. Do NOT let society take away our womanhood it is totally OKAY to think you’re cute as heck, in fact, embrace it as much as possible and strive for it every day! We as women are in this together, to change the definition of beauty but to make the change possible we need to start by loving each other and ourselves. No type of body is “wrong” or “not okay”. ALL BODIES ARE GOOD BODIES!

“In a society that profits from your self-doubt, liking yourself is a rebellious act.” –Caroline Caldwell


  1. I am so grateful and blessed to have been able to read such a beautiful viewpoint, especially from a source that has undergone the tribulation that comes with self-doubt. Your piece, Abby, is no doubt a powerful one, but it's not just limited to the fact that it is resonant of the #BodyPositivity movement and the feminist facets that come with it. My darling, it is truly a powerful piece because of the words you've turned into a symphony of truth. The statistics provide the truthful bass, the personal reflection provides the vulnerable and haunting violins, and your call to action is the conductor that helps this become the gem that it is. My favorite part are the descriptors of our beautiful stretch marks. I, myself, have them and I've fallen in love with them. I hope you and those that struggle with body image remember that our stretchmarks, our cellulite....They're mere signs of our growth, of us growing into our bodies. That bewitching sequence of words is definitely a beautiful melody that all should hear and listen to.

    Thank you for making me continually think and voicing out an opinion that is essential to the cause of embracing our bodies. I remember and talked to that 12-year-old girl a few times and, I'd just like to say, that you have grown into a beautiful soul that everyone loves, that I have always found an absolute gem.

    All the love, J.x

  2. Abby, I truly believe this is a great piece of work. You expressed yourself short and concise, and still was able to get such a
    tremendously important point across. I appreciate your perspective on society today and the use of imagery and simile that you used in order to make it susceptible to the reader your point of view. I agree that it is tremendously important to appreciate the skin you are in, considering especially that that is how we were born and that is the way we must embrace it; as if born with love for ourselves. If not, to grow to love ourselves. Your use of statistics gives a great impact on this piece because it gives this controversial topic fact and strength.

    Lilibeth Martinez
    Period 3

  3. Abby, I absolutely love this piece. It very inspiring and well constructed. Im glad you chose to write about a current, relatable topic because it allows people, in this case, women to know that they are not alone. I appreciate how you include factual information because it shows that you know what you are talking about. It sounds like you are very passionate and I hope you talk/write more about this topic.

    Jazlynn G
    Period 2

  4. This has such a powerful message that truly resonates with me. It's not hard to assume that nearly all young teens have suffered with low self-esteem, and I am no different. I find it inspiring how passionate you are about this topic, and it is something every maturing girl should hear. In my case, I have overcome this challenge long ago, I believe that it is possible to love yourself after such self-hatred; however it will require every individual to begin to think for herself. The first step would be to ensure that mentality that young girls are surrounded with is more about self-appreciation; however, it doesn't stop there. She needs to take the initiative to defy society's definition of beauty and truly desire to support the issue. Without full support, this issue cannot be resolved, but I do believe we can do it -- one step at a time. Because once you look past society's standards and simply accept who you are, life becomes easier without all the worry and stress. Good job on your piece; it was extremely pleasant to see such strong support for women empowerment, and I completely agree with your perspective.
    -Sabrina H
    Period 2

  5. You are such a positive soul i adore your writing and views on society. I think everyone experiences self-doubt growing up and its such a shame that the youth of generations constantly battle the idea of 'beauty and perfection.' We are all beautiful and in order to love and grow in life we need to start by loving ourselves and realizing we were made the way we were for a reason. Thank you for shedding light on this topic i think its not nearly addressed as much as it should be. Your take on expressing the problem and the solution was straight to the point and i love the use of the quote at the end. It definitely gets you thinking and is a perfect closure to the piece.

  6. I completely appreciate this piece because it is so applicable to so many people, as illustrated in your piece. I love how you took your own circumstances and used it to substantiate your observations. I also believe that the message about self-love should resonate with so many people because the problem of self-hate is very prevalent. Anyways, good job and I would love to see you submit other pieces!

  7. I like how you incorporated not only a personal perspective, but so many examples, quotes, and statistics to show just how many girls feel too uncomfortable to admit how beautiful they are. Seeing how you find everyone to be beautiful is exactly the type of attitude from people we need in today’s society. That type of attitude is what ends up making a change in this world and I’m glad there are still humble people out there like you to reinforce the idea that no matter who you are, you are beautiful. When you described how you “find beauty in everyone whether it be the freckles on their skin like an array of constellations stretching from cheek to cheek or the beautiful Saturn-ring like scars that represent growth,” it brought tears to my eyes. That is such a sweet way of describing the characteristics of a girl that she might find to be “ugly”. Keep up the good work! :)

  8. This message is so amazing. When I first read this piece it gave me some hope, that if other people actually stand up against society then we might have change. Good job on your piece, and on letting your voice be heard. I do believe that we can change the definition of beauty even if it takes time. I want the next generation to love themselves and for them not to try and fit in with societies standards, just like MLK wanted kids to grow up in a diverse society. Yet I 100% agree with your perspective.

    Alena A
    Period 2

  9. I loved the message you and your piece gave. It is a very compelling and true message. I liked how you incorporated true statistics to this very real message. I also liked how you used high vocabulary throughout your piece. You should strive to make more pieces just like this one. You display your messages beautifully and brilliantly. Excellent job.
    - Deborah Fraire
    Period 1

  10. This piece is amazing, Abby! I love how you related it to yourself, and used examples from your own life. I also love how you stated that most girls don't find themselves beautiful, in todays society. I also like that you used statistics, to back up your point. Beauty in America is a real issue, and until we change our point of views, it will never change. It's up to us to change this world so that our kids don't have to grow up feeling the same self hate that we do.
    -Emily French
    Period 5

  11. This is such an inspiring and uplifting piece of literature! Oh my gosh, I absolutely adore this piece, because it not only enhances feminine pride but also body confidence and positivity that every woman should carry. This was beautifully written and raises awareness for a message not preached enough. Good work, girl!
    -Kelene Hirata
    per. 2

  12. Abby!! Thank you for writing this piece! It means so much to me, beyond words! I have struggled with my self conscious my whole life, and it's not something I want any beautiful girl to go through. I stand with you in influencing empowerment, rather than conformation!!! I love you Abby your soul is a sweet and unique one!
    Miss you and love you!!!!!
    -Sydney Vargas(✿ ♥‿♥)

  13. Hi Abby!!!
    This is such a controversial topic and i love your viewpoint on it so much! I love how you bring up the need to protect girls from the stereotypes that are out in the world today about how we should look because there shouldn't be any at all. I love how you can see your passion shine through your writing. Your drive to make girls see that they are beautiful is inspiring! Thank you so much for bringing light to such a common issue all around with such passion.
    Megan McCann
    Period 5

  14. Okay, let me start this off with WOW!!!!! You speak the truth! I love how you decided to base this off how fake america wants us all to be. Mostly the girls by giving us what we should and shouldn't wear or how much skin we can show. Your words made an impacted on my night right now. I am speechless and amazed with your passion for this writing! I love it!
    -Destynee Torres Period 4

  15. Abby! This was truly a beautiful piece oh my goodness. I greatly admire that you addressed a very real issue in modern society. I also admire that you spoke from the heart and had no shame in explaining that you yourself had issues with self image which is something I feel most young girls fail to admit now, Aside from that your viewpoints on this topic were stellar! Very well done babe!

  16. This is a great piece that i hope a lot of girls read and understand beauty is not a trait based on physical appearance but it is to be comfortable in yourself and disregard what opinions say that contradict this. I think you executed this well in your piece .

  17. Wow! As women, I think we can all agree to having questions of self-worth, self-doubt, and underlying self-confidence issues that stem from what society depicts to be the "idealized woman". I found your writing incredibly relatable, and agree with you that as women we must be comfortable in our own bodies and also be kinder to one another. You are amazing and beautiful, and created a wonderful piece of writing!

    Miranda Hidalgo
    Period. 5

  18. I'm honestly speechless. When I was scrolling all scanned it and thought 'I'm going to like this story.' This might sound weird but your metaphors were beautiful and love how your a teenage girl trying to make a change in teenagers that's I something special. When I read this I just want to stop typing and go and make a change. You hear this topics all the time but when it comes from a teenage girl and how strongly they believe there can be a change, its breathtaking and special.

  19. This really hits home with a lot of people in the world. It always seems like when you feel very confident in yourself these days, someone is always there to shut us down. We always say "Oh don't bother with them, sweetie" yet for some reason, we value the opinions of others who hurt than those who love. I think there are many who need to read this piece because of how you explain that everyone is beautiful in their own great way. All in all, great read that made me think more about how people perceive themselves.

    Antonio Barron
    Period 3

  20. After reading this, I'm reminded of my own personal experience and those of so many around me. Most people, even males, face the pressures and expectations of society and as truly saddening as it is, it's the tragic aspect of our reality. As you included your own personal struggle and facts about this underlying problem, makes readers understand more clearly how big this problem is. Alike to you I believe that we can change these societal expectations that force us to feel insecure and question our own beauty. Everyone shows true beauty, even if one's appearance varies drastically from what's considered "beautiful" in this world. We are all individually unique and beautiful and despite what society's ideals are of woman, I hope we can promote the concept of loving yourself and body positivity just as you do.

    -Amber T.
    Period 2

  21. This was honestly my favorite piece and really touched my heart because I can relate to this so much. I've always had a negative image of myself and I'm still going through it now but reading this made me remember the real definition of beauty and not societies expectations. Abby, your a beautiful person and your so sweet I've always liked your style and how you original you are! I enjoyed reading this and I know it has helped other girls know they are all beautiful. <3

  22. This was a really good piece and I like how you related it to yourself and how you used to quotes to back yourself up. As a guy this really gave me a good perspective on how a lot of girls feel and I think you did a really good job on showing guys how a lot of girls feel.
    -Noah Andrus Period 5

  23. this is so good and true women need to learn to be their self's there are a lot of people on TV saying that you need to look like this or dress like this and so many women are discussed about their body and how it looks but the truth is if you like yourself and if you are comfortable with that body you don't need to change anything I think and talk about stuff like this not a lot of people think and have the same mindset as us
    -Eric Edwards

  24. Abby, this was honestly such a great piece, it was short and sweet! I was interested from the beginning because of the title and throughout the piece, you were able to keep your readers interested. Growing up, I also had a hard time accepting my looks and body because of society's views on an "ideal woman" but I have overcome this. Like you, I also believe that every girl is beautiful inside and out. This piece was just amazing to me, you've put something so beautiful and so meaningful into words and I admire you for that.

    Daveena San
    Period 2

  25. i truly adored this piece and i think you did an amazing job at stating the "self love" image as important and vital for a healthy generation. nowadays many people tend to be oblivious to true beauty and cant seem to realize that everyone has it. social expectations need to be stopped. i also loved how you incorporated your own personal experience and statistics to show many people go through the same thing. Great job Abby!

    Victoria Hurtado
    period 5

  26. This really is a really great piece of work. As a man I now have a perspective of how women feel about themselves and somewhat find this relatable.
    -Michael D
    Period 5

  27. Abby sweetie you've out done your self! Its about time we stop trying to view beauty the way society depicts it into absolute perfection. They practically shove it down our throats especially us as girls which causes us to be insecure. I love how you incorporated statistics into your work!

    Alexa Ayala

  28. Perfect subject to focus on! Too many people are busy trying on other people's skin, rather than being comfortable in their own. They reject themselves to fit everyone's, or more so, the media's preference, that they're never happy with themselves. In all honesty I believe you should have mentioned guys too because there are males who get surgery themselves or reject themselves because of societal "standards" but you get your point across, good work!

  29. Great piece. Our generation especially now find themselves in a bind on how to achieve this "beautification". It's true, many people in our society today are very insecure with themselves and strive to become this "perfect body". This is mostly influenced through our modern day magazines, fashion shows, music, movies,models, and just anything that express "perfection". No one seems to understand that it's not you that you should try to make beautiful but make the things AROUND you beautiful to achieve happiness and content.
    Paul Chong, Period 2, Cogswell

  30. I honestly loved this! It reminds me of looking in the mirror and always thinking I'm ugly,but this piece of writing really changed my perspective. Good job and thank you.
    period 4

  31. This is a great piece! The idea of a "perfect body" has become such a huge impact in many peoples lives, especially women, and has caused many people to lose track of who they are. This piece is a good example of how we should all think. Many of us in this generation are beginning to seek change in society and the ideas in this piece are exactly what I hope to pass on to my future children. This is a very important piece and for that, thank you!

    -Period 2

  32. Abby made a great point of view about how young girls view their self confidence which is really important in today's world many girls feel that their not pretty or unwanted.

    alexis medina
    period 4

  33. Abby, this piece is very empowering and awe-striking! Reading about your own personal struggles against the odds of society has really brought me into perspective about the little bits and pieces of ourselves that we have been brought up by society to reject. Within your work, you perpetuate this monumental statement regarding the importance of self-acceptance, which applies to--as you said--EVERY body type. You mention how society has constricted women from coming to love themselves as a result of the ridiculously high expectations and the grotesque values of the modern day era, which speaks to the typical individual that undergoes the same trials and tribulations to merely come to self-acceptance. The quote that you use at the end gives the readers an incentive to dare to defy--to emancipate ourselves from the shackles of societal standards.

  34. This story really changes someone's view point about parts of us that other people reject and tell us to reject. This story teaches us the lesson of self-acceptance, which is contrary to our very superficial society.I don't understand how these women can reach these super out-of-place standard without becoming malnourished. Thank you for giving a piece of reality. Keep writing!
    ~John Tucker
    Freshman, Period 1

  35. This piece is so strong and influential. I do believe too that beauty had been taken in a whole new different perspective. Loving yourself is the most important thing in live to make you more self-confident, more better about yourself and sadly most people in today's society lack thi9s one key of being happy of who you are.

    Jorge Rodriguez
    Period 5

  36. Wow just wow. Too many girls in this world struggle with accepting their beauty and it's terrible how society has set up this "perfect body" that every girl should look like. Every girl is beautiful and through this piece i was able to really feel the emotion behind it. You genuinely care and i highly appreciate that. We need more people like you to start speaking out about these topics.

  37. Wow!!!! This piece was so inspiring and truthful. I find it true that people should be able to be comfortable in there own skin. This has such a powerful message. You talked about something that pretty much everyone can relate to. I love this topic you chose this occurs in everyday life but we never really talk about it so just the fact that you talked about this important issue is so amazing and I definitely that people should change the definition of beauty. I support your position on this topic!!! You did a very good job I absolutely loved it!!!! :)

  38. I couldny agree more about the fact that society is completely changing what beauty should be defined as. More than half time I spend looking in the mirror not liking what I see staring back at me I could be spending it on things that actually mean something. Thank you for this beautiful piece.
    Mackenzie Tipple
    per 4

  39. I couldny agree more about the fact that society is completely changing what beauty should be defined as. More than half time I spend looking in the mirror not liking what I see staring back at me I could be spending it on things that actually mean something. Thank you for this beautiful piece.
    Mackenzie Tipple
    per 4

  40. This was truly inspiring! Your piece brings out one of the most prominent topics today and I love how you are brave to share your personal experience to inspire others. Through this you are empowering so many girls and voicing out what is needed to be heard. I absolutely loved it!
    -Alexis Carmona
    Period 5

  41. I really enjoyed this piece of self reflection. Unfortunately everything we see in society now a days attempts to indoctrinate sexuality into young men and women, hoping they become this idealized image of a human (female or male). Values such as self respect are obliterated in the process and neglected for other. This piece was vibrant truthful and concise.

  42. I really enjoyed this piece of self reflection. Unfortunately everything we see in society now a days attempts to indoctrinate sexuality into young men and women, hoping they become this idealized image of a human (female or male). Values such as self respect are obliterated in the process and neglected for other. This piece was vibrant truthful and concise.

  43. I love how you took an originally controversial topic and made it relatable and self-reflected beautifully. Thank you for being vulnerable and real. You are a great writer.
    Priscilla Perry

  44. This piece is very empowering. You are very usefully able to use your many writing techniques to portray these many issues in an inspiring way.
    -Sean Powers
    Period 3


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