
Monday, April 13, 2015

"Pink" by Marycristy G

            I stare at the taunting bedroom wall. It seems to be speaking to me in a foreign tongue, but that’s just life running on the little fumes it has left. I knew what was to happen today, and I refused to sit around and wait for nothingness. I mustered the strength and walked up to Miss Jackson and asked for paint, secretly she had pitied me under that cold hard shell of a person so she had obliged and gave me as much paint as I could carry.
            I shut the door with all the might I could muster and bolt it shut, and swiftly fell to the floor. I shook off the dizziness, stood up and squeezed the contents of the paint bottles onto the floor. I had begun to paint the little memories that I had left.
Five years old- Me in the most irritating dress of my life, with my family… my mother and                            father…. I was happy for once in my life.
I wish I could be happy.
Six years old- Now that I am in first grade I can’t actually learn things. I like learning it makes me happy kind of how mommy gets happy when she sees me.
Seven years old- I had become one of the smartest kids in the second grade. Suddenly my friends had begun to treat me different. I felt like an alien. I think mom and dad were sad that I was alone. I think… I am not sure anymore…I can’t remember anymore.
Eight years old- my parents…died? I… don’t remember this. How could this had happened.
            I wiped the angered tears that had escaped, and that’s it I’ve broken. It won. IT WON… and I can’t do anything. I am worthless. All I bring is pain towards myself, and nothing ever goes right. I sat, overwhelmed with tears rushing down my stained cheeks. I can’t go on, I want this to end. I was now longer filled with pity for myself but filled with anger, disgust, hatred, fury, and rage. With fury raging throughout frail body, I continued.
Nine years old- I now live in an orphanage and I don’t have any friends… that I am sure of, no one would be friends with me.
I don’t even want to know myself either.
Ten years old- I don’t know, I honestly don’t know I can’t remember anything.
            Tears are angrily streaking down my face. How useless am I, that I can’t even remember a recent memory. I slather the color that I see as happiness, as hope, the cheerfulness that keeps people convinced that I am happy.
Pink strides across the sides of the painting, almost masking the truth.
My eyes see what is left of my life, my only memories.
Only now are my eyes stuck with tears of joy, with a grin spread across my face.
I lay across the room examining my life, and for once I can see the soothing black that covers my iris.
Patient: Lacie Jones
Age: 11 years of age`
Time of death: August 16, 2010 5:38 P.M.
Cause of death: cancer; glioblastoma. A malignant tumor in the brain


  1. Hi Marycristy! Okayyyy can you not make me cry? Haha I mean seriously this made me teary eyed, it was absolutely amazing though. I loved the colors, how each color represents a different period in her life, but did you have to kill her? I would have to say the build up was amazing though. This is an amazingly emotional story, amazing job

    -Kimberly Tsuyuki
    Period 6

  2. Mary Cristy I am crying so hard!!! I have never read anything like this with the color thing and like UGHHHH!!! This piece is amazing and I didn't know you had such an amazing detail skill!!! This story is super detailed and just overall very well written. This is just amazing!!! Good Job!!

    Sarah Skibby
    Per. 6

  3. Wow. This is one of the best stories I have read all year! Besides the descriptive language and imagery, the organization of the story is top-notch. The different colors seems to embody the transitions and stages in the girl's life with each new color bringing with it a flood of memories both good and bad. It seems to progress from a generally cheerful story about a girl reminiscing about her past, to a sad and angry cry in pain as she finds herself unable to go on. The ending seemed to tie everything together well, despite how sad it was, and proved a well conceived conclusion to a great story. Well Done!

  4. As I am very used to reading Freshman writer's blog entries, it seemed like your entry intrigued me the most. I'm used to the emotional and funny stories but your descriptive plot and emotional story line got me hooked. Good job!
    -Jobelle Dauz
    Period 2

  5. this story was amazing but sad in a way. every color meant her feelings at the time but didn't change from that until she was a year older? that would be horrible just to have the same feeling without changing it for a year. good story.
    -Isaac Garcia
    per 6

  6. This piece was a little confusing at first..but I really enjoyed it once I was to able to understand what was going on. I loved how you made it show that the girl only remembered a few things because her cancer was making her lose memory. It was a very touching piece. Nice job.

  7. Wow i still cant believe how amazing and sad this story is and how you used the colors to represent a time period in her childhood leading to sadly her death. Fantastic job
    valerie Perez
    period 6

  8. Wow! This entry is really interesting. The way you created this character who was only eleven years old is amazing. You did an amazing job!
    Chiquitita Annisa
    Period 2

  9. I love how the "cold shell of a person" line slaps the reader in the face. I wasn't expecting that statement to appear, especially not after the opening of the piece. As for the rest, the colors representing different stages in one's life is a very interesting structure to tell a story through, especially once the spectrum takes a turn for the greyscale. Pink is a great color to be a mask.

  10. First of all this piece is just pure genius! The words flow together so smoothly and the emotion can be heard so clearly. My heart slowly broke as the piece progressed. I love the symbolic meaning behind the colors and how you described why she chose that color. The background of the colors was my favorite part mainly because the story behind it was so intense. At the beginning I figured she was dying but I couldn't put a finger on why or how. Once she got to the color pink the tone just shifted and then slowly the reader realizes that she's dying in that very moment. The last part about he patient summary was a good idea, gives the reader a better understanding of the piece. Great work.
    -Katheryn Valle

  11. My favorite part about this piece is your use of color psychology. Yellow, in the beginning shows happiness, but it is also sometimes to bright and irritating, which you mentioned. There is also the green, showing her envious friends. I could go on, listing all of them, but why bother! This color association also showed how her health, mentally and physically, dramatically deteriorated. Although the colors did most of the describing, I would enjoy more narration from each time period.

  12. Mary Cristy, I liked the use of showing emotion through the colors. It's a unique thing to do especially in art too. The story itself was depressing and had me feeling sad especially at the parts where her own memory was starting to deteriorate. I loved your story. (:

  13. I really liked how you used colors to represent and describe the different time periods in the character life. I feel like art was her escape from her depression and when she died it made me feel sad yet somewhat relieved because she'll be with her parents now. So for me this story is bitter sweet which makes is stand out. Loved it :)
    Haylie D Per4

  14. Okay, what a sad story. I really enjoyed this piece, which immediately held my attention from the first few sentences. I liked the descriptions used for each emotion the girl felt and current situation she was in, as well as how the different colors correlated for each. Amazing job!


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