
Monday, April 13, 2015

"My Aspiration" by Joey R

“There is always that one band that comes along when you are 14 or 15 years old that manages to hit you in just the right way and changes your whole perception of things.” Alex Turner, vocalist and guitarist of Arctic Monkeys

      Music is one of the most important aspects of my life. Anyone who knows me knows that I am a bassist, vocalist, and a songwriter. I may not be that great at it yet, I still do what I can with it, and I just one day want to be able to perform and compose my own music. This is just something I am passionate to do in life. My interest in music started in middle school. I was a fan of bands such as Green Day, My Chemical Romance, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Arctic Monkeys, and more. At first, music was just something in life I let wash over me, then I started connecting it to my life. The became less of a mixture of sounds and became an entire world. As a teenager, times started getting stressful adapting to the idea of growing up and fitting in and trying to find the things that made me who I am. As I connected music to these events, I started thinking, “Hey, these lyrics are really from the heart and there’s so much to music that I still don’t know yet. Perhaps I can do the same thing one day and learn and experience the raw emotion from these songs.” So I started analyzing the music, and looking at the meaning behind the music and listening for the vocals and instruments in depth. There is an absolute myriad of feelings that are conveyed in the music, whether the song is emotional, political, rebellious, or anything. There is some sort of emotion being conveyed. 

     For example, the song “In The Garage” is something I can connect to because I spend more time making music, practicing with my bandmate, playing video games, and living in my garage more than anything. The lyrics, “In the garage, I feel safe. No one cares about my ways. In the garage, where I belong. No one hears me sing this song. In the garage, I feel safe. No one laughs about my ways.” connect to me so much. I spend so much of my time in my garage just trying to get an escape from life. I may think I’m a dweeb or a loser or something just for the things I do, but it’s what makes me happy, because I’m in a safe place. Music in itself is a safe place. The reason why I aspire to do something in music is because I just want to live in my own world and perform the symphony of the inner workings of my head. Songwriting my life is difficult because putting emotions and events down onto paper is something I am just not completely used to, but it’s something really beautiful to see when just one sentence becomes a whole song. Even when playing bass, when I’m covering some songs or playing my own riffs, I feel the pureness of the pureness of sounds like it’s some sort of religion I have fully devoted myself to. And here I am saying it’s hard for me to put my emotions onto paper but I’m contradicting that statement by doing exactly that with absolute ease. Over the short months, I’ve met people who have supported me in my musical adventure, and it is the most respected I have felt to hear from people who like my writings. To conclude because I simply have no other words or I just simply don’t want to be long winded, music is the thing I am going to do in life, and if I’m not doing this stuff in 10 years, pay me a friendly reminder to pick myself up and continue chasing this dream.


  1. This was a really good story Joey. From all the videos of you singing I can tell you have a good future in the music business and this piece said it all about how much you love music more than anything else. I hope you get to end up doing what you love and never give up.

  2. Hi Joey! I must say I really liked this piece and can totally relate. I loved how you can talk about music being so special to you, and you can tell that it is a very important aspect in your life. I applaud you though for talking about your connection and for making me remember why I connect with music on an emotional level. Great story.

    -Kimberly Tsuyuki
    Period 6

  3. Wow , Joey I really connect with what you're saying! I know that you really like music and you play instruments so I can tell this was an important, emotionally attached piece that means a lot to you because it is your whole world!! I loved the detail on explaining how you feel about music as a whole and you give examples!! I really enjoyed reading this piece and you did an amazing job!!!

    Sarah Skibby
    Per. 6

  4. I have three suggestions for you:
    1. Coldplay's Parachutes album
    2. Try out for Chambers or Jazz Band; it's the best experience ever solely because you're working in harmony with a large group of people and you make so many tight-knitted friendships in such short time because of the environment and mood
    3. Keep doing what you're doing. I honestly think it's refreshing to read about someone's dreams and aspirations especially when this blog can get bogged down with stories of suicides and conformity and doubt (no offense to any of the other readers of course, just statistically those are the kinds of stories that make up a majority of this page). I see a lot of myself in this piece and I see that you're a freshman and you're so optimistic and stay like that, my friend. Ignore this comment if you're not into advice from other people, I'll understand. I was "the artist" growing up but when I started middle school, I gave up art because I thought it was too nerdy. I eventually picked it back up in 8th/9th grade and focused myself and now I'm going to a private university with a full scholarship almost exclusively because of my art and I'm going to do what I love to do (University of La Verne offers this yearly scholarship in music too if you're interested when you're a senior). The point is you're not a loser or a dweeb. You're so passionate about music but also very humble and I admire that. Not many people pursue their passion because nowadays, it's all about money but I assure you getting paid $20 vs. $350 feels the same if you're happy doing the job; money is a side perk. After reading this post, I hope to see these videos of you singing that Elianna is talking about. You do you and continue creating things from the heart.

    1. Thank you so much (: I'm taking music classes now such as Serdan's Music App. class and next year I aim on taking piano to broaden my knowledge with music and be able to read treble and bass sheet music since I also take bass lessons at the Music & Arts school in Alta Loma. Also, those videos Elianna talked about are on my instagram @thatonebandmember

  5. I really love this story Joey because it shows how much you love music and I can see becoming famous so good luck on your singing/music career

  6. This was a really inspiring piece in a way. It shows that people should not really care about if people are going to judge you what matters is that you're doing what you love and find happiness in. Keep doing you joey! great job! - Tatiana Nunez per 6

  7. JOEYYYYY, I would like to start off by saying ( not as your friend but every other commenter ) that you are literally such a good writer and you really expressed your feelings about music and its influence in such a way it moved me and made me want to listen and be more in depth with my bands. Not that i never knew they were deep, I always pretty much figured that but I was never as attentive as you are. So I guess you have taught me to be a lil more in depth and I’m most likely going thank you for writing this piece of literature in the near future for letting me experience and acknowledge the pure emotion of music. And I’m so freakin excited to hear your music, tell me when the album is out so i can say “I knew him when...”
    Mariah Rhodes
    period 6

  8. As a person who takes music very seriously, I love your passion towards music and the way it affects you. Courage and Perseverance are characteristics needed to succeed in such a field. This story shows that not only do you have these characteristics but carry a great inspiration that will take you far. Great Job and good luck in the future!

  9. Joey,
    I too share your love for music. I connected right away at the first sign of mentioning Arctic Monkeys, Green Day, RHCP… I hope that you keep this promise of continuing down a musical career path as many of us are afraid of straying away from the STEM tide (ie Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics). Chase your dream and do what you want to do with your life. Don’t ever let anyone tell you what you can’t do because with the right amount of hard work and a bit of connections, you can go places. Do you have any songs that I can listen to right now that could be on YouTube or SoundCloud maybe? Possibly we could jam sometime? I don’t claim to be amazing either, but I always appreciate the artists.
    Gian Velasquez Period 1


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