
Monday, April 13, 2015

"How to Do Amazing in Freshman Year" by Nicholas C

This Little 5 Step article will show you how to do your very best in your Freshman year of high school . This article will show you how in a fun and informative way.

Step One: Always get to Class Late
Why would you need to get to class on time, all the “education” usually happens in the middle or end of the class, and since when do cool kids get to class early.

Step Two: Don’t Turn in Homework
Why do homework if you understand everything in the class, why do we need to do more, and f you have a teacher you don’t like wouldn’t it make them mad that you’re disobeying them.

Step Three: Sleep in Class
So going back to the statement of you already understand everything, so if you’re doing review sleep, rest your pretty eyes, the teacher will not notice and if they do they won’t care, plus it’ll add to the whole rebelling thing, yeah get back at those teachers

Step Four: Always Cheat
I mean it’s only cheating if you get caught. Let’s face it why should someone who listened get a better grade than you, so if the teacher isn’t looking, just take a little peek, plus it’ll make you look cool.
Step Five: And always Ditch
If you’re getting a good grade then why should you go, it’s not like you are going to miss out on something, and if you do who cares not like it’s going to matter after school.

And there you go obviously these are steps for the opposite so do the opposite of what I say and you’ll do amazing in your first year of High school.  


  1. This is a very interesting topic aha, nice to read and nice little twist at the end. Hope nobody follows these rules and do the opposite like you said. Keep it up.
    -vymian san p.2

  2. This was really funny and good. I like how you showed the opposite of what you should do to show how stupid it is. This was a good list and a good piece. Thank you for the advice and the funny piece.

  3. Nicholas, your story was great! I liked how you used a comical tone to percieve a serious topic. When first reading your story, I though that it was absolutely ridiculous that you were giving freshman such terrible advice. However, after reading it I appreciated how you set up the story. Due to the fact that many young people just ignore the advice of older people and people who have gone through similar events, the way you structured your story was brilliant. I liked how you gave it that twist at the end that really made the reader, if not intrigued at that point, very interested in what point you were trying to make. Great job!
    -Sophia Bobadilla
    Period 1

  4. Your story was very entertaining. I loved your sarcasm. You did an amazing job on informing us on what not to do. Thank you for the tips. :)
    Jocelyn Rangel

  5. OMG, according to these steps, I've been doing bad my entire year. I hope I will make up for my bad freshman year in sophomore year!

  6. This was ridiculously funny Nick! I really enjoyed this piece that in the matter of the fact I'm more than 100% sure everyone has always these rebellious thought and your courage to put this up, so props for that. Although, we really should not go along with these 5 steps, the message that you try to get across with being this "bad kid" kind of image reiterates the whole intention behind whether how freshman year should be seen as. For any freshman, it can be a bittersweet moment and can really appeal to how freshman or seniors, anyone enrolled in school might want to listen to these steps. Again great job!

  7. This story was really funny Nick and I loved how you said the opposite of what your suppose to do to do good in school and it was also very entertaining

  8. Wow....At first when I was scrolling through..I was so confused as to why it said sub-titles said the exact opposite of what you should do even though the title said it would teach how to do good. But then I actually read the piece and I loved it! It was pretty funny and i totally understood the sarcasm that was going on throughout the piece! Fantastic job!

  9. This actually really made me laugh so much. When I read the title, I assumed that you were just going to tell me the basics of what every freshman should do to succeed in high school since almost every freshman is practically scared going into high school. Then when I read the first step, I got so confused and laughed so hard. I loved all the steps and the sarcasm as well. Great piece! I really enjoyed it!

  10. This made me laugh! I would have thought that those steps applied to especially senior year. But it just goes to show that it applies to freshman year as well! This piece is drenched with satire and its really made laugh to the point where my mother had to ask me questions. I loved the comedic effect of this piece. You did a great job!

  11. James

    I like this a lot your really, actually taught me something's thanks.

  12. I really loved the subtle tone of sarcasm that you had going on. The tips that you listed really made them seem like really idiotic things to do so hopefully it gets the hint across that you should really never do any of those and always try your best, even in your freshman year.
    Sara Arredondo
    period 1

  13. loved how you put humor in your story and made people laugh great job
    valerie perez
    period 6

  14. The story was funny at the end, got a good laugh at it. I liked it and keep up the good work.

  15. I like how at first, it does seem very paradoxical that your steps are the opposite of being successful, but then it all comes together when you say to do the opposite of these steps. I also appreciate your willingness to help out incoming or fellow freshmen on how to be successful the first year of high school.
    -Jacob Valdez
    Period 4

  16. I think that you did amazing illustrating what to do if you want to pass your freshmen year. Im joking. I actually thought that you were serious and I was about to get on you about being a bad student. I loved how you used to show the reader you were kidding.

  17. I really enjoyed the humor in your piece. Its the sad truth of what students think but I like how you described it. Great Job!
    Alyssa Anastasi


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