
Monday, April 13, 2015

“Apocalypse” by Quinlan K

Outside the house, everything is ruined, destroyed, and in pieces. It’s a shame humans have to go through this kind of environment every day. This nightmare of a world that people used to call earth is nothing but, a brown ball of hellish galore where people have to fight every day for their food, water, and shelter. As the lives of innocent beings decay and die off, more food is left to store for the blizzard winter ahead.
Shards of glass are left form the last pathetic attempt to steal more food from the storage supply. Many people have been shot down just for stealing a crumb of bread. Human on human violence truly is the most tragic of cruelties. As the sun rises, a new day is forged, which means more food will be given out to peasants and middle class residents. People punch and kick one another just to get a slice of bread. In my opinion, I think its insane people should have to go through this every time they want eat. The peasants do the most harm, in killing more people than there was food to eat. Next, they bring out the water and I can already imagine how much blood there will be in this brawl. 
Every time I go to sleep, I dream of everything being normal again, before this whole religious war. Religion or not, in this world its “survival of the fittest” if you’re not fit you can consider yourself dead or even worse “spiritual sacrifice”. I hope and pray one day that maybe I can make it through this and see myself grow into a successful, young man. Although, do too many harmful chemicals being released into the atmosphere the only jobs available are factory worker and miner.
When I walk outside I feel myself becoming sicker by the hour, like I won’t make it to the next food raid. I wonder what people will think of me when I die. Will they have the same personality or will they go into a deep depression? Sometimes I wonder why humans feel such emotions, it doesn’t help us to survive longer, so why do feel sadness and grief? Do animals feel this way and if so than why? If I am doomed to spend my life on this forsaken planet it will have to be given a proper that suits its description and environment. A place that provides sorrow and a tiny glimmer of hope. I think I will call this world “purgatory”.


  1. This was a good story. I liked how you described the storm.
    ~Mia Tolliver
    period 2

  2. I really enjoyed your concept! It felt very Hunger Games meets The Walking Dead. I liked the environmental descriptions. They were helpful in contributing to the mood of your piece. It would be nice to see more development with the war rationing and savage human interaction in this apocalypse the rhetorical questions in the last paragraph. Nice job overall!

  3. Quinlan, I loved this. The whole perception of living in a world of struggle and low moral conduct is something that we ultimately would want to avoid the imagery and emotional ties that you provide to the reader, really invoke a more deeper connection with the character. The yearn the character has for this "normal" world, can even be applied to us now a days. We struggle to want to always find peace but in the midst of all the efforts we may put it can never come easy. I really enjoyed your piece amazing work!!

  4. Wow I loved this! It reminded me of the movie Warm Bodies and also Hunger Games and those are some of my favorites which is why this one interested me. This sounds like a horrifying type of society I hope we will never become. Good job!

  5. Creative story! i like how u described how people were fighting to get food and if people died it would kind of be considered a good thing because there would be more food. However, you could've elaborated more on what it was like living like that and how you got food. -Tatiana Nunez per 6

  6. Love your story! The way you described every detail in the story deserves a thumbs up!
    Chiquitita Annisa
    Period 2

  7. This was very detailed and descriptive piece that allowed me to picture what it was like in this apocalypse. This dystopian society deals a lot with famine and violence which are two things that our world deals with today just not as amplified. I think that although this is a fictional story, this is not a very far fetched world and everything mentioned can be likely to happen in the future. I really liked this piece and it made me reflect on society and disasterous possibilities.


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