
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

"Hating the Day of Love" by Holly M

Don’t get me wrong, I love most of the holidays. Thanksgiving is great, Christmas is spectacular, and Halloween is amazing, but there’s one holiday that I absolutely hate and that’s Valentine’s Day. Scrooge to Christmas is like me to Valentine’s Day. Every single cell in my body hates Valentine’s Day, I just loathe it.
Eleven years ago, I spent Valentine’s Day in the hospital with a broken arm and twenty stitches. Seven years ago, I fell off my bike and broke my wrist on Valentine’s Day. Five years ago, my kitchen set on fire on Valentine’s Day. Three years ago, my cat died. Guess what day? That’s right, Valentine’s Day. For some reason, everything bad happens to me on Valentine’s Day. Every other day of the year is fine, except for the wretched day of February fourteenth.
From a day that was honoring Saint Valentine, Valentine’s Day has become into a day filled with chocolate, flowers, and love. This Valentine’s Day, people in the U.S. will have spent $13.9 billion dollars for Valentine’s Day. 257 million roses are sold every Valentine’s Day. 58 million pounds of chocolate has been sold the week of Valentine’s Day. That is quite a production.
But what’s worse than an average Valentine’s Day is a Valentine’s Day at high school. There’s just couples literally everywhere and its drama, drama, and more drama. There’s probably more drama than the Bachelor and Game of Thrones combined in the month of February at high school. It’s gross to see couples literally making out in the school hallways. It’s almost impossible to go directly to class without dodging a couple in hallways, around corners, or on the stairs.
So on this dreaded Valentine’s Day, I’m staying home, hopefully away from all the bad luck that surround me on that day. While other people celebrate their love or complain about being single, I’ll be sleeping the day away hoping February fifteenth comes fast. Wake me up when this whole wretched Valentine’s Day ends.


  1. This is actually pretty cool. You can tell how much the person unhappy passion for Valentine's Day. There is a lot of repetition of the word Valentine’s day when the writer could have easily said "I hate this day" but they wanted to put the emphasizes of their dislike of Valentine's day. There are examples of why such as constant PDA, large amount of money spent on Valentine’s Day items, and drama associated with it. The speaker is not happy with the amount of money spent, high concentration of people making out and drama of who is who valentine’s drama is. All very simple and trivial issues that people make a big deal about but it would be better to skip over the day and begin February 15th off better than the day before. The story is slightly sarcastic tone toward all the people that go all out for Valentine's Day.
    Kayla Fulton
    Period 5

  2. Oh girl, I feel you on the whole Valentine's Day at school thing. I agree with you on how it is annoying seeing couples at school displaying an extreme amount of PDA. It's evident that the narrator of this blog entry clearly has an excessive amount of dislike for Valentine's Day, and you can't blame them due to the fact many incidents occurred on that day, making this day the most loathed day of their life. I enjoy the incorporation of statistics due to the fact it allows the audience to see how much emphasis society puts towards Valentine's Day, despite the fact how "unlucky" the day is for the narrator. Overall, I like how simply formatted this blog entry is. Great job! :)
    Simran Bajwa
    Period 1

  3. Wow, this pretty much sums up my feelings towards Valentine's Day. I hate it with passion as well, so I like this story. The way the words are written and how much feeling you can read behind them, it's quite intense. The talk about drama, the disgust of PDA, and the statistics of how much is spent on V-Day. I really like this story, since, y'know, it's relatable.
    Cristina Sanchez
    Period 2

  4. Christian Black
    Period 1

    This piece was hilarious Holly. I could feel all the emotion in this piece and how the speaker (I'm guessing yourself) was completely fed up with just the idea of Valentine's day. This piece has a since of cosmic and dramatic irony because the reader already knows that something bad will happen every time this holiday pops up. My favorite part of this piece was the comparison of "drama" to TV shoos and actual real life high school. It was a great source of hyperboles. Great Work. .

  5. I think of all the people who supposedly “hate Valentine’s Day” you have the strongest argument. By including your own personal experiences in the piece as well as actual facts about sales made on Valentines Day, you form a compelling argument. I am really sorry to hear about your Valentine’s Day struggles but in reality it is just a day like any other and anyone can celebrate love on any day of the year. I enjoyed reading your woeful story about the Valentines Day blues.

    Adan Chavez p.4

  6. This is such a great piece. I really enjoyed how you expressed your distaste for Valentine's Day so strongly throughout the piece and I can really relate to you, especially after I finished reading. I also liked how you incorporated your bad experiences with Valentine's Day into the piece as well, as it really added to why you feel so strongly against Valentine's Day. Great job!

  7. OMG! I totally know how you feel! Valentines Day is one of my least favorite holiday. I've always disliked it, I'm in a relationship now and I still strongly dislike it. We celebrate Valentines day to express affection to our loved ones, and honestly it should not be dedicated to one day. We should show it everyday! Besides that I did have some bad events occurred on Valentines day as well, so I can relate. I really liked your piece because I totally agree. Great Job!
    Grace Panjaitan p.4

  8. Love your view on Valentines Day. Your syntax made your story so fun and relatable to read. Love how you incorporated those statistics and what you typically see on Valentines Day. Great work!
    Haylie Duncan
    Per 4

  9. This view on Valentine's day was rather comedic and I can relate to it very well! Thank goodness Valentine's day this past year was on a Saturday so that we didn't have to walk around seeing all those lovey dovey couples. This piece is very relatable and I feel as if a lot of people will be able to relate to the views about Valentine's day expressed in this piece. Very good job!

    Melany M
    Period 1

  10. I definitely share your views on Valentine's Day, and I liked that you shared your experiences as support. I also like that you didn't mention anything about "love" as being the reason you hate it, unlike most people who dislike the holiday. The repeated syntax gives the comic feel and the statistics exaggerates it an elevated level. A funny, casual piece, for a holiday that holds a lot of seriousness.

  11. Holly! I honestly enjoyed this piece. Your views about Valentines Day are very accurate and I totally agree with you. It is purely business and not a day about love. The couples that make out in the hallways do it everyday especially on this day and i have to agree with you that it is very disturbing. Great job!

  12. I like that rather complaining that Valentines day is a day of constant reminders of ones loneliness, but took a new approach as to why you dread the day of love. Using past bad personal experiences that occurred on Valentines Day support your conclusion of it not being for the classic reasons, but a unique reason. To improve your writing I would suggest working on connecting the ideas of each individual paragraph a little better with stronger beginning sentences. But your piece was very interesting and I enjoyed the unique topic you wrote on.
    Eva Badal
    Period 5

  13. Nice story Holly! I couldn't help but laugh as you mentioned how awful it is to walk around school on Valentines Day. Seriously though, it's almost impossible to get to class without running into a road block PDA. Rather than following the common idea disliking Valentines day due to being alone, bringing up each individual reason as to why you hated it not only established your motives to hate Valentines Day, but made it rather hilarious.

    Daniel Alaniz
    Period 4

  14. Marian Hollinquest
    Period 4
    The arguments you put up for the reasons why you hate Valentines day are completely original and not just the usually hatred of it out of lack of companionship on the day. You wrote it as though Valentines day just happens to be a series of unfortunate events rather than it being centralized around one theme
    Keep up the good work!!!

  15. Margaret Moyer
    Period 5
    Your reasoning for hating Valentines Day is completely understandable unlike peoples sadness of not having a date, something I got over. I like how you find information to support it's pointlessness. Hope it worked out!!

  16. This particular blog is full of entries that are fictitious and made up, so I find it refreshing to have a piece that is composed and presented as a source of non-fiction. Your angry language and painful examples only serve to reiterate your mantra, it being that Valentine's day is a heaping pile of garbage. I can't agree more. I find the whole thing to be too lovey dovey for my taste, and because of that, I found this piece to be highly enjoyable.
    Andy Reinschmidt Period 5

  17. Man, you are really good at finding different ways to say how much you hate Valentine's Day. I really enjoyed the casual language because stories can get heavy with complex vocabulary and grammar structure and it isn't fun to read like that. Bless you for having a very legitimate reason to hate Valentine's Day. I appreciate that you're not a bitter, single person who covets other people's romantic life and that instead you're the owner or a broken arm, broken wrist, burnt kitchen, and dead cat. Nothing more enticing than a dead cat on Valentine's Day. I think there is one error and its in the sentence "I’m staying home, hopefully away from all the bad luck that surround me on that day". You meant to put "surrounds". Overall, I enjoyed your unsugar-coated point of view and humor. Your title and hook really drew me in and the dead cat persuaded me to continue reading.

  18. I loved the intro. It's just so very personal, and REALLY underlines how much you hate Valentines Day. I also liked how many different ways you had to hate Valentines day, from the rampant commercialism to the drama at school. I love how genuine this story felt and I can really sense your frustration at Valentines day. Thanks for sharing this story with us!

  19. Your writing style is very warm and welcoming, and I felt very invited to read the rest, and there definitely have been moments where I was thinking, "That's true!" It's unfortunate that Valentine's Day isn't the most enjoyable day, and I highly suggest wearing protective headwear on the 14th (I'm kidding). You could not be any closer to the truth when you mentioned the triviality of Valentine's Day, as we literally commemorate the age-old murder and burial of Saint Valentine on February 14th. Terrific piece.

  20. Haha your sarcastic tone within this whole piece is ON POINT! haha i enjoyed reading it, although some many tragic events happened on such a festive holiday which is ironic how you spend such a terrible time when the holiday calls for happiness and love. i truly did enjoy your sincerity within the happenings of this piece good job!


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