
Monday, January 26, 2015

"Growing Up" by Alexis H.

            Growing up this fast wasn’t something I chose, but something we are all forced to do. Every passing day we get closer to entering the “real world” the more fear builds up inside me that I’m not going to make it on my own. I sit alone at my desk every night, my homework laid out all over the table, scattered in every direction, with a blank stare as I look at the plain white papers of my work. Seated at the desk, my emotions running high, the tears roll down my cheeks and smear my makeup over my face as I realize, I know nothing. I turn my face towards the wall, hoping my parents and brothers don’t witness my sorrow.  Every night I lose my sanity, trying to focus on what needs to be done and it never works the way I plan. I sit in my desk chair and twiddle my hair and stare at the blank screen and wonder….How am I ever going to make something out of myself in this competitive world we live in.
I look at myself in the mirror and realize, I am no longer the cheerful and bubbly girl I once knew. The dark, purple circles that are accumulating underneath my eyes. My skin, once soft and clear is now a harsh bumpy wasteland of acne and pimples from stress. The increasing amount of headaches I get every night lying awake at two in the morning, hoping the best for my future. I spend every morning before school, piling on makeup, trying to cover up the evidence of my lack of sleep the night before, due to my tremendous amount of homework and studies. What fears me the most is the fact that I try my absolute hardest, and yet, I still don’t feel good enough. I look around and see and hear people talking and showing off their acceptance letters from their dream colleges while I’m still walking empty handed.
Being a teenager is definitely not easy. The amount of stress that I have every day is almost unbearable. I push myself to the limit and yet, I still fear for what’s to come. I’m not the smartest girl you’ll ever meet. I’m actually the opposite which makes everything that much more difficult for me. Even sitting here writing this for you all to read right now, I have no idea what I’m saying. I have all these emotions trapped inside of me that are screaming to come out but I don’t want them known, being that everyone will see me for the weak and broken person I truly am. So when my mother comes home and asks me “How was your day honey?”, I respond with “Great mom!” as I flash her my pearly white teeth.


  1. I think we can all agree with everything you wrote. Seniors have a load of pressure put on them everyday, from parents and teachers even your own friends. It's cool how your reflecting on your own personal experience and I like your uses of descriptive wording. There was a lot of imagery which allowed me visualize those pearly white teeth and the features of your face. Great job hold on in there!
    Evelin Conde

  2. I loved your short story and how relative the whole situation is. I liked how you were brave and wrote this, as it expresses most of our feelings as we grow into our adult lives. I specifically liked the dialogue with your mother, as i know how that plays out day by day.
    -Nate Shepard

  3. Ellodere Alexis, love.

    Ah, the extremely relatable quality of this piece made me grasping desperately to comment. The number one thing I can say about this, is that it's written much better than I know you think it is. It's quite obvious from your frantic tone that you wrote this under pressure, and were unsure of the result. However, you are extremely articulate and your voice as a writer is incredibly strong. This piece shows you have a knack for showing your heart in your work, and it makes it tangible for the reader to grasp. I particularly liked the strength of the ending othis, and it's contrast between the rest of your piece and the conclusion. This emphasized the pain and struggle of the impending doom of the so-called "real world". It's a pain all of us seniors have to endure, and you're not alone. Congratulations on an excellent piece, Alexis. You're absolutely wonderful, and you're not alone in your case of Senior Year Terror.

    xx Chloe

  4. Alexis, this piece is very relatable to all high schoolers; especially seniors. I appreciate how you put your genuine thoughts and feelings into this post. I enjoyed the vivid description and imagery of your emotions because they allowed me to really understand your standpoint. The discombobulated and sometimes frantic tone relayed the effects of applied pressure we all experience as we grow older. Very well written!

  5. I feel for you girl! This definitely is very relatable to me! I am not the type of girl who is extremely intelligent naturally. I have to push hard in attempt to maintain good grades. However, I think you are amazing and are doing so well for yourself. You need to be proud of yourself for pushing the limits and things will fall into place.Thanks for sharing!

  6. I'm a freshman, and this story just confirms my feelings for growing up in the next few years before facing the real world. I liked how you were honest with your experience in this, as some of us go through the same thing already, even if we are freshmen, sophomores, juniors, or seniors.
    -Joey Roest

  7. Everything you wrote was completely, and sadly accurate. I feel the same way every single night and I could never know how to put into words how I felt until you wrote it. I love how you related to all of us as teenagers going through the same thing you're going through. I also loved how you used so much detail into how you were feeling that we could all relate to it as well. It's such a stressful year for all of us especially as we enter into the "real world." Keep your head up and don't worry too much! It'll get better and just enjoy the time we have left! Stay strong!

    -Caitlin Nguyen
    Period 5

  8. I like this story because every person can relate because we all have to grow up and the all the details were great so keep it up.
    -Kamau O
    -Period 2

  9. Hey Alexis! The way you portrayed the feelings that you went through are common to a lot of teenagers. You use some great imagery to display your physical appearance as a result of all the mental hardships and stress. By doing so, it just makes the meaning of your narrative more impactful. It provides a common connection for students, and it even gives hope to those who think they're on their own.

  10. Everything from start to finish was extremely relatable. You wrote everything that goes on in my head that i can never put on paper or in words. i loved the usage of imagery you used in your piece. Overall it was a great piece and keep your head up we'll all get through this very stressful time of our lives.
    Leah Hernandez

  11. Noah Martinez
    Good Job! I was able to relate to the whole starting to grow up.

  12. Hallie Deeds
    Wow that was amazing. I can relate to this story about fearing what my future will be like and the stress from school trying to get good grades while playing a sport. Good job.

  13. Being a teenager, especially a senior in highschool, is one of the most difficult things we'll ever have to go through. I think it's something everyone can relate to. We're all going through it and I know it'll get better. (:

  14. This article is not only well written with great vocabulary but it is very true. As teenagers we have more forced upon our shoulders and more stress than our parents and grandparents did before us. Like every teenager they had struggles but being we are the generation entering a still very new century there are higher expectations. Being good at something such as academics sports isn't enough these days lately many must strive for nothing less than perfection in whatever their dreams are because now its constant competition its survival of the fittest and I love how this brief article is able to cover the main idea of the struggles teens face today. Great job with your article.

  15. I loved this story!!! It was so true. School is stressful. You did an amazing job. My favorite part was about growing up to fast.
    -Jocelyn Raangel

  16. I really enjoyed your story. It really shows how much stress us teenagers can go through at high school. I also enjoyed your great use of vocabulary. Great job on this story.

  17. I like this. I only understand you to a certain extent because I do not wear make up but I feel you about the stress. I think everyone has to be scared about going into the real world and having to provide for themselves, because if you mess up and spend all your "lunch money" for the month that's no longer asking your parents for extra money, but now its getting by on whatever scraps you can find. The thing that really scares me is losing a job and then becoming homeless because once you start that cycle its a hard on the change. Great Job
    Nehemiah Barnett
    Period 4

  18. I feel like this a piece that everyone can most definitely relate to, especially during this time of year. The stress that comes from school is no laughing matter and often times it goes unnoticed by friends and family or you, yourself don’t want others to know of the affect school has on you. This piece embodies the emotions caused by the seemingly relentless obstacles school places on students. Awesome job writing it!

    Isabelle Huynh

  19. I feel like this piece really relates to seniors because we all know the struggles of dealing with stress and the added pressures of having to make decisions that will affect our futures. Great Job.
    Sara Arredondo
    Period 1

  20. Miranda Santos, Period 5February 5, 2015 at 8:18 PM

    I love how honest this piece is and how it relates to so many people. I liked how you related the topic to everyone and went on to describe your situation with so much truth. I also liked the imagery and description you used to show how growing up affected you and how stressful it is. Great piece!

  21. I can relate to this piece so much that it’s almost scary. I know the exact emotions you are feeling because I’m going through them as well. I love how relatable you made this story, I feel that many seniors around the world can connect with this story, even some young adults as well. The idea of knowing that high school is coming to an end is quite frightening. Especially the part about receiving expectance letters. Overall this was a great piece I enjoyed it. & I wish you the Best of Luck these next couple of months :D

    Kaleha Spencer
    Period: 4

  22. Wow Alexis! Your piece was very deep and emotional. Overall, I liked how you used imagery to express your feelings. Great job!
    -Philip Ahn

  23. Aw Alexis :(
    This made me sad because I always think you are so happy whenever I talk to you, which is all the time. But, I really enjoyed your piece because I think it completely captures every senior at this point in their last year of school, possibly ever. You said you couldn't write and this a testament to that obvious lie because this is great. I loved your imagery pertaining to the way your face is changing according to the amounts of stress. Great job! Love you Alexis <3

  24. Yeah, I'm exactly the same way. The transference from kid to "teenager" to professional sad sack isn't an easy one. Especially not that last one. I see most other students and see them as unique and individual proofs of my failure. I'm happy that someone's writing about this. Your bravery and willingness to tell uncomfortable truths makes this a great piece.
    Charles Purcell
    Period 5

  25. I like this story because it is relatable to anyone who goes to school. People think oh well you're to young to be stressed but teachers give way to much homework but overall great piece of writing
    ~Clarissa Rojas
    Period 2

  26. I know what you're going through, and most high school seniors around this time do too! Its okay to be confused and scared about the future, and you definitely aren't alone. There's a lot of pressure around this time of the year to get into the colleges at the top of your list or to make something of yourself by choosing what you want to do in college, and furthermore, in the work force. You put a lot of your own personal feelings about this situation in the piece which is admirable, because a lot of people are a little too scared to admit it. It's fine if you don't have it all figured it out, just don't put so much pressure on yourself and don't sell yourself short! I'm having a really hard time growing up as well, but hang in there! Good job on your piece and use of imagery, detail, and the stream of consciousness.

    Anthony Hurd
    Period 4

  27. I Know how it feels to get a lot of homework. School is very stressful. Good story.
    Period 6

  28. Really enjoyed this piece. Very much relatable because of all of its beautiful detail. Its detail is what makes it so relatable and through that it helps create imagery. Loved the feelings within it:) Great piece!
    Haylie D
    Period 4

  29. Definitely a very relatable story. I feel like many students are feeling extreme anxiety, and I feel like you were able to do a great job of expressing it. The addition of your personal feelings strengthened the tone of your piece. Also your imagery shows the visual sign of stress and adds to the since of panic that students feel. Overall, a very emotional piece that is very well written. Great job!

  30. Your piece is very relatable and very interesting because while most student will not have the same experiences you did, most will understand your goals, aspirations, and challenges you have to face in order to be a successful student. Well written and very clever in presentation. I love how you conclude with placing a smile on your face when your parents would ask how was your day because most students would do that as well. Great job!

    Andrew Trinidad
    Period 1

  31. Your piece is very relatable and very interesting because while most student will not have the same experiences you did, most will understand your goals, aspirations, and challenges you have to face in order to be a successful student. Well written and very clever in presentation. I love how you conclude with placing a smile on your face when your parents would ask how was your day because most students would do that as well. Great job!

    Andrew Trinidad
    Period 1

  32. This is a very good depiction of all our lives right now. It's extremely stressful and we don't know where we're going to college and everything is a little much. You did a great job of expressing that feeling of anxiety, fear, stress, and all the other things that go along with this time in our lives.

  33. This entry just shows how strong you are, being able to admit these feelings and accepting them really do prove that in the end everything will turn out for the best. Many people feel this way, which makes it so appealing to the readers. The truths in this story are its strong points and gave a good representation of how everyone feels at some point in their lives. Great work!

    Katelynn Gutierrez
    period 4

  34. You and I are definitely in the same boat, I haven't been admitted into any schools yet and I doubt whether or not i will get in to any of the schools I applied to, don't worry too much though, have fun when you can because when you get accepted you'll think back to how silly your stress was. My favorite part of your entry was "tears roll down my cheeks and smear my makeup over my face as I realize, I know nothing." I have yet to cry over homework but the knowing nothing part is something I have thought to myself numerous times.
    -Zac Coaston period 5

  35. I think I can say that most highschool students think this way, especially the seniors. Although I myself am a freshman, I have my older brother to remind me of how important our work here in school is for our future. No matter how hard the work seems now, you just need to believe that what your doing is going to help you get whatever you want in life and that you are giving everything you can at it. If there is one thing that is truely safe to say about life, it is that determination never fails you as long as you have plenty of it. If you fall down in life, you get back up and give it everything you got and you will always be successful. Just remember to never doubt your decisions and push through all the obstacles life throws at you.
    -Justin Presto
    Period 2

  36. I really liked your piece. I know exactly how you feel and I feel as if many high school students feel the same way. I really liked the emotion that you put into your piece and it really convey a lot of feeling throughout. Good Job.
    -Alyssa Anastasi
    Period 5

  37. I believe this was really relatable , senior year is tuff we are not yet consider old but were no longer consider young either and people often neglect our work load of stress levels.

  38. I think this piece was very well written and you do an amazing job of explaining your emotions. I knew a lot of old senior friends who told me senior year was 'a blast' and easy, being here now however i see it is the most stressful year yet. however no matter how hard it is now i think it is important to remember what we are striving for and take comfort that all this stress will get us some where.
    Margaret Moyer
    per 5

  39. Oh Alexis you speak the truth.
    This was really revealing and just characterizes how we all feel in this society and how stressed we all are. good job girl, I loved reading it.

  40. Your piece is one that can be related by all of our peers at school. Your views on maturing and growing up have allowed me to step back and view my teenage life and evaluate. This work was a well written, deep emphasis on growing up. Great job.


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