
Sunday, November 16, 2014

"Tyler" by Lucca K.

Being a teenager in not easy. Sure we have way more advantages, but we also have disadvantages.  Most teenagers are stressed due to school, family, friends, social status, and just overall materialistic things. Growing up I was not the popular kid, or the funny kid, I was the kid that everyone made fun of. To be honest I didn’t have any friends at school, until fourth grade. I met Tyler Robinson. Tyler was just like me, he was the kid that everyone picked on .Tyler and I have been best friends ever since. Tyler was the type of person that would not hurt a fly, he was a nice innocent guy but, you could tell he was hurting on the inside. At first, he was really quiet, but then he started telling me his problems and feelings. He would tell me how his parents would argue almost every day, and they would take their anger out on him. He would tell me how kids at school would jump him and try to kill him. Sometimes, Tyler would talk about killing himself, and how all of his problems would go away, and he would be happy. When he would talk about death, I would always tell him that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. He would always agree, and say he was just kidding, but you could see it in his eyes that he wasn’t. One day, he came to school, and he had just got glasses. He didn’t get funny looking glasses, he just got normal glasses. Throughout the day, everyone would look at him, and make fun of him more than usual. I would defend him the best that I could, but it was no help. Tyler and I walk home together every day. On that day, he was nowhere to be found after school, I waited a good ten minutes. I was really worried so I went through out the whole school, and couldn’t find him. Then I passed by one of the boys’ bathrooms, Tyler’s new glasses were crushed in front of the bathroom. I rush into the bathroom, and Tyler is lying on the floor. He had blood dripping from his face and his head. He couldn’t speak, and I could tell he was in a lot of pain. I quickly called my mom to come pick us up so we could take Tyler to the hospital. Tyler was able to tell me that a group of jocks tried to kill him because he looked like a nerd with his glasses. The doctor said that Tyler had a serious gash in his head, and it was not fixable, he said Tyler had two weeks to live. Tyler knew he was going to die, but he didn’t sulk, instead he said he would finish off strong. For the first week, everyone looked at Tyler like he was a mad man. Everyone knew what had happened to him. As much as they bullied him about it, he didn’t let it get to him! That was surprising to me. He would look on the bright side of things, and not feed on hatred. The last couple days of his life were very weird. For example, when we were walking home one day, all he could talk about was the next day and how amazing it was going to be. I asked him what was going to happen the next day, and he said “I have some unfinished business to take care of”. Later that day, while we were walking home, I asked him what the business was that he had to take care of. He told me that I would see tomorrow. I couldn’t sleep all night that night, I was just thinking of all the possible things that it could be. The following day comes, and Tyler shows up with an extra bag, I question him and ask him what was in the bag, and he told me a baseball bat. It puzzled me why he would have that, he doesn’t play baseball, or any sport for that matter. The day comes to an end, and I wait after school for him, but he is a no show. I freak out and run to the bathroom where I first found him, and what I saw next, scared me for the rest of my life. He had a gun in his hand. He was shaking a lot, and he was covered in blood. Tyler had killed all of the jocks that beat him up. He turns and looks at me, and says slowly “My business is done”. Tyler had killed himself. Scared and panicking, I run home as fast as I could. My mom had heard what had happened from the news by the time I had got home. I cried and cried. I went in my room that night and couldn’t sleep, it was all sinking in. When school had started again, everyone was treating me extra bad, as if I had killed all of them myself. When I walked home that day, it was quiet, and empty. I went home, went to my room and I decided that maybe Tyler was right, dying is the solution to my problems. I now understood where he was coming from. At worst Tyler is somewhere quiet and peaceful, but at best, he is an angel in heaven. Either way, he is away from this horrible world. So that day, I decided I wanted to be with Tyler again. So I made a noose, hung it from my ceiling, slipped my head through it, and let gravity do the rest. 


  1. This is one of the best stories I have read so far. I love the whole detailing of the story I really find Tyler as a character really interesting. When I read the part about Tyler coming to school with an extra bag I knew some thing big was about to happen but I didn't think he would kill the bullies. The was a really nice and interesting story.

  2. Wow I love the whole story and I was interested in it for the first couple of sentences in the beginning and I love the fact that stuff like this really happens over kids getting bullied so good job.
    Kamau O

  3. This story was the best I've read so far not because it was a happy story because it wasn't at all but because the message in it was good and it shows how bullying someone can effect themselves and the person there bullying. You should write more because this was an amazing story that was interesting and had me wanting to read more. Good job!!

  4. Wow, this story was really heart-wrenching. Your descriptions make every small detail seem so real, everything that occurs in the story feels as though it could happen in real life. The plot is also somewhat believable giving the story an element of realism that is hard to match. The story is tragic and yet things like this really do happen in real life. Sometimes its hard to understand what is going through other peoples minds and this story gives insight into exactly that. Great job!

  5. This was a really great story! Loads of detail and an amazing storyline! This can relate a lot to kids who get bullied all the time. Great job! Keep it up!

  6. This story was really amazing. You put so much detail in it. I was shocked that Tyler killed the jocks. What surprised me was that the doctor said Tyler only had two weeks to live. Also, you put a good message in the story by saying how bulling can effect people. You did an amazing job.

    Jocelyn Rangel

  7. I barely have any words. This was an amazing story. The details were so precise and I feel like almost every teenager can relate to this some way or another. Great story!
    Josie Starr
    period 2

  8. This was an amazing story, probably the best I've read so far! This is such a sad story and it demonstrates the effects of bullying can do to people. You have to keep writing stories because these are some serious writing skills!

    Shayan Khan
    Period 6

  9. Your story was amazing! It contained such great details and had me speechless. Good job with this piece of writing, it was a great read.
    Jobelle Dauz
    Period 2

  10. This story really sucked me in. I really loved how you described both characters and their emotions. I was really sad that Tyler went from someone who wouldn't hurt a fly to a murderer. This story had good description and was done very well. Good job!

    - Pierce Bryant

  11. Wow. Wow. I got goosebumps from reading this. I really enjoyed reading your piece, this really is an eye opener of how our society is. I honestly didn't see that coming. I had a small feeling Tyler was going to die, but I did not know that the speaker was going to commit suicide as well. I really liked the message conveyed in your piece, bullying is a big deal and is really influential in people's lives. Not only that, but I from this, I see that the people around us, like our best friends, are so influential as well. Their actions do affect ours, and in this case it was suicide. Amazing Piece, Good Job! :))
    Grace Panjaitan
    Period 4

  12. Wow... What a sad story and yet what makes me even more sad is that it happens all around us. The writer did a great job developing the characters and I truly felt their emotions as I read the story. It makes you wonder why do kids like Tyler get bullied. I had an idea that Tyler would eventually fight back but didn't expect that dramatic of an outcome. We are influenced greatly by those we surround ourselves with and it appears that although the writer was beaten up daily he had his own struggles. Just very sad that he didn't have someone else to turn to for support like his mother.
    Hallie Deeds Period 2

  13. This story is emotionally beautiful. I love how you described Tyler's emotional state and the things he went through. Good work.
    -Chiquitita Annisa

  14. This story is interesting , I like how it expresses another point of bullying when the friend is their to see it point of view .

  15. I really loved the character of Tyler, your average kid, pushed to the edge became a killer. It just goes to show how much bullying can effect a person. Great use of imagery.

  16. An interesting take on this kind of story. Definitely a sad one, but a worthwhile read nonetheless. A great emotional connection is made between the reader and the characters. I liked the way that you sort of delved into Tyler's and the narrator's relationship, it seemed almost voyeuristic at times.
    Charles Purcell
    Period 5

  17. Wow, the story had a great imagery through the point of view. I am seeing the recurring of depression and suicide, but it doesn't get old. -Joey Roest

  18. Wow!!! That was a very well written story. I loved all the details and the message it gave. The message it gave me is that bullying affects people in many different way like in this story Tyler ends up being a killer then kills himself.
    ~Clarissa Rojas
    Period 2

  19. This was a great story that had good details and an amazing plot. It can relate to some students today in real life. Keep it up.

  20. WOW! this was a really good story i like the plot of it and this is my favorite story so far.
    -Angel Gonzalez

  21. Wow this a very emotional story. I loved all the details you had in your story. It helped bring out the mood and meaning of the story. Overall, it showed me that bullying can really hurt someone and we as individuals need to bring and end to it. Keep up the great work!
    -Philip Ahn

  22. This story was very sad and well detailed. I like this story because stuff like this happens everywhere and could happen to anyone who feels that same way. Nice Story.
    ~Mia Tolliver

  23. The main idea of bullying and its terrible effects can be read and are extremely apparent in this piece. When the writer tells the tale of the narrator and Tyler, the two have a very strong friendship. But no matter how hard the narrator tries to protect his friend from the cruelties of the world, it seems that there is no turning back when Tyler commits the unforgivable to his enemies. The effect most people don't remember about those bullied is that it does not just affect a person physically but also psychologically. The sweet escape of death was enticing to Tyler but not until he could enact his revenge. The depression and the bitter faith that Tyler has found peace in a better place pushes the narrator to follow in his sadness and sacrifice himself to find his "lost friend". Altogether well written and the plot is very organized and concise that would still be ideal if turned into a novel.
    -Andrew Trinidad
    Period 1

  24. Definitely a thought provoking and emotional story, I felt sympathetic towards Tyler and hated the bullies but the way he handled the situation made me question how I felt about his character in the end. Good job

  25. this emotional story is very thought provoking and i was amazed by the imagery an the plot was great, good job Lucca.

  26. Honestly this got me in tears. I loved reading every bit of it and I loved all the details you used to describe and picture this story for the readers to understand where you're coming from. What I also appreciate about this story is the fact that it shows how much bullying impacts a persons life which is a major problem in society. This was such a great story to read I loved it! Brought me to tears!
    -Caitlin Nguyen


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