
Monday, November 10, 2014

“Noticed or Heard, You Decide” by Kathryn B

                Being noticed and being heard are two completely different things. To be quite honest with you, I would much rather be heard than noticed. Noticing someone is done by looking at one’s outer shell, their appearance. Not even breaking the surface of what makes a human to be. But being heard, that’s when someone listens. Not only to what you have to say but what you feel, your opinions, and they way that you view things.
                                They care if you are heard.
                This is something not all people are able to have in their lifetime, it’s simply luck… or is it fate? I don’t know, this still makes no sense to me. But it is the most fulfilling thing to be able to be surrounded by people who care… people who hear you.
                But what happens when you are told that you are cared about by so many people, but yet it is as if they still would be unable to hear you even if you screamed it through a megaphone. How does this make sense? When someone cares about you, they listen. They are able to hear you without you even saying a word. It is all empty words, exactly like empty promises.
                Empty words that are the exact same thing as empty promises. And these empty words will be what eventually lead to the demise of an empty person. Now I want you to say hello to that person.
                                It is the one writing this… Hello, I am empty. How are you?


  1. I completely agree with your whole concept have being heard and being notice being to completely different things. I feel like nobody ever listens to anybody these days! We all hear what we want to hear, we don't allow anything different to be absorbed. So my question is that, why are there so many people who wish to be heard when there are so many people in this world with the ability to listen. I loved the way you ponder the ideas back and forth and the way you connect each concept to another one. The way you ending this piece with "Hello, I am empty. How are you?" was very symbolic as well. Writing more like this is a way you can be heard.
    Evelin Conde

  2. This is a really deep perception of life. Honestly I can tell you worked hard on this. All these statements make me think about my life. I feel that everything that you have said is true but not many people realize. To be honest with you I didn't realize this until I read this amazing concept on life. So I would only like to say one thing: heard.

  3. I'd never really thought about this before; and for this reason, I found your piece to be quite fascinating. I liked that you laid out exactly what it meant to be heard and what it meant to be seen and how the two concepts differ. I also believe that it is more important to be heard rather than to be seen because when someone else listens to you and you are able to clearly express yourself with your words, it is easier to connect with others around you. Being truly heard, constitutes someone giving you their attention and devoting their time to you, two things that remain one of the most invaluable objects humans can provide one another. When you sit down and listen to someone else, what you tell them is that you value them enough to provide them with your most valuable resource. I also quite liked the lines where you discuss emptiness as it reinforces the importance of human connection. When one ignores someone else and does not truly listen, you are depriving someone of connection and stimulation, leaving them devoid of these precious elements. Overall, this was a beautiful piece and i enjoyed it very much.

    Danielle Delgado
    Period 1

  4. I like the philosophical approach you took towards your blog entry. I was yet to see a totally personal and genuine entry. I agree with your points that you make. Good job!

  5. I completely agree with you and the whole empty concept. It’s hard to know if someone who cares about you truly hears you and what if they don’t. What do you do then? I like your story because it truly made me stop and think if I was being heard and if I was hearing.
    Sara Arredondo
    period 4

  6. It's great seeing people who express themselves and their opinions on life. I thouroughly liked hearing your thoughts on this because in reality people have some sort of goal. Mostly, it's being known for something great. Being heard, rather than being noticed, kind of ties into this. -Joey Roest


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