
Sunday, November 16, 2014

"Being Jeremie's Twin" by Jamie A.

      *Whispers* “I ate my twin in the womb” (Pitch Perfect reference). Unfortunately, I did not. I did, however, jeopardize her life which caused my mom to have a cesarean section. I wish I was born first. In the womb, I was growing at a higher rate and pushing against my sister to where she couldn’t receive the proper necessities that our mother was providing. We were born on February 21st, 1997 at 12:53 pm and 12:54 pm. We’re actually less than a minute apart but to my family, that doesn’t matter. She’s my older sister and for the rest of my life I would have to call her “Ate” (pronounced ahteh, not the past tense of eat). Why? It’s in the Filipino culture to respect all my elders. What does she call me? Just Jamie.

      I mean, it’s pretty typical to compare us. In one way or another, someone would ask me why I’m not like Jer. ”How come you don’t wear makeup?” “ Why don’t you dress girly?” “You should let your hair down on both sides or even curl it or something.” I use to be annoyed and offended when people would share their opinions and get me to change just so I could be identical to her. I get it, they’re all valid questions that would be cool if I actually did those things but, why hasn’t anyone asked her to be like me? Whatever. What really hurts is when my family calls her “Ate Ganda” (Pretty sister) when I’m just “Bunso” (pronounced boonesoh, which means youngest in the family). I doubt anyone thinks about how I feel so I try to ignore it. it’s not a big deal anyway, I’m just over dramatic and too serious right?

     All my life I use to wonder why God made me Jeremie’s twin. Everything about it seems to suck. You have to share almost everything. You have to sacrifice so much for the sake of doubling the cost and expenses of certain things.What is so good about being Jeremie’s twin?

     Even though I am constantly compared to Jer, I know who I am. I love me for me and so does she. We’re not exactly best friends, especially after going through high school and finding our own way. We may treat each other like crap and piss each other off, but in the end of it all, no one is closer to me than my Ate. She knows everything about me. She may not be the ideal identical twin, let alone a perfect older sister, but I look up to her. She’s just as strong and wise as me. Together, I’ve seen the good we can do and the impact we make on our friends and family. There are times that are filled with drama but in others, love and happiness.

      As much as I seem to rant about having a twin sister, I realized I am beyond blessed. I have a freaking twin! Who can say that? Without Jer, I wouldn’t be the person I am today. I have grown so much, matured, and come to realize that she is forever my family. I love her with all my heart and will put her above any of my friends. I’m really lucky to have her by my side, she’s my womb mate for life!


  1. First of all I was really excited to read this, the title caught my attention right away. The first reference made me laugh as well. It's really interesting getting an insight of you and your sister, since I don't really know either of you. But I've seem to understand what your more about after reading this. You really put your thoughts and feelings out there for all of us to read, which is really brave of you. Your piece was very well written out, great job!
    Evelin Conde
    period. 5

  2. This story of you and your sister is great. Never stop loving her. You and her seem like great sisters. It is so touching to read a story about how even when you may fight you are always there for her and always will love her. Keep up the great work!
    Bethany Stitt
    4:46 PM
    period 2

  3. Wow! Jeremie... errr I mean Jamie! I really enjoyed this piece of writing. I like how you show the contrast between you and your sister, and how people criticize you. It must be really annoying due to the fact you are your own self and no one is exactly like another person, even if they are a twin. I like how you point out the truth within your relationship with your sister. You mention how she isn't exactly your best friend, but there is no one else out there just like your sister, and how she is your own. I love how you describe her as your "womb mate." Overall, this story was short, simple, and cute and it is a nice quick and easy read. I really enjoyed this blog submission. :)
    Simran Bajwa
    Period 1

  4. I really enjoyed this story!Ive always wanted a twin! Thanks for sharing!

    imalla ramirez
    period 6

  5. This is a such a wonderful piece. You provide a new view into the life of twins, especially ones that seem so different. I like that you revealed how despite the fact that people think that what they're doing and saying is harmless, it can actually carry with it a heavy weight of emotion and possibly a bit of pain. I think it's unfair that people expect you to change yourself and aspire to someone else you are not. Most of this type of thinking is probably that just because you are twins everyone expects the two of you to be identical in every way, which is still quite ridiculous. Event though I don't have twin, I can still relate to all the nicknames and comparison between siblings. I don't think family realize that even these little things can still leave us feeling a bit hurt. It's never nice to hear yourself being compared to someone else because in my view, it sends the message that your not good enough to be spoken of without having to carry someone else's descriptor. Anyways, I also quite liked the fact that you also showed your love and appreciation for your sister. It left me feeling all nice and fuzzy to see that your bond still remains strong.

    Danielle Delgado
    Period 1

  6. Hey Jamie! (:
    I really liked how you described what your perspective is as a twin. Although I’m not a twin myself, I can relate to being compared and being neglected sometimes. That whole “respecting the elders” thing can be quite a drag huh? However, despite the differences between you and Jeremie, I see that there is still a sisterly love between you two and I appreciate both of you for who you are. Very refreshing to see two perspectives, good job!
    Tedman Nguyen
    P: 1

  7. Ah! I honestly love this piece to death, and even more as a couplet to your sisters. As a filipino myself, I smirked and chuckled a little bit Everytime you threw in a pinoy reference. It was such a relatable and funny piece, that I couldn't help but smile. Not to mention, it was beautifully written and thoughtful. Congratulations on a fantastic piece!

  8. I was very interested by the title and I wanted to see what you had to tell and I'm glad I read this! It is very well written and a lot of things everyone can relate to a sibling if not a twin. I love this piece and always wondered if this happens to twins sometimes so this had an idea of it! Over all I really enjoyed reading this!

    Sarah Skibby
    Period 6

  9. First off, I really loved the Pitch Perfect reference in the beginning. I love that movie! Anyway, this story was so adorable! I absolutely love your relationship with your sister. No matter what happens you always have each others back and you make me envy you two because I always have wanted a sister relationship like the one you guys have. Keep that sister bond strong! Now I'm off to read Jeremie's perspective on this!
    Alexis Huizar
    Period 5

  10. This piece caught my eye as soon as i read the title! This was very well thought out and written. Although i am not a twin i can relate, which i absolutely love. Overall this was a great piece and the cutest, keep writing!
    -Leah Hernandez

  11. I love how you used the Pitch Perfect reference to start off your story. It was a good attention grabber and there is probably nothing more accurate to your situation than that quote. I liked how you explained that although you guys may be twins, you are actually two different people, and I'm glad that I was one of the people to really get to know the real person that you both are. You came into class so excited to share your story on the blog, and now I know why. The title is clever and it gives a sense that there is another part to it. It brings up questions as "Who is Jeremie?", "Is being a twin fun?", etc. I liked the type of structure you used. First, stating how you indirectly stated you disliked being a twin, but then coming to realizations as to why you're so blessed to have a twin. It shows that your story had progression and a real meaning to it. It had a beginning, middle, and end. Good Job!
    -Katrina Dorado

  12. You did a great job on relaiting it to the real word. Your writing wasnt made up it could of really happened. Fantastic.

    Tommy McDonnell

  13. I loved reading this! i can relate to this so much and i loved how you say how tragically different your personalities are and just how you guys act in general. Having an older sister myself i know exactly what you mean.(except being a twin of course.) However, You guys are the other half of each other and without knowing how the other is, you wouldn't know that you are different from her and vice versa. It really got me into an "aahhh I can totally relate!" moment, I loved this and it's truly amazing for you to accept that you're different from one another and that's perfectly okay! Really relatable!

  14. First things first, I like the first sentence it had me laughing. But I like how you focus on the negative and then wrap up with the positive. When I first started reading this I was shocked like, "Dang you are going to do you sister foul like that" but once I got to the end I saw how heart felt this piece was. Great Job!
    Nehemiah Barnett
    Period 4

  15. Jamie, you have no idea how excited I was when I saw the title of your piece. I have always been so curious as to what it's like to have a twin, but I always refrained from asking you questions, particularly those that compare you to Jeremie, precisely because I was so scared to offend you. Your piece offered a unique perspective on what it is like to have a twin, and the way you've described the frustration that comes with being compared to your siblings, (I myself have three sisters and a brother), made this incredibly relatable. I admire that you gave yourself an aspect of individuality to convey to the audience that you are your own person, because I'm sure that this is often overlooked when you have a twin. You wrote with a very specific voice true to yourself, making this piece refreshing and insightful. Great job!
    P.S.: I admire you so much as a person, because although you're sometimes pressured to look or act a certain way, you've stuck true to who you are. Love you Jamie!

    Delia Munoz
    Period 1

  16. Jamie,I really enjoyed reading your piece. Although I don't have a twin, I can totally relate with my brothers. Even though I always get compared to them on certain things I may not like and how different we are, I love them and I am who I am because of them. Our siblings are a part of us and our family. This is really a great piece. I really like your hook in the introduction. The Pitch Perfect reference was perfect. Good Job. :)
    Grace Panjaitan
    Period 4

  17. I liked the beat change in this how the writer was describing as Jamie being sad she was the youngest, but in the end being happy for who she is and showing her love for her sister. The description of Jamie versus Jeremy was also amazing. Great job!

    - Pierce Bryant

  18. To be honest your title brought me here but after reading this I could relate to it because I have an older sister as you know and I understand how it feels to be compared to and asked why we don't do certain things they do but other than that it was well written.
    -vymian san

  19. I really like this entry. I like how you describe the relationship between you and your sister and describe how you feel as being a younger twin. I could relate to some parts as I am often compared to my sister. I really love how at the end you share you love for your sister and the special relationship you two have. This is a great entry, good job!

  20. Jamie I really enjoyed this piece because I can understand all of this.I have an older sister as well and she seems to get praised ten times more than I do.After getting a full ride to UCLA it's hard to compare.At the end of the day I am glad you are you.You're amazing!I really love all the foreign language words that you used, I learned some new vocabulary.

  21. I really enjoyed this story. I have a sister, not a twin but can relate in many areas. I find it interesting to learn about other cultures and the family dynamics that take place within them. I'm sure that these terms of endearment that are given to people, such as Ate or Ate Ganda were never meant to hurt anyone's feeling yet they did in this story, which leads me to believe it happens in many homes. The story reads true in that as much as sisters may fight in the end they will always be your best friend. I know i argue with my little sister a lot but love her with all my heart.
    Hallie Deeds Period 2

  22. Marian Hollinquest
    Period 1
    I really enjoyed this piece! I don't think I can relate because I only have brothers, and seeing my family's behavioral track record, I think I could proudly say I am the good egg. Anyway, I usually can relate to literature very emotional, so I could just feel the frustration beading off of the narrator as she described being compared to her twin sister. it's a very inspirational story about individuality.

  23. Jamie I really enjoyed your entry. I'm an only child so I really can't relate to this but life must be different with a younger or older sibling. I really liked how you expressed your emotions by showing your love and gratitude towards your sister. Overall, I really liked you piece! Keep up the great work!
    -Philip Ahn

  24. Period 1
    This was a great story because it was about siblings which I have 3. I have a brother who was always ahead of me (being the oldest and all) but I was constantly in his shadow and was always forgotten, but later on in life, he and I always agreed on things and got along pretty well and now I'm proud to be the youngest and have a brother like him. I really enjoyed your story Jamie mostly because it was touching and I could relate.

  25. I really enjoy the way you expressed yourself in the piece. It was well thought out and worded beautifully. Hope to read more pieces like this.
    Period 6

  26. The Pitch Perfect reference was a super funny way to start off your story. My favorite part of the story was when you were explaining the relationship between siblings that a lot of us can relate to. Sometimes we seem to hate them, but they're our sibling and we would be lost without them. I can see how being compared to a person all the time can be frustrating, but I know that you have your own style and you rock it so hang in there. Good job Jamie!

    Anthony Hurd
    Period 4

  27. This story about you and your sister is cool , reminds me of my sister ! I liked how you expressed the frustrations the way narrator described the comparison .

  28. I love it! Your story really makes me appreciate my little brother. It really reminded me how having siblings has it ups and downs, but in the end your still family and that's all that matters. Your poem really spoke to me, really good job.
    -Daniel Alaniz
    Period 4

  29. Jamie, I really enjoyed reading your story! The Pitch Perfect reference immediately caught my attention and made me want to read more of what you had to say about your sister. I love that you made the story very serious and reflective, yet very light hearted. It was also a very relatable story to all of us who have siblings because, believe it or not, whether you are the oldest- like myself- or the youngest you are always compared to your siblings. When you told me that you were going to write a story about your life as a twin, I was overjoyed. Now after reading your story, I am impressed by the way you portrayed your life as a twin and younger sibling. Knowing both you and your sister, I know how different the two of you are and I am so happy that you expressed your true feelings about being who you are and not being compared to her. Great job Jamie!
    -Sophia Bobadilla

  30. Period 4
    This was a great story because it was about siblings which I have 3. I have a brother who was always ahead of me (being the oldest and all) but I was constantly in his shadow and was always forgotten, but later on in life, he and I always agreed on things and got along pretty well and now I'm proud to be the youngest and have a brother like him. I really enjoyed your story Jamie mostly because it was touching and I could relate.

  31. My favorite sentence out of this entire thing is "Unfortunately I did not" because I have younger sisters that are twins and they have made this same exact joke (but its not really a joke. I wish one of them ate the other one too). I especially can relate to the part about people making comments on how you personally present yourself and how they're not really satisfied with how you already are. You and Jeremie are both fantastic INDIVIDUALS and it makes me really happy knowing that you guys know yourselves and each other well enough to not let outside remarks or "drama" deter you being happy. From the womb to the tomb, am I right?

  32. Jamie! I loved this. You started talking about how you and Jer came into this world, her being first than you, and then played off the experience of being her twin from then on there which really set me up for what you were really trying to convey. Your piece made me admire Jer and you for being in such a unique situation of which others can't entirely relate to or imagine being in and embracing it. My favorite part of your piece was when you began to describe how you've accepted all of this and have come out of it with more of a sense of self-awareness. Personally, especially with being twins and being associated with each other so much, it's beautiful that you can be your own person and have your own quirks about you that Jer can't have and that you cant have with her. I see the love you both have for each other in this piece. Good job bae! :)
    Period 1

  33. Jamie, I am completely aware that this is like the thousandth time you've hear me say this in the last week, but I am absolutely obsessed with your blog entry. First off, the Pitch Perfect reference made me laugh a lot harder than a sane person ever should, so I commend you for your creative hook. When I first read this, I heard your voice in my head narrating your blog entry to me because this entry is so full of emotion and captures the essence of your personality as well: loving, mature, and understanding. Being a little sister myself, I can completely relate to being compared to the "perfect" older sibling, and even the aspect of respect. However, I am aware that it must be quite difficult and even frustrating at times having to deal with that, especially if you and your older sibling are born only one minute apart. Overall, I loved this piece with all my heart, great job. :)

  34. I love how you started off your story! The reference caught my attention and made me laugh. From that, I thought maybe that this would be a funny story about being a twin, then I realized it was a serious thing. I love how you explained that what people said use to bother you, but then you learned to overcome it. This just adds more to how wonderful of a person you are and how strong you are to overcome what people say and do what you want. Keep doing what makes you happy! Great piece and an amazing job catching the audience's attention.
    Idalys Martinez
    Period 1

  35. Christian Black
    Period 1

    HahaHa I loved it, the entire tone and set up of this piece is completely different from your twins. It Expresses your individuality and the gives the reader an idea of how different you two really are. The pitch Perfect line was the perfect way to set the mood of this amazing piece. Great Work!

  36. I really loved how you shared your differences yet you both love each other. This reminds me of my siblings and I could totally relate to it. It was very easy to read and kept my attention from the start. I love how you haven't given into what people say and you keep doing what you want because despite being a twin, you're your own person :) Loved this piece.
    -Haylie Duncan
    Period 4

  37. This completely captured my attention just from the picture perfect reference. At first I thought you hated your twin, but you did a whole plot twist. I love how personal it sounds and how it connects to the heart of the readers. It shows you can overcome obstacles even when it comes from the person closest to you. It was a fantastic piece!

  38. Nice job Jamie! The minute I saw this title, I was like dang I gotta read your post. Cause I remember every time Mrs.Cogswell would say November writers turn in your posts on turnitin, you would just sit there and groan. So yeah since then I was like I'm about to read Jamie's blog post, this oughta be good. First off, I like this post in particular because it's extremely different and funny to see the different perspectives people have on having a twin or wanting one. I like how you talk about it and you don't make it seem like having a twin is so easy and peachy-perfect, but then at the end you send off a positive message and say that you do love your sister. So yeah I thought this blog post was really good. As far as your writing goes, I really like your laid-back, casual style:)

    Good Job!

  39. I have always wanted to know how it would be to have a twin and you showed it through this piece. I like how you and your sister wrote the different perspectives of how it is to have a twin. It is good that you do not listen to others who want you to change and you are just doing you. Even though I do not have a twin, I kind of understand how you feel because I do have an older sister and my parents compare me to her even though we have complete different personalities. Anyways, keep doing you and don't listen to those who judge you or tell you to change. Great piece!

  40. Jeremie told me that you guys were planning to do a companion piece, which I was really excited to read. I liked that you guys both started your story with the same anecdote. But while reading your pieces, its very obvious that your writing styles are very different. You mainly mentioned yourself and used Jeremie as your foil character. I definitely enjoyed the irony in your two pieces, whether it was intended or not. Both your pieces emphasized differences and the fact that you hate being compared, yet, by writing you pieces in the same month, you forced the readers to compare the two of you once again.

  41. Reading this piece, the reader can see that the connection between the two sisters is more unique and how their story is poignant and passionate as life. The obstacles faced, the differences, and all the events that have passed have helped shaped the writer to be her own person. The comparison that reader is faced with is that each sister has a certain role in their family. As the writer is the younger, she dwells on the fact that regards the differences in characteristics follow each character for the rest of their life. The use of Tagalog words are important because they help shape the writer's story into her own without sacrificing several other elements that help the reader become empathetic and connect even more to the writer's reflection. A vey well written piece that is a testimony that revisit the bonds between sisters and how one loves the other because as Jeremie is the writer's sister, she is therefore a part of the writer herself.
    -Andrew Trinidad
    Period 1

  42. I love how your relation to your twin has helped to make the person you are today. It is important to be independent in the world and having a twin can make it all the more difficult. It was nice that you were able to add some cultural references to your culture because it makes me feel more understanding and closer as the reader. Very nice.

    -Frederick Sagoe

  43. Haha this was such a tender piece to read and I can especially relate with the whole love/hate relationship with my sister. Both of you are awesome people and I really applaud for being vulnerable and honest in this piece because it gives us more of an insight to your emotion within the text. Grrrrreat job!!

  44. Amazing job Jamie! I appreciated how you captivated the life of not only you and Jer, but the life of most twins. You guys may fight and sometimes really dislike each other, but at the end of the day still love and appreciate each other.Overall, I enjoyed your rant and hope that you released tensions through writing this piece.

  45. Jamie, I was very intrigued to hear your perspective of what it was like being compared to Jeremie. I really loved how even though you started off with the negative aspects of having a twin, in the end you explained that you wouldn't trade it because she is your sister and you love her. It is important for people to know that just because you guys are twins, you are still incredible unique individuals and shouldn't be expected to be the same. Not to be repetitive but I also loved how you added that Pitch Perfect reference.

  46. I am very happy for you Jamie. The story was pleasantly written with anecdotes that approaches your concerns from different perspectives and outlooks, which provoked pathos in the beginning but then you flipped it showing how much you love your sister all in all. I can see your growth and development as a person through these scenarios you have explained. However, I am embarrassed by your maturity and patience in dealing scenarios like this; I respect the choices and perspectives you decide to employ towards your twin and outlook on life as a result. Being a twin as well, being the youngest, being the "less well dressed" (or how others put it), and being less better looking, I feel the same way. Unfortunately, I guess I'm still immature as a person; you take those comparisons and decide on yourself that your a different person, and I highly respect that. Sadly to say, I can not say the same thing you have said in the end of your story; so I applaud your maturity and for your love towards your sister.

  47. This was a great story of your life, Jamie. Never stop loving each other, because you were made twins for a reason, right? Embrace it! Great job!
    Melany M
    period 1

  48. I remember either you or Jeremie telling me this at some time briefly but this goes a lot more in depth and it's really interesting to see how you describe your life with your sister. I could definitely understand where the resentment comes from but it's cool that at the end of the day it doesn't matter because you're still sisters. Nice job.

  49. This is a very great story of how you feel about your sister. I loved all of the filipino culture references by the way! Great Story!
    -Altierre Paris

  50. I thought this was simply remarkable. I loved all the cultural references which allows the readers to have a deeper insight on your families. You had shift changes which showed a lot maturity and interest. I loved how you talked about your sister because a lot of people can relate to it. Your description at the beginning was clear and it gave us a bigger mind set. My favorite was the end when you said how much you loved your sister. Great job.
    -Katheryn Valle p.4

  51. I loved your story. I do not have a twin but I know how it is to have siblings and have that love hate relationship with them. I loved how you connected it to your heritage and your story kept me interested the entire time. Great Job.
    Alyssa Anastasi

  52. this story is great and about a topic of family great story telling, and very good plot, great job.

  53. I really enjoyed your piece Jamie! I loved how you brought out your individualism from you and jer, but not only did you clearly sate that you and jeremie are not mentally identical, you also brought out how beautiful it acually is to be different. It makes me happy that I am not the only one who feels the same way with my "kapatids" ( even if they are not my twins). Amazing Job Jamie! "Ang galing mo mag sulat!"

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. Great job Jamie, you effectively reversed the tone from melancholy to true gratitude. I appreciate your giving insight to how you personally feel having a sibling that essentially your other half, but having to be regarded under her. You maturely understood that you are an individual human being and who you are does not have anything to do with who your sister is. However, you also state what an important figure your sister is in your life and the influence it is to have her in your life.
    Thuy Cao
    Period 1

  56. Jamie your letter was really good and i hope that you have peace with your siblings. I am the youngest of four brothers and it has always been hard we fight but I will always love them. I like how you put effort into writing this and that it sounds like raw emotion I could feel every word and every situation. Good job and I found it interesting that you wrote in the perspective of a twin again good job.

  57. Merosa Uiagalelei
    Per. 5
    I thought this piece was great! Your writing demonstrated deep emotion which reeled me in to continue reading. The piece was comfortable, as the reader I felt as if I knew you personally through your relatable diction. All in all amazing job!!

  58. I loved reading this piece and I thought the beginning was hilarious with the pitch perfect quote! I always loved hearing stories about twins and their lives compared to others. I loved hearing from your point of view on everything and I appreciated each detail you put into this because it showed how much you really care about Jeremie. I loved reading this piece completely! Great job!
    -Caitlin Nguyen

  59. Jamie I love this story so much! I like how you and Jeremie kind of tag teamed this assignment and the readers were able to get a sense of what life is like on both sides of the spectrum. I also really like how you call her your womb mate haha good job!
    -Jacob Valdez
    Period 4

  60. this is a well written out story it made complete sense through i loved it so much the beginning of the story was so funny i was literally laughing so hard and when i was reading it i really didn't get that you and Jeremiah were twins but when i was finished i got it and i thought it was pretty good of you two included your self's in it.

    Omid Raziani


Remember, make your comment positive, supportive, and specific to the piece you're commenting on. No anonymous comments! :)