
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

"Football" by Noah M

            One day there was a boy who was at football practice his name is John he didn’t play in any of the games but he hoped he would. So at practice that day the starting running back was running as another kid hit his leg. The starting running back was hurt as he laid on the floor with a broken leg. So after that occurred practice ended and John was going to get a chance in a couple of days to play in Sundays game. Sunday came around as John was as prepared as he could ever be. When the game started the first play John got the ball and ran it for a 50 yard touchdown. Later in that game he would score two more touchdowns. But as John was scoring touchdowns so was the other team. The score ended up being 21 to 21 with 5 seconds on the board with the ball on the 5 yard lane. Johns team had the ball everyone knew he was getting it as the quarterback said “hike” the play began. John got the ball and ran as there was a defensive player waiting to tackle him at the 2 yard line. John leaned his shoulder into the defensive player as they made contact. John had crossed the line and scored a touchdown as he won the game for his team.


  1. I really like and appreciate the positivity of this story. It gives one a sense of hope and I also really like the directness of it.
    Jacob Valdez
    Period 4

  2. I like this story because it can motivate people to strive for better and to just wait on your time and keep working hard but Good Job
    -Kamau O
    Period 2

  3. I really like this story because I can relate to it I understand how it feels to be sitting on the bench while your teammates play but hey he was motivated and believed in himself and was able to score a win for his team.

    -Vymian San

    1. Vymian, someone hacked your Facebook and tried to send me a virus! It was a while ago though.

  4. This story reminds me of the movie Rudy. I like this story because he was so determined to play in a game.
    ~Mia Tolliver

  5. This story is so happy, and awesome, and creative. I feel proud of John, because the touchdown he made in the story was nothing but amazing. This story is sooooooooo kewl!

  6. I really like how your story is about motivation
    Chiquitita Annisa

  7. This was such a cute story! The determination the boy had was great. I really wish people were more like that today. Keep up the good work!

    Alexis Huizar
    Per 5

  8. I believe this story is really motivational. You should always wait for your time to shine because its going to be a big moment.

  9. This story got me to think. It made me think that just because we do not play doesn't mean we will never play. I like this story a lot because it kind of inspired me to never give on something.
    -Kyle baker
    period 6

  10. This reminds me of the movie Friday Night Lights, when their star play, who is also a RB gets injured, and the team has to find a way to win without him. Very uplifting.

  11. This was a good story because it can relate to lot of people who never play but hope to play some day. There a lot of good details and it was a good story overall. Good job Noah!

  12. Nice! I personally don't know much about football and so I was slightly confused. I love how the main character had his own personality and showed emotions.
    period 2
    Josie Starr

  13. I really enjoyed this story. I feel as if this story could encourage other kids that aren't playing sports to try and see just how good they are. Overall, well written story!

    -Shayan Khan
    Period 6

  14. I really enjoyed this story because its very motivational and teaches how to never give up and always try your hardest.

    Joseph Mendez
    Period 2

  15. I really enjoyed this story. Its very motivational. It teaches you how to never give up and always try your hardest even though you sit. When you have an opportunity to show yourself what you can do, always give your best effort.

    Joseph Mendez
    Period 2

  16. I really like this story because I can actually relate to it in present time. It reminds me that later on I might get a chance to prove myself on the football field like John did. This story was really good.

  17. You use great examples of the literary device imagery by detailing your protagonist actions.

  18. i really like the positive of this story of what happens at the end of it you used alot fo great examples of literary device and you also included imagery another thing that i really liked was that it was very motivational it was like is he gonna get that chance to play or not and his chance came and he showed himself good job on that.

    Omid Raziani

  19. This story was very motivational and the theme of perseverance and hope is laced flawlessly throughout the piece, GREAT work.
    -Ebohni Smith

  20. I loved the imagery, I was hoping the protagonist would win by the end of the story, great work.

  21. I loved how the story gave the main character a chance to show that he can play good and will all that practice he got the winning touchdown for the team which is a happy ending and i loved how it was strait to the point.
    Juan Acero
    Period 6

  22. I really like this story because sometimes other people need a chance not like that but other kids should get a chance. I feel bad for the starting running back but I'm happy for the other player. I like football and I'm happy you wrote this. It was something you could picture in your head.
    -Katlyn Per.1


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