
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

"Field of Memories" By Nick H

    Every summer, me and my eight best friends, Danny, Jimmy, Alex, Zach, Steve, Brad, Erik, and Jake, would go out to the field everyday and play baseball. Every year, the same thing happened. At about six in the morning, I would wake up, grab my glove, and head over to the field. After spending 6 hours or so at the field, we go home, go to sleep, and do the same thing the next morning. Well, our system got messed up in the summer of 1972.
    That year, a new girl named Angelina moved into our neighborhood. I think I can speak for all the guys when I say she is the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen. Her hair was perfect, her face was perfect, she was a Christian, and she played softball. What more can you ask for in a girl? We all knew that one of us had to ask her out and that one of us had to be Brad. He has the looks, the muscle, and the smile. We knew he was gonna ask out Angelina and he was gonna do it soon.
    One day during our regular playing routine, Danny told us that Britney Martinez said that Angelina was gonna come over and watch us play. When we heard the news, we just about peed our pants in excitement. After about twenty minutes, Alex saw Angelina and her friends walking towards the field. “She’s coming!” Alex screamed. We all freaked out and started running around like little girls. As she reached the fence, Brad decided he would try to impress Angelina. So, he walked up to the pitchers mound and got ready to strike out Steve. No one has ever struck out Steve. Ever.
    Everybody was watching Brad and thinking to ourselves, “What an idiot!” Eric winds up for the pitch. He throws the ball as fast and as straight as he can. The ball is about to cross home plate. SMACK! Steve hits a line drive right towards Brad’s face. The girls gasped in fear. Brad falls to the ground in pain while we all run over to him. As he is lying on the ground, Angelina runs onto the field and sits next to Brad. I distinctly remember her saying, “Oh my god! Are you ok?” Brad looked into Angelina’s eyes and smiled. She smiled back. All of us guys backed off because we knew it was about to get crazy. Brad sat up with his head on his bruised forehead and held Angelina’s hand. Then, he kissed her! I still can’t believe he kissed her. Later that week, they became a couple and they did everything together; going to the movies, practicing baseball, doing homework, you name it. About 30 or so years later, they got married and had a couple of kids. Oh, I think they even did a couple of movies or something. Anyways, I will never forget the Summer of ’72 on the Field of Memories.


  1. I honestly thought this was about to become the Sandlot, but I really liked the unexpected turn it had with this girl coming in to play. I congratulate you on having think this was about some ordinary Joes up until the end. Nice way to depict their relationship from a historical view.
    Jacob Valdez
    Period 4

  2. This is a great story and I thought it was going to be the Sandlot but it was very descriptive and sounded like what teenagers would do in the 70s
    -Kamau O
    Period 2

  3. The story was just like the Sandlot as others have said but I was kinda surprised that he just kissed her and they became a couple but it was a good story overall.

    -Vymian San

  4. This story was really good maybe a little bit more details would be nice but overall it was very interesting. It also reminded me of the sandlot because of the setting. You seem like a really good writer and I would like to read more from you.

  5. That was a good idea for a story. I liked how you went into detail about all of the friends names. But other than that, I loved your story and good job. You should do a another month and continue when they are older.

    ~Mia Tolliver

  6. I liked how you described the teenagers what they would do in the 70's. I really liked the details in your story and it did remind me of sandlot!
    Period 2
    Sukhmeen Grewal

  7. October 11, 2014 at 10:14 AM

    I loved this story. It was cute and funny. Its so adorable and you should keep it up. This would make a great movie if you extended it. Great Work.

    Bethany Stitt
    Period 2

  8. This is a good short story. I like how it was like a flashback. Also the reaction of the boys when the girls come to watch them on the field it was so cute! Also how did these kids play baseball for six hours? Oh my gosh. I didn't really think that Angelina was going to marry Brad. I felt like she was going to go for one of the other boys. Great job!

  9. I enjoyed this story. I really believe it was appropriate for the time frame and from the point of view you could tell the age of the boys and the year. I thought it was pretty ironic that Brad tried to impress Angelina and he ended up embarrassing himself.

  10. I enjoyed this story. I really believe it was appropriate for the time frame and from the point of view you could tell the age of the boys and the year. I thought it was pretty ironic that Brad tried to impress Angelina and he ended up embarrassing himself.
    - Pierce Bryant

  11. Mahlon Howard
    Period 4

    I like this story because it is short sweet and to the point. Has a happy ending and a nostalgic setting. Kind of reminds me of the Sandlot, but still I like this story. Great job Nick

  12. For a while I thought you were reenacting the famous movie sandlot. I really think that Brad was lucky. I have one question though. Did Brad try to strike out steve knowing he would get hit and receive Angelina's sympathy and affection?

  13. That was a really good story, i liked the descriptive details, and the plot. Not gonna lie, it did sound like it was gonna be the Sandlot . Good Job!
    Lucca Kayahara
    Period 2

  14. Good job! I really liked the idea of the story. It kept me interested through the whole thing. I loved how detailed it was.

    -Hallie Deeds

  15. I like how you made this story sound like Sandlot. Altough it was a good story it could of used more detail. Keep up the good work

  16. Awww this story is adorable!! It shares the memories of childhood sweethearts! Now i can open up my imagination and imagine them having kids living blessed life. Or maybe they grew tired of eachother and their marriage is falling apart. You never know !! Great Job with sharing a stry that people dream of having becaue this is very rare!
    Deja Hardrick
    Period 2

  17. This was a good story way to use details and add a little humor in there as well Great Job!!!

    Noah Martinez

  18. Great story! Love stories are the best! I liked how you included similes and description! It sounds very realistic!
    period 2
    Josie Starr

  19. This story kind of reminded me about that one scene from the sandlot when squints faked drowning and kissed the life guard as she was giving him CPR. Though his injury was real he still got that kiss. There was alot of detail and in my opinion, you could never have too much detail!! :)
    Andrew Hernandez
    Period #

  20. oh that was cool , ha I thought it was like the sandlot a little mixed with the "lil rascals" , but anyways ! That was a twist he got the girl from and injury instead of impressing her i guess it worked out. I liked the story i wish there was a little more though.

  21. This was a great story. It intrigued me from the begging because it was about baseball. As said before this reminded me of the Sandlot. This brought back a lot of great memories for me and was well written.It also was very descriptive. One of my favorite story so far good job.
    -Jesse Jauregui

  22. That was a very good plot for the story. I like how you used imagery when talking about Angelica. Your story was really great but it could use a bit more details. Overall, I thought your story was very fascinating.
    -Shayan Khan
    Period 6

  23. This story was funny I loved how he got hit in the face and automatically the girl felt bad and feel for him. I think the story needed a little bit more details but overall this story was still amazing with the details it had.
    Period 2
    ~Clarissa Rojas


  24. October 12, 2014 at 8:58 PM

    You did a great job this story was funny and cute. Keep up the great work. I liked it a lot Great job!
    Bethany Stitt
    Period 2

  25. This was my favorite piece! I enjoyed it so much :) LOVE the ending. In the beginning it reminded me a lot of The Sandlot. You are a very great and creative writer, keep it up!
    Haylie Duncan

  26. This was really a good story. It was very detailed and reminded me a lot of the sandlot. It had me thinking if it was really like this back in the 70's. Out of all the 3 stories i read, this is the best one!

    Joseph Mendez
    Period 2

  27. Marian Hollinquest
    period 1

    Your story was so sweet! I thought it was going to be about the Sandlot movie also, but it was really about this romantic story, well sort of romantic. There were not much 'lovey dovey' details that would be in normal stories about romanticism and the narrator is very vague about who he (or she) is. The speaker also seems focused on the admiration of Brad rather than Angelina, who was supposedly the most beautiful young girl he has ever seen, this comparison could be made to Nick Carraway from "The Great Gatsby" and how he more admired his male friend than any other female character.

  28. Love the story, like how you named the characters of movie stars. It is like the story of how Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt met.

    -Luis Toro

  29. Love the story, like the way you used the names of movie stars. Its like the story of how Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt met.

    -Luis Toro

  30. This story has been one of my favorites so far! I loved the way the casual tone worked with the subject. At first it seems like the story is being told by a child but later the reader realizes he is recounting something from the past. The imagery and word choice complimented the 1970s setting very well. My favorite part was Brad and Angelina, I didn’t realize it until the last lines and that was cute way to end the submission.
    -Diana padilla period1

  31. This story was really good! I like how its sort of like the sandlot! I also like how these boys all went crazy over the girls it was so cute! I didnt thing that brad was going to marry angelina though pretty crazy! Great story i loved reading it!

  32. This was so cute!!!!! And awesome little twist at the end, i wasn't expecting that at all! It kinda reminded me of the sandlot which is one of my favorite movies so good job right there.
    -Mariah Rhodes
    Period 6

  33. This was a good it reminds me of the movie the sandlot when squints kisses Wendy but I liked this story out of the other 2!
    Angel Gonzalez
    period 2

  34. Cool story. I like how you described the characters and gave the story great detail. Also another happy ending lol!

  35. I freaking loved this story!!! It was cute and I really liked the plot twist at the end.


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