
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

"Drive thru Disasters" by Evelin C

"Hello welcome to Wendy's!"
"That'll be $7.30."
"Thank you have a good day!"
I've been working at Wendy's for about 3 months now and the food service business is full of both disgusting and hilarious scenes.  Throughout the time I've spent working there by far the most interesting things have occurred through the drive thru and now I have a chance to tell you all about them.
Now customers can be very difficult and sometimes you want to curse at them which will guarantee you looking for another job. Some customers have a hard time listening to our suggestions and that ends up bad for only one of us, the worker. It was the weekend and I was on drive thru duty, this man orders a bunch of drinks so I put them all in a four cup carrier which was very heavy may I add. As I prepare to hand the man his drinks, I notice that he only has one hand out and I warn him, "Sir these drinks are very heavy you might want to use both hands." But he assures me he's fine so as I hand him his drink carrier, smash goes all the drinks on the floor. The frustration that I had in the moment was unbelievable, because guess who had to clean up the drinks and make the customer new ones! Me.
Sometimes some of the customers that driven through drive thru make you question how did these customers get there license. Once this women was driving up the window to pay but as she was getting closer I noticed that her car wasn't stopping and every moment her car got closer to the wall, "Ma'am you're going to hit the wa.." and bang the front of her car met with the wall. I couldn't believe how oblivious she was to what had just happened. I stood there dumbfounded and finally spit out the words,"You just ran into the wall!", and she looks at the wall and then looks back and me and with a smile all she said was "Oops", as if that was a regular thing for her just to be hitting walls with her car.  
Now I'm going to be honest and say there are moments when the workers at Wendy's can mess up your orders. But we take full responsibility and always fix our mistakes. But there are also rare occasions when there's nothing we can do to make a customer happy. About a week ago this older man pulls up to our speaker system connected to the ordering menu outside and starts ranting and yelling  at my manager about how his whole order was wrong specifically he said, "I ordered three jumbo jacks, and a couple orders of curly fries!" My manager then realized this man had bought food from Jack in the Box across the street of our facility and had mistaken himself the location. She tried multiple times telling him, "Sir Jack in the Box is across the street", but he just wouldn't listen claiming he was at Jack in the Box. Till finally my manager said "This is Wendy's sir", does he look up and realizes he's at the wrong store.
Working at a fast food place is not always easy work but the moments you have while working can really bring forth joy and great stories to share in the future.


  1. My favorite part of this story was, "About a week ago," *Bobby Shmurda voice* I like the different perspective of the workers view of the drive- thru because when I saw the title I immediately thought it was going to be a bad experience someone went through while they were going through the drive-thru. Most of the time you here of horrible service, but rarely about horrible customers. I think this was pretty cool to do a different perspective, because I know that I have never thought of the workers when it came to bad customers compared to bad workers, because I personally have never been in the workers shoes. I have always been in the customers shoes, it was nice insight to a workers point of view.
    Kayla Fulton
    Period 1

  2. If I could describe the laughter I just had in text anagrams I would, but I will not against my better judgment. Your experiences give ditzes like me who are probably one of these drive thru characters a great look into the other side and how they feel. These stories made my night, I hope you keep your cool.
    Jacob Valdez
    Period 4

  3. Evelyn, your experiences have truly brought amusement to my Friday evening. I really like how you described your experiences from the ones that have been terrible and the ones that have been really bizarre. Who knew a person could mix up Jack in the Box with Wendy’s?! Also, I have learned that some people find it casual to crash into walls at a fast food joint. Some people are just strange, Amazing job! (:
    -Tedman Nguyen
    Period 1

  4. Oh my goodness.This definitely made me get a feel of the working industry and those were just a couple examples.I enjoyed your reactions because I really felt everything you did.I feel like I'd need to work on my patience to work with all the different people and personalities you run into while working.

  5. Evelin, reading your story was a breath of fresh air. I work at cold stone in the same shopping center as wendys and I am forever marveling at how funny people can be. I could relate to your story in a million ways and I have to agree with your conclusion. Although customers can make you angry, frustrated, and annoyed; the stories you are able to tell makes it all worth it and hilarious in the end. Thanks for the laugh.
    Leasia Spicer
    Period 4

  6. This is a hilarious piece that I can definitely relate to when I was a worker at a yogurt shop! customers can be very rude and annoying. The perspective of you the worker allows other people to experience what you go through, and this point of view can actually make the reader reflect on their own behavior as a customer and how to treat an employee.
    Per. 1
    Milani Thomas

  7. I found your accounts to be both comical and enlightening. I can identify with your story because I used to work for an In-N-Out chain. I agree that customers should try and be more polite and try and follow the advice the fast food workers give them. Personally, I'd move to a different station to avoid customers like the ones you described (or maybe ask for a raise).

    Jason Gonzalez
    Per. 4

  8. Wow, what an interesting, and funny story. I always make sure I am nice to people making my food, because I know it can be a hard task. I really enjoyed your story, especially the part about the drinks falling, I know it probably bugged you to not be able to tell the customer "I told you so". I also enjoyed how you told it from a workers perspective, I know the "Customer is always right" but sometimes they are crazy!!!

    Kaleha Spencer
    Period: 4

  9. This story is one of the few pieces of writing that was able to make me laugh and make me consider my views at the same time. I enjoyed your descriptive accounts of several specific incidents that were both humorous and eye opening. People are so quick to judge employees, especially at fast food restaurants where most people assume that every worker is either stupid, lazy, or "just a teenager," without thinking that some of the time they are the one's that are causing the problem. Great Job!

  10. I loved the piece you beautifully made!! it was written like a professional and not a five year old. I really like how you represented the workers point of view and how that person would react and have problems with a job that would seem easy. The whole story was very enjoyable and great details! When I read the title I thought the story was going to be horrible and have an actually disaster but that led me in to read it but it was hilarious and that's why I loved it!!

    Sarah Skibby
    Period: 6

  11. October 11, 2014 at 9:44 AM

    This story was very funny and true. It got to show you, the workers point of view. You did a great job on this piece keep it up!

    Bethany Stitt
    Period 2

  12. Hahaha! You make me want to work at a drive through now just to experience some of the things that you related to us in your story. You made this account very humorous and I loved it! Especially the woman who just casually ran into the wall as if it were a day-to-day thing. Thank you for the great laugh.
    Eva Badal
    Per. 1

  13. Your story was really entertaining and funny too read. I especially liked the a part about the old man who was complaining to the wrong store. I never knew that the drive thru business was so stressful and funny at the same time. I know that the customer is almost always right but you seem to capture the humor of almost every situation. I commend you on your writing and i hope i get to hear more of these funny stories.

  14. I loved your story it was so funny. I can't believe that the lady drove into the wall and just smiled. I liked how the point of view is from the drive thru because I've mostly just heard of stories from the inside of the fast food restaurant.

    Jocelyn Rangel

  15. I'm assuming this piece is written from experience...this is hilarious. I cannot say that I can relate but I can say that I always make sure to not be that one rude customer. I loved the part when the lady ran into the wall. I cant believe she wasn't even phased by that! Anyway this was a very entertaining story. It's nice to read one that's not so depressing!

    Alexis Huizar
    Per 5

  16. That was hilarious and I do agree that some customers are idiots. My favorite part is when the man is all upset about the order and then he finds out hes at the wrong restaurant. Good job.

  17. Oh Evelin, if I could use laughing emojis on this comment box, I would. I like that you used a very personal tone because it contributed to your story. It made the reader-me- feel like I was a very close friend of yours. And other than a few grammar errors your submission is great. I loved the subject, since we don't really get to hear these stories from the other point of view. I feel like I appreciate fast food workers so much more, so thanks for that.
    -Diana Padilla period 1

  18. This had me bursting out laughing like you wouldn't even believe. This really makes me wish I had a job. It sounds like there's never a dull moment! I love how much personality you had in this work. It doesn't even allow me to question that this happened to you, just by the way you describe it. There's an undertone of aggravation and annoyance, but it's rapidly swept up with a bold move of humor. It really creates a personal and familiar feel, which I absolutely adore in writing.
    It's also really interesting to hear other perspectives on issues such as these, since I don't think people always understand the effect of what they do on other people. However.. I would consider asking for a raise.
    Congrats on such an enlightening work! :)
    Jeanna Lee

  19. This piece was both thought-provoking and hilarious. It was very interesting to hear you recall all the different types of customers come around when working. I especially like the beginning where it shows what one would think a typical conversation between worker and consumer, and then later how a simple dialogue can take a completely different turn depending on the customer. Great story!

    Isabelle Huynh

  20. Evelin, rants rants rants! The usual aha! But your story is interesting and quite intriguing. I wanted to keep on reading the multiple encounters of customers who you've had the misfortune of encountering, and your story definitely kept me hooked on. I don't work, yet by reading your story, it felt as if I actually had the work experience of seeing these events unfold. I really enjoyed this story and hopefully you don't encounter anymore rude/obnoxious customers. Overall, good job! :)
    Simran Bajwa
    Period 1

  21. Lol I was laughing so much at the part with the older man. Your story was really entertaining and well written. The way you wrote the story helped us gain a personal connection with the speaker and their emotions great job!
    -Daniel Alaniz
    Period 4

  22. I really enjoyed reading this one because I have definitely had my fair share of annoying occurrences in drive-thrus (as a customer) so it is interesting to see it from the other side. They say the customer is always right but in this world of increasing stupidity, as shown by your story, that phrase is getting harder and harder to live by.

  23. Wow your story was very entertaining and very well written, I especially couldn't stop laughing about the older man. The way you wrote the story helped the reader gain a personal connection to the speaker and their attitude towards their job. Very good job.
    -Daniel Alaniz
    Period 4

  24. WOW i could not stop laughing while reading your story. Your story was both well written and very entertaining! I loved how you wrote this story. The way you wrote it allowed the reader to gain a personal connection with the speaker. It allowed us to fully understand the reader attitude to their job. Very well written!

    Daniel Alaniz
    Period 4

  25. Dang Evelin, your job must be fun, with all the horrible customer service (Sarcasm). I remember seeing you at Wendy's a few months ago as you were cleaning up and you are a person who works hard and do things quickly. Working hard for so long and having to deal with customers like this must be hard and after reading this story and your point of view, how are you able to keep that temper of yours to not say anything to the customers? Even though I haven't worked before, this story gives me a perspective of how it is to work and the struggles with it.

  26. This is absolutely hilarious. It is very nice to see the perspective of an employee. I feel that many times people expect everything out of an employee and become unreasonably furious when their demands are not met. We forget that employees are people too and they deserve as much respect as everyone else. Sure, our money is what pays them, but that doesn't mean we get to become horrible monsters and forget or manners. I feel that many times it is probably just our innate desire to always be correct that causes many customers to throw a tantrum. I like that you show a change in the perspective because many times we always only hear the fellow customer's perspective. More often than not, the employee's are always put at fault, but your piece shows the truth of the situation. Overall, it was a very enjoyable read because of the change in perspective.

    Danielle Delgado
    Period 1

  27. This was a hilariois anecdote than relates to anybody who's worked at a fast food restaurant and anybody who is going to work at one in the future. Seriously, weird things happen at fast food places. It was actually enjoyable to read. It never gets old to hear anybody's stories. :) -Joey Roest

  28. OMG YES. I feel you on so many levels. I work at Food 4 Less and I always wonder why people think its ok to just do whatever just because they would never get in trouble for it. Let me say though this was hilarious because its so true.

  29. I loved this story I thought it was very well made! I think this piece is hilarious and very true. Its cool how you put the workers point of view so now we all know both sides of the story. Plus I really liked how you had started it out the way you had done, you did it beautifully!!

    Sarah Skibby
    Period: 6

  30. I've always been curious to know what it's like to work in a fast food place, especially Wendy's since I wanted to apply before. After reading this story, I'm glad I didn't. Not that working in a fast food place is bad, I personally know I could not deal with customers and their attitude. I just wanted to say, you're hardworking and patient. Anyways, I love stories and how you can learn from them without experiencing them yourselves. From the first story about the man with the drinks, I learned to always be careful and cautious whenever someone hands me something. Also, to be considerate and clean up regardless of whose mess it is. The second story, about driving and how careless the woman was, made me realize to again, be careful with little things. Third, I liked how you should told a misunderstanding story. Sometimes you're so caught up in the moment you don't realize you make no sense. Overall, the three different stores tell how careless some people are and how we should remember to be cautious. These stories made me laugh, good job!

  31. Wow! I was so intrigued to see the accounts of drive through experiences from the point of view of the worker. Your tone of frustration was evident throughout the entire piece and it makes me sympathize for all the difficult situations that fast food workers have to endure. I found it very comical when the man thought he was at Jack in the Box when he was really at Wendy's. Your story was very engaging and pleasing to read.

  32. This is so hilarious I can't stop laughing! It's amazing to see how much people just don't even care. I've always wanted to know what it was like from a workers point of view because personally I've always been in the customers point of view and even I can be difficult with ordering things at time but I can't imagine trying to deal with people like that all the time! It's so funny I give you so much props for remaining to keep your cool and not get frustrated with certain people. Great job! This made my day!
    Caitlin Nguyen
    Period 5

  33. Your story was really funny and very interesting! Although I've never experienced work like you have, I can really see where you are coming from.
    Jobelle Dauz
    Period 2

  34. I can agree with this , kind of similar to my job at mc donalds , get tons of people aday , sell so many different types of people, and sometimes if not all the time I always run across some interest story from work to later brag to my friends about since we all have similar jobs. I understand your situation , your story was relatable and also nice to read.

    kemi A.

  35. For some time now I've been looking for a job, and lately I've been wondering if a job in a fast food restaurant is the job for me. After reading your piece, I now realize that maybe I should look for a job elsewhere. This piece vividly portrayed the frustration you experience, and now helps me understand why it is that some employees are in terrible moods. I like the fact that you gave a first hand account for something that you experience on a constant basis. The fact that you told little stories to prove your point made this piece very enjoyable. Good job!

  36. For some time now I've been looking for a job, and lately I've been wondering if a job in a fast food restaurant is the job for me. After reading your piece, I now realize that maybe I should look for a job elsewhere. This piece vividly portrayed the frustration you experience, and now helps me understand why it is that some employees are in terrible moods. I like the fact that you gave a first hand account for something that you experience on a constant basis. The fact that you told little stories to prove your point made this piece very enjoyable. Good job!

  37. This piece was pretty amazing. It makes you think reflect on how I act as a customer. The piece overall had a great/comical tone. It definantly stands out among the other writings. I really enjoyed this piece.

    Angel Ramirez
    Period 1

  38. This story was both interesting and hilarious , to me it was interesting hearing how the workers feel and all the frustration they go through everyday and also not being able to tell the costumers that they are wrong or defend your self . Well done

    Valerie Perez
    period 6

  39. Love this piece. I can TOTALLY relate to some of your crazy work experiences. Some people you come across are extremely bazaar! I really liked how you showed what customers call "bad service" from a workers perspective. Very easy to read and relate to :)
    Haylie Duncan

  40. I really enjoyed reading your story in that I also work in fast food and your description of customers and their attitudes was spot on. I also enjoy how you added your reaction and feelings towards what customers do when there are mishaps or misunderstandings.
    Gabriel Borrego
    Period 4

  41. October 12, 2014 at 9:18 PM
    This story was so funny. I love how you get you, the workers, point of view. Your right about you being able to tell great stories about it thought. Keep it up.
    Bethany Stitt
    Period 2

  42. This either made me shake my head or laugh out loud! Thank you for sharing a couple stories about your job experiences Evelin, I wish there were more! I really enjoyed reading this and each event was well written. All in all, great job and I hope you for the best while you work at Wendy's!

  43. Evelin, I found myself audibly laughing throughout your narration (especially when the man insisted that he was at Jack in the Box.) I enjoyed reading about small mishaps that occur at fast food restaurants through the eyes of an employee. Overall, good job.

  44. Your story has both its hilarious moments (people crashing into walls ) as well as its depressing moments ( customer drops the drinks ). I enjoyed that you were able to express your feelings and emotions to show how working at a fast food place is not what all people think it to be. I was able to agree and connect with what you were saying when you said that, " sometimes you want to curse at them which will guarantee you looking for another job. " Then you go on to explain why you would want to cuss out some customers. This gets people to question where are they going to apply to for a job.

  45. Your story has both its hilarious moments (people crashing into walls ) as well as its depressing moments ( customer drops the drinks ). I enjoyed that you were able to express your feelings and emotions to show how working at a fast food place is not what all people think it to be. I was able to agree and connect with what you were saying when you said that, " sometimes you want to curse at them which will guarantee you looking for another job. " Then you go on to explain why you would want to cuss out some customers. This gets people to question where are they going to apply to for a job.

  46. I really enjoyed your piece! The experiences you had brought to light a perspective us as costumers do not get to see very often. I have never worked for a fast food company although I have done jobs dealing with costumer service. Therefore I definitely understand your frustration. I'm closing I thought the idea you presented was great and your piece was well done;
    -Merosa Uiagalelei

  47. Madi Cordura
    P. 1 10/12/14

    My absolute favorite part of this piece was the very end when you explained how a man thought he was at jack in the box. It was so hilarious and it reminded me of past experiences that I've had at fast food places myself! I also loved when you typed 'about a week ago' it reminded me of that Bonby Shmurda song and I just about died of laughter! This whole piece really allowed me to visualize how it really is to be on the other side of the drive thru window. It was really interesting and it made me laugh. I love it!

  48. Your story was really funny! I as well work in the food business and agree that customers can be kind of crazy sometimes to say the least. I really liked the structure of your story starting off with you talking someones order to give a little background of what you are talking about. Good Job!
    Alyssa Anastasi
    Period 5

  49. Oh my gosh!! Your story was fabulous. Even though I don't know from experience, I've seen some crazy people!! Overall, your story had me laughing the entire time. Keep up the great work.
    -Philip Ahn 5th

  50. Ha! This was really funny! When I got to your story, I thought it was a fictional story or some type of poem. But when I read on and realized that this stuff really did happen to you, I started laughing to myself. This has to be one of my favorite posts on the blog. I like the fact that its not a depressing story, it was meant to make people laugh. I like all the vivid detail you included in the story, it almost makes me feel like I'm there. I really also like how it shifts the reader from a customer's view, to the actual workers view of a fast food service. Great Job!

  51. I am utterly amazed from all the experience you have dealt with. I have respect for the people who work at fast food chains because you deal with people : hungry and anticipated for their order. The way you structured this piece has made it real for the reader and it now makes me feel bad as well for the times I have gone rather bitter when the workers would mess up on my order. You guys are always moving and always have to keep time so when you do mess up on an order it is not on mere laziness but you guys just have to keep up.i would also like to thank the fast food workers that even when they do have a small mistake on an order they fix it right away with a polite and mature attitude. I loved every word of this personal experience and has even made me crave for Wendy's! I shall visit soon!
    Jaena Lauren Fabia
    Period 4

  52. This was a really funny story! I was literally laughing out loud. Lot of good details and a funny point of view. Great job!

  53. I really love how your diction is as if you're an actual worker. The events that you describe are actually pretty common, and I found it pretty hilarious. Especially with your story about the confused fast food places. The story events seem really possible, and the fact that people actually feel this way makes it even better!

  54. I really enjoyed this story !! Loved how it shows that fast food workers are hard workers which is not what most people think! great job!

    imalla ramirez
    period 6

  55. This story is ver well written and detailed. I like how you showed every one how hard people work no matter what there job is

  56. I really liked this story! It had me laughing the whole time. I liked how you incorporated bot the customer and workers point of views. It really shows how all people that work hard no matter what job they have. - Tatiana Nunez Per.6

  57. Oh my gosh! Hilarious! If I could describe the laughter it would be never ending! Your story was intriguing and kept my attention. I felt like I was actually there at the drive thru with you. The memories are very realistic and made sense. The detail was precise and I could definitely tell how hard the workers worked to get through the day. At the end of your story I felt like going to a fast food place and ordering some food. Got me starving! Good job and keep it up!
    -Katheryn Valle P.4

  58. I am crying in laughter at this story its not what i expected really good job.

  59. i like the way you, can i say stupid you made the people look and the way you wrote the story.

  60. Wow this is so true an funny. Good story explaining a part of an average day worker at a fast food restaurant. Really good story.

  61. Those stories made me laugh so hard, but it also made me imagine how difficult it can be to deal with someone that is wrong but always labeled to be right. I made me want to work at a fast food chain and experience and have those dumbfounded moments so much more, really funny and good story.

  62. Reading just a few examples and previews of your experiences are funny and entertaining. I love how you described both the positive and negative side affects of working in the fast food industry. This story was hilarious and a breath of fresh air keep writing!
    -Leah Hernandez

  63. I always wondered what it was like to work at a fast food restaurant. Ive had countless interactions with people at places like Wendy's and I always have tried to be as nice as possible. After reading this I realized I should be even nicer. Reading your personal reflection was insightful and entertaining. Your first person account of all these events gives the reader a first hand view into a day at your job. I'm glad you shared.
    _Adan Chavez
    Per. 4

  64. I loved the tongue-in-cheek comedic view and the more serious and thought-provoking aspects of this story. It allows insight into a part of customer service in the fast food that is very commonly overlooked by consumers. Great Work!
    -Ebohni Smith

  65. This was something that we could relate to now or later on in life. When you explained the girl hitting the wall because she was'nt paying attention and she just said "oops." I was laughing so hard. This is a story that could be related to or just get you to laugh. Keep writing this was a very funny story.
    -Katlyn Per.1


Remember, make your comment positive, supportive, and specific to the piece you're commenting on. No anonymous comments! :)