
Monday, April 14, 2014

"Tilt Me by Sarah P

Sometimes I like to lay on the floor. It can be fun to just stare at the ceiling, losing myself in thought. And then, suddenly, my thoughts turn to the potential of the ceiling above me; what an interesting surface. What if I could walk upon the ceiling, make “up” the new “down”?
I give it a go; in my mind I am on the ceiling, walking as I used to upon the ground, or what was once the ground. Now the carpet is above me and I can feel the grooves of the plaster under my feet. I must walk around the ceiling-fan (which desperately needs to be dusted) and climb through the doorways.
When I walk on this floor, does my hair stand up, reaching to the carpeted ceiling? Silly, isn’t it, that one would install carpet on a ceiling?
I can hide and walk right past Mother, because she is standing upside down, on the other ground; the real ground; the right ground. She doesn’t look up enough.
I can see the bald spots my family members try to hide.
I can see into the vents; there are a lot of cobwebs up here.
I can see the steam and smoke from the stove as it rises to meet me, bringing pleasant scents.
There are lots of dark spots up here; this is where the lamps cast their shadows.
I understand why Mom always says I need to clean my room; seeing it in its entirety from above, I suppose it is a bit cluttered, perhaps one could call it chaotic.
I can’t walk out the door or window or else I’ll fall into nothing; the sky isn’t a solid base like this plaster-and-paint one I now stand upon.
This mind-set, this new terrain, is slowly becoming real.
Until, suddenly, Mommy notices; she sees me wandering, daydreaming, and tells me to stop laying on the ground for dinner has been made. So then, once again, I am a child standing upright; my world turns upside down and I have to come back. The only floor is the carpeted surface below me, and the beige, plastered ceiling looms above me; there are some facts of life I can’t change. I can’t make Mama engage in my daydreams and curiosities…but now it is dinner time and I’m hungry, so none of that really matters, does it?


  1. Sarah, your piece was well done and fun to read. The imagery in this piece is very vivid and detailed. As I read this, I was actually imagining myself on the ceiling and seeing everything I couldn't see if I was on the ground. It is amazing how far our curiosities and imaginations can bring us. Time definitely flies by! Overall, this story gave me a smile on my face and it was a very interesting read. You did an amazing job!!

  2. This submission brought back memories from when I was a child. Many wrestling matches with my brother ended with the two of us laying on the carpet, staring up at the ceiling. So, reading your description of "climbing through the doorways," I knew exactly what you were referring to. More than once, I've wondered what it would be like to walk on the ceiling. Who knows, with technology improving the way it is, we may be able to one day!
    -Christina Tapia

  3. Sarah your imagery and detail is outstanding in this blog post. I really like the whole idea of walking on the ceiling. Walking on the floor is so boring and people have been doing it for centuries, it's about time there was a change in scenery and a different sort on life. This story was cute and it allows your audience to use their imagination and think outside of the box.

  4. Very creative piece, Sarah! As I read through it, I can imagine all the little details you've described; especially the part about the ceiling fan, because those things collects dust so quickly! This piece often reminded me of my childish self in the old days where I often imagine things in my mind to help myself escape boredom when no one was free to play with me. Anyways, nice job on the story!

    -Hsing Chang

  5. Great job! It was very discriptive and so great to read! I thought your use of imagery was amazing. How you could now "see the bald spots your family members try to hide." it was vey good and i thought you did a great job!
    -Alexandra Urena

  6. This was such an interesting piece. I know that I can defintely relate because I often daydream. The descriptive writing you chose to express your daydream was really great. And even though at the end you had to wake up and in your daydream you were limited to the indoors, I think that daydreaming can be kind of healthy. It allows you to escape back to that inner child that never really goes away, even if its just for a little while. Good job.

  7. Sarah, you truly captured what it means to be a child, to stare aimlessly at the ceiling and imagine a new reality. I can definitely relate to this story because I spent a great deal of my time outs imagining various shapes from the stucco ceiling. Fantastic story! -Emily Wilt per. 1

  8. Is this what life is like inside of your head, Sarah? If so I think the fact you allow your imagination to run amuck is very entertaining. Your concept is very intriguing, one many of us have no doubt thought about. You did a marvelous job describing all of the aspects of your idea. Great Job.
    -Lauren Williams

  9. I like how this piece is very detailed and i can tell you actually put thought into this piece. Great job.

  10. I really liked how you thoroughly described what the person saw and how in the end, it was just a simple daydream... or was it? I am curious and intrigued to see what part of it is real

  11. Good Job Sarah, this piece was very cool, they way your words flowed together. It had me thinking, noticing that I've had some of these same thoughts, Good Job, and thanks for sharing.

  12. This is so wonderful Sarah! Such whimsical thoughts and imaginations! I often stare at the ceiling and think that that ceiling is a different color than the walls but I can never be sure if my mind is just playing tricks on me. :p Great job!
    - Justin Myers

  13. This was a really unique piece! Through your various images I was able to imagine myself walking on the ceiling and I even thought of what I may see. I also enjoyed how you reversed what we typically see in our everyday lives with something totally different. Your piece was very fun and interesting. Good job.

  14. Your reflection makes me reflect on my own life. This piece was very simple, but it brought out so much nostalgia from our childhood days, when we did nothing but play in our own imaginations. You did amazingly!

  15. AH! I have had these same thoughts! Isn't a wonder to imagine what it would be like if our world was litterally upside down! It's a curious thing to thing about. I can relate to this idea and I loved how you were able to put so much detail into it. Great job!

  16. This was a really great piece! The attention to detail and the imagery made it even more enjoyable to read. This story brought me back to the good old days when I used to daydream all day(last week). Fantastic job!

  17. This was an interesting read. I like the part with your family members' bald spots - that made me chuckle; for some reason, I can see you as a little kid, walking on the ceiling as you explore all the crevices in your house and see life in a new light. I like how your mom is the one to bring you back into reality, the one who grounds you and makes sure you're okay. I really liked it; good job!


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