
Monday, April 14, 2014

" Coachella" by Matt K.

The good month of April not only brings us Easter and amazing spring weather, it also brings us one of the most important weekends in music and art, Coachella. Coachella is a three day music and arts festival located on the huge Empire Polo Club in sunny Indio. It hosts hundreds of artists from a multitude of genres on 7 unique stages. The sounds are so diverse that you can welcome noon with indie, catch the sunset while listening to some hip hop, and end your night by dancing your face off to a DJ spinning the freshest electronic dance music.

Even though Coachella provides a high class production and musical lineup, its top characteristic is the atmosphere the festival creates. From the start you are surrounded by thousands of friends you have never met before and are immersed in a liberating setting that frees yourself from all of your troubles back home. When you’re at Coachella nothing else matters except for the music, the people, and the great vibes. Stepping onto the polo grounds is like stepping into a new world, there’s no predicting what you will encounter. 

Now that you’ve received a little whiff of what Coachella is about I’m going to briefly walk you through how to get the most out of your own Coachella experience.

With so many artists on the bill and so little time to catch them all, planning your personal Coachella lineup may seem a little intimidating. A good place to start is to highlight your must see artists and take note of the artists that you’ve never heard of but might seem interesting (the ones with cool names), so you can research them before the festival. Since there are artists playing simultaneously on different stages you will have to eliminate some of your conflicting favorites, unless you can be in two places at once. Once you’ve sorted your conflicts and have a general road map of your weekend you will notice that you have a lot of empty time and space to fill. This space can be used to charge your phone, sleep, eat, or explore the grounds.

Where to Stay
Coachella isn’t complete without camping. It’s what gives the festival its iconic modern Woodstock feel. There are many different ways you can camp at Coachella: RV, car & tent, VIP lodging, and tepees. The most common way to stay on site is car camping. This option grants you a 10 by 30 foot spot in which you can park your car and set up a tent or two. Even though many opt for camping, others choose to stay at hotels located around the festival. The only downside to this option is that walking to your car so you can drive back to your hotel is a mission after you spending over 12 hours at the festival.

General Tips

·      Stay hydrated. The typical weather for the festival is around 100 degrees during the day so be sure to get a drink at a water station scattered throughout the festival.
·      Roam around the grounds often. Coachella offers a multitude of art installation and is a hot spot for celebrity guests. You never know who you may run into.  

·      Talk to anyone and everyone, they’re all friendly and have interesting stories to share.
·      Don’t miss the sunset.

·      Enjoy yourself.
Thanks for reading!


  1. On the radio I always hear the hosts talking about Coachella or auctioning off tickets to the festival, but I never really knew what it was. Your submission informed me all about Coachella: music, art, lots of people, blazing sun, an awesome time! Coachella sounds very interesting with all the various types of artists and genres of music. It seems to be a blast with nonstop fun and little down time. (I also like all the cool pictures)

  2. Matt, I really enjoyed this submission. I found out about Coachella a couple of years ago from some coworkers and now after reading your post, I am eager to go for myself. I loved the fact that you included pictures - it gave the piece a magazine-like feel. Nice job!
    -Christina Tapia

  3. I would love to visit Coachella someday. It is on my bucket list! I loved this "how to" guide on Coachella. Thank you for sharing! :)
    -Leia S. period 6

  4. I'm glad you posted this my teammates and friends have always talked about this event and I was always out of the loop because I had no idea what exactly it was. It looks so fun and this post makes me actually want to go next year !

    -Erin Napoleon

  5. Your post was so refreshing! I always heard about the festival but never really understood how to go about it; specifically the process of going to it. I loved how you incorporated photos to support your text also. Thanks to you I know where I'm going next Spring! :)
    -Hennessy Verduzco

  6. This was very well written. In fact, there wasn't a single moment where I had to reread a sentence because it sounded choppy. I always wanted to see what the fuss was about when it came to Coachella. I might go in the near future and it sounds like you have a great time there and so does everybody! Great pictures and especially the picture with all the flashing lights like straight from some kind of music video. Thanks for sharing some tips and good job!

  7. Good information on Coachella Matt. I know what it is but never really went to one. I really want to go someday but we all know your the God of Coachella because you go to every single one. Very descriptive and informative.

  8. I've always heard about Coachella but I wasn't fully sure what it was. I've heard stories of how it's fun and the people there are very friendly. The way you described it makes me want to go and experience it for myself also. I will definitely try to go one day to experience what everyone talks about

  9. One day I would to experience Coachella for myself and your article definitely reinforced that longing! I really appreciate the organized format, explanations and tips since they allow for a brief and well-written introduction to the famous Coachella! Good job!

  10. That was really cool I want to go someday to Coachella. thanks to you i got a guide on how to survive if I ever go to this thanks for sharing what you know!
    ~Gabe Sandes

  11. This is really cool Matt! I have always wanted to go to Coachella, and I'm extremely jealous that you got to go but I hope you had an amazing time! I really like how you added pictures to visually show what you were trying to explain. Good job!

  12. This year I was hoping of going to Coachella but I couldn't and now this post I want to go so bad next year. The information you provided for those that didn't know anything was veery well put. For intance I didn't know you could campout there, I think i might do that.

  13. This how to guide for coachella can come in really handy for someone like me who is inexperienced as to what expect at the event. I thought that your piece was very interesting and colorful as your pictures added a nice touch to the visual aspect of the article. Nice job.

  14. I found this how-to to be very insightful and helpful to someone as inexperienced as I am with regards to Coachella. I hope that one day when I get to go I will be able to follow all your advice so that I can make the most of my experience there. And I definately agree that sun screen is important! great job

  15. This is great! The only thing you left out about Coachella is the price which is really the only downside. I'm planning on going next year. I really can't wait for it. The pictures are fantastic and this guide you've created for people to make the most out of their experience is nice. Good job!

  16. Coachella sounds like a very interesting place, though concerts are not typically my style. Very informative and helpful submission, i may end up using it someday!
    -Arturo Ayala

  17. Nice job! Your submission is very informative and I am now eager to go to Coachella next year.
    -Sabrina Rondero

  18. One of the things on my bucket list is to be able to attend Coachella one day. I think the experience of being able to be surrounded by such great artists spanning a great array of music would be exhilarating. That being said, Coachella can does seem to be daunting, especially with the amount of people that attend. I am really glad that you were able to provide an instructional article on how to make the most out of the Coachella experience. I'll be sure to refer back to this guide when I prepare to experience Coachella for myself! Thanks for your advice!

  19. Great piece. I like how you added pictures. I have always wanted to go to coachella and now i know how to prepare to go. Great tips and good job

  20. Wow Matt, I love this! I like all the time you spent putting in details about Coachella. At work this past month all the customers were shopping for outfits for Coachella and as they would tell me how excited they were it made me want to go so bad! And now after reading this piece by you, I'm convinced that I'm definitely going next year! I'll make sure to refer back to this as a simple guide to a day at Coachella! :)

  21. This piece was perfect for the current times, with everyone on Instagram posting their cool pictures at Coachella! It was very informative and was a great guide for people who would be interested in going for the first time in the future(myself included) and the pictures were great visuals.

  22. I have alway wanted to attend Coachella. The music, the people, and the environment all sound spectacular. I really enjoyed this piece because I know it'll help me plan my Coachella adventure when I go next year!
    I can tell through your writing that you really enjoyed yourself and met some pretty interesting people.
    I also really enjoyed your use of pictures. It got me very excited to attend!

  23. I love that you did your entry on Coachella! I've never been but I've always wanted to go and now I want to go even more after reading this. You made it sound like something that everybody could get enjoyment out of. -Araybia B.

  24. I love that you did your entry on Coachella! I've never been but I've always wanted to go and now I want to go even more after reading this. You made it sound like something that everybody could get enjoyment out of. -Araybia B.

  25. Matt this was great. I have always wanted to go to a big music festival, but I would probably have to opt to go to Stagecoach. The advice you gave was great and will be very helpful if I every do go to a big music festival. Great article.

  26. This was an informative article and made me add musical-art festivals to my must-do list. The description of the events that take place at the Coachella were interesting. Your advice is something I will keep in mind if I decide to attend Coachella or any other festival, very helpful. Overall, good job.

  27. So sick that you did your blog submission on Coachella. Great job giving good informative and concise information. This document will prove to be very useful when I go to Coachella next year.

  28. I have always wanted to go to coachella! hopefully I'll go when I graduate but this only makes me want to go sooner! I will definitely keep this in mind when i go.

  29. I know Coachella and Stagecoach are two different festivals at the same place, but I can definitely understand what you are talking (I went this weekend!). Sunscreen was my best friend, I charged my phone when I knew none of my favorite artists were playing, and I drank so much water I had to use the restroom every hour on the hour... You were hit the money! Good Job! (Love the pictures)
    Taylor Robles

  30. This was a very god description on Coachella. you gave out a good outlook on it and make people want to go.
    -Alyssa R
    period 2

  31. I've never even heard of Coachella. But this how-to guide has me prepared in case I ever wanted to make the trip. The feel as though you described the event with great detail and had almost a journalistic point of view. I enjoyed reading your blog.

  32. First off, you are so lucky you got to go to Coachella! Hope you had an amazing time! Your use of descriptive details and addition of images really brought your piece to life. I also liked how you structured your piece by subsections, which made it easy to read. Overall, great job! :)

  33. I really liked the way you explained what coachella is! I also liked how you added pictures to give more of an actual visual effect! Great job!

  34. AGH! I am so jealous! I had really wanted to go this time, but alas my parents said "Rachel no think about your grades" "Rachel schools more important" "It's dangerous" "Your not GOING Rachel stop ASKING"
    Well, the images that you selected really helped connect your imagery to your guide, which in itself was very successful!

  35. Hey Matt, thank you for the opportunity to understand finally what everyone is after when they go to Coachella. I hope you had fun when you went! Thanks for your personal perspective of this cultural event.
    Jack McDonald
    Per. 4

  36. So, I've literally been obsessing over Coachella since I found out about it last year and I promise, I will not rest until I go. Haha. Matt, your entry was both persuasive and informative; it perfectly summed up the Coachella experience. When I go, whenever that may be, I will definitely keep your tips in mind. Great job. :)

  37. Damn Matt, thanks for the Coachella invite this year. This makes me want to go to Coachella even more now. Now I feel like I can go and have the best time possible because of your Coachella guide here. Well done. Nice pictures. Love the one of Action Bronson all nasty in the crowd.

  38. Nice job sounds like you really know your stuff with this event, I knew it was a music festival but now I can see what its about more, good vibes makes me want to go !
    Alan Medina
    period 1.

  39. I'm obsessed with this post. My sister and all of my cousins went to Coachella this year, and I unfortunately didn't get the opportunity to attend. But reading your blog, which was super descriptive, entertaining, and informative, got me so excited for next year's festival. I loved that you could offer advice from your own personal experience. Great job!

    -karel eusoof

  40. I'm obsessed with this post. My sister and all of my cousins went to Coachella this year, and I unfortunately didn't get the opportunity to attend. But reading your blog, which was super descriptive, entertaining, and informative, got me so excited for next year's festival. I loved that you could offer advice from your own personal experience. Great job!

    -karel eusoof

  41. Alright Mr. Party Animal, you! It seems fitting that you would talk about your experience at Coachella because that's probably a more appropriate festival to talk about than say EDC or whatever. Anyways, these are some very handy dandy tips you put forth! I'll definitely keep them in mind when I go to another festival. I appreciate that you talked about the arts of Coachella too. I mean, yes music is an art, but those sculptures and that ferris wheel are definitely works of art too! Next year, you and I are gonna go. Start saving up!

  42. Wow, I've never been to Coachella before but it seems pretty awesome according to your experience. I liked that you included pictures and helpful tips when attending the festival, thanks! I'm glad you had fun, good job! :)
    Alexandra Aguilar
    period 1

  43. I am so jealous that you got to go to Coachella. I always thought that Coachella was some super overrated hipster festival, but from reading your post, I realize that it is not. Your blog about this festival is so entertaining, especially with the fun pictures! Now I know I certainly have to go next year and this guide is going to help me a lot!

  44. i barely found out about coachella lame right. i really want to go and reading this piece made me want to go even more hopefully one day i will be able to go great job (:
    -Aaliyah Santiago per.6

  45. Wow, Coachella! I've always wanted to attend Coachella, and this post makes me want to attend even more!
    Each portion of this piece sucked me in to learning more about Coachella, and made me want to give my undivided attention to the piece because every fact and guideline in this was interesting!
    Great tips and great choices for pictures!
    The images really allowed for me, as the reader, to envision what it would be like to attend Coachella, and since the images were vivid with color, it drew my eyes in immediately.
    Awesome job!

    - Seohyun "Joy" Jeon

  46. Good use of detail. This article gave me some sense of what it is like to attend Coachella. I don't know if this article was intended to be persuasive along with informative, but I am now interested in attending Coachella in the near future. I really liked the sunscreen part and the corresponding picture. It was pretty funny. Good job. - Oscar Salazar

  47. great article. i loved this because i have been wanting to attend cochella for years now i just have not wanted to put out the money it costs for a ticket. anyways i thought this was great and will be useful for if i ever attend cochella.

  48. I'm not sure if this made me extremely envious or happy that you also appreciate the musical festival atmosphere. I'm actually a strong supporter of going to shows, rather than concerts, because of the way the crowd becomes one as they release this crazy and intense love into the atmosphere, and that is exactly what Coachella is. I love your how-to on getting the best experience out of Coachella and I'm glad that you chose to indirectly share your experience with us. It made me really want to go some point in my life and I will be sure to follow your guide to the best and most hip experience! Thanks Matt!

  49. Man, that looks and sounds incredibly dope. You have now convinced me that I am going to Coachella next year, and for all three days. I really liked the pictures you used, they make me so jealous. And if you saw Flatbush Zombies just know that I am extra jealous. I hope you had a fun time though! Great piece Matt!

  50. I have always wanted to go to Coachella. I've heard so many great things about it and it will be a wonderful experience. Thanks for sharing the best information that you know about this event -Mckynzie Fort

  51. Still incredibly jealous of you and your coachella experience, I literally spent a whole week being jealous of you and trying to forget that you got to experience this without me :( I also literally watched your snapchat videos over and over on your story just to pretend that I was there too. Is that creepy? Kinda. OKaY that's besides the point. I love this post! Not cause i'm being bias or anything but because it gave a taste of popular culture. Lately Coachella has been all the rage, it even has a clothing style now, your post made it known to everyone who isn't familiar with it, familiar with it. It was very informative, detailed and the visual aids are awesome as well! Good topic, It was probably easy to choose cause you probably had it in your mind the whole time leading up to the music festival anyways. Hope we can go next year and congrats on UCSC!

  52. Dang so jealous Matt! I hope I can go next year, but thanks for writing this because i might need this for next year! Good job and way to be informative!


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