
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

"The Sacrifice" by Ryan C

If my house was destroyed by a devastating fire and I had to choose only one thing to save from the fire, I would choose to save my family photo album. I would choose to save my family photo album simply because it means the most to me and everything else can be replaced. I would also choose it because it holds some of my fondest memories, and also some important lessons worth remembering.  
         If I for some reason I had to give away the family photo album to someone, I would give it to my parents. I would give it to my parents because they would need to remember that everything else could be replaced, and that we are one big and happy family. However if I couldn’t give it to my parents I would give it to one of my best friends, Elvis Dialosa, who would preserve it for me until I too needed its happy memories.    


  1. This is very touching that you would let me take care of something so precious to you. Even though my last name is spelled Diolosa i still feel your kindness.

  2. I love how you chose to keep the family photo album. I know how you feel, family is the most important thing in this world.

  3. I agree with you, family is the most important thing. Friends come and go but family hold strong forever. Even though that statement is quite cliche, its true! Pictures allow us to capture ourselves and our family at certain stages in our lives. With these photos we are able to remember events, people who have passed on, and lost characteristics associated with the people in the picture. While furniture, jewlery, and a house is insured and can be replaced, picture are an irreplaceable object that hold significant value. I would save my picture book too!
    Alyssa Anderson

  4. I would save my Photo Album as well

  5. It made me smile to see that you would choose to save a photo album above all else. I couldn't agree with you more; everything else can be replaced, but memories alone are priceless. Well done!

    -Christina Tapia

  6. Wow. Great piece. It made me remember how important family is and honestly when we did this in class i chose my signed baseball, which now that i think about it is greedy and i really like the fact you would save your families photo. Great job ryan.

  7. The sentimentality of you piece was very touching and i completely agree with you. When everything else falls to pieces family will always be there because home is where the people you love are. I thought it was very sweet and held a lot of love in it so wonderful job!
    Rachael Rubalcava

  8. Good job Ryan, your piece was very touching, and I also agree with you. Nice job!
    Period: 2
    -Justin Hoffman

  9. i think i would do the same you cant relive the pass but photo albums are a tour of your life and u should save it to keep to share with others .

    -abigail rich

  10. I agree with you. I would try to get as many pictures as possible as well as clothes that I would be able to get by with. I think I would get my laptops also. We have a lot of pictures and important stuff on there that is important.
    -Josh Bryan

  11. Even though its short it has a lot to say about family. Very nice topic

  12. I really understand why you would choose the family photo album, because it makes the most sense to save your memories instead of something material, which like you said can be replaced. Good job on this story I really liked the details you used to express your opinion on what you would choose.

    Jose Mancillas

  13. Nice short story. Possibly could have had a bit more description to pad it out, but still gets to the point. Good job.
    -Kevin McCondichie

  14. I think it's cool that out of everything you have, the one thing you choose is the one thing that hold the most memories and the most sentimental value

  15. I agree with you. the world is so just crazy all everyone cafres about is there phones and not the important things. I would do the same and grab as much thungs as possible because pictures last longer it is a way of keeping memories and you know you will never forget. excellent story keep up the good work.
    p.2 Laura Tormos

  16. This piece really made me smile! I think it's great that family is so important to you and that looking at pictures and reliving memories would help you put a bad situation like a fire into perspective! Not only is your choice of saving the family photo album kind and touching it is smart as well because you're right, everything else can be replaced. I think it's great that you have a friend who you would trust to hold the album for you too! Clearly this person is someone very special to you because as I read through your essay, I was really able to see how important your family and the pictures you have of them are to you. This piece was clearly written and well organized which allowed you to get your point across clearly. Good job!!!

  17. Short sweet and too the point. Just the way I like it. G=Great message behind the story and really has a touch of personal feeling which just adds for a better piece. Good job!

  18. I liked your story because it's the same thing I would do.
    -Devin Jennings P.2

  19. Good short story. Glad you picked a family photo.

  20. I agree with you in keeping the photo album as those memories could never be repeated are forgotten. Its interesting to see that people would pick photos when there is so many other objects and possibilities to choose from to save.
    -Cody Molla p.4

  21. Christofer guerreroMarch 10, 2014 at 7:25 PM

    this story was short but i liked it because it was very relatable because i would do the same thing in that kind of situation

  22. I greatly enjoyed the simplicity behind your words. You don't have any materialistic desire, and instead you want to preserve memories. I think that your piece and the theme behind it was complex and connected well to the audience

    -Marcopolo Anzora

  23. This is a really heart warming story as he talks about saving something that truly means something to him, rather then just being another possession. I don't know what I would save in a house fire but hopefully its something as close to me as your photo album is to you.

  24. Short and very bold, I liked the organization and the fact that you have some underlying attributes about your self in this piece showing that you genuinely care about your family and that possessions can be replaced but family memories cannot. Nicely done!

  25. good job on your story!! I feel the same way about the photo album. Great choice on picking this item because in that photo album there are so many memories that can not be replaced. Your story was short but you did a good job on it !!
    -Natalie Anguiano

  26. I like the point that you are trying to show in this story. I like the topic of how certain things can't be replaced and that they mean a lot to you. This also showed how much family means to us and that we should always keep them close.
    -Jacell Phay

  27. I would probably do the same thing for my whole family in this situation for memories. -Anthony Navarrete

  28. I really like this piece and the fact that you saved something that meant alot more than what people would normally take like an electronic, amazing piece.


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