
Monday, December 9, 2013

"How to Time Travel" by Kevin M

*Warning, minor math and physics*
            Time Traveling has been something I have wanted to do for a while, and after a bit of research, I have found HOW TO TIME TRAVEL. Crazy, right? And the best part is that it’s free. While I do have this knowledge, I have not found much use for it, so I will share this research with you, my reader, and hope you can find a practical use for this power. So without further ado, I give you the one step process to travel through time.

1. Do nothing.

            Amazing right? You are already traveling through time, and depending on how fast you read, you could be almost thirty seconds in the future from the point when you started reading my “how to” guide. Everybody and everything is already traveling through time. However, this isn’t fun or powerful. If you want time travel where you can enter a different time than somebody else, then you’ll need to do something else. However, by using the laws of “Special Relativity” this is still possible and simple. Here is the guide on how to travel backwards in time. Follow every step very carefully.

1. Move

            Space and time affect each other. The faster you move the slower time will pass for you, so if you were to go for a walk around the block while your brother or sister stayed home, when you got back you would be around three femtoseconds younger than your sibling, depending on the size of your block and speed you walk. Three femtoseconds is 3*10^-15 seconds, or .000000000000003 seconds. Pretty cool, but I know, as well as other lazy people, that walking is difficult and tiring, and not all of us have the time to go for a walk, which is funny since taking a walk sends you back in time so no more using that excuse. So I have one more simple way to time travel. Pay close attention.

1.     Stand up

Gravity also affects the passage of time. More gravity means slower passage of time. If you ever work for NASA you will notice that clocks on satellites are slower than clocks on earth, but still sync up. This is because the lower gravity makes their time faster, so the slower clock keeps them always with the correct time. Although we can’t easily send people to space to time travel, gravity gets weaker the further away from something you get, so if you stand up your feet will be further back in time than your head. This means if you stand up while your friend lies down, your brain will travel faster through time than theirs. The amount of time your brain will be older than their brain is measured in, you guessed it, femtoseconds. It’ll take about one minute for your brain to travel one femtosecond faster than your friends, that’s fourteen zeros after the decimal in case you were unsure.
      If you want to time travel more than a few femtoseconds faster or slower than the people and things around you, I am sorry to say that we do not have access to technology that can do that since it would require negative energy, which is impossible. I am sorry if you were hoping to go see dinosaurs or your great great grandchildren after reading this “How to” article, but cheer up. You read this paper, which means you are now a few minutes into the future from the point you started. Allow me to be the first person the welcome you to the future… and no, we do not have robot butlers yet.

      I would like to thank minutephysics for helping me get this information and allowing me to write this “How to” article for people. I would also like to thank Mr. Schaina, a physics and calculus teacher at Etiwanda who taught me and made it so that I actually understood what I was talking about and for double-checking my facts when Sean thought I was wrong.


  1. Kevin that was amazing! I loved your humor and the science of it did make sense! At first I thought you might be trying to make a joke about it and that everything was going to be nonsense but no! You had wonderful facts that were interesting and you kept me reading the entire way through. Amazing job!
    -Rachael Rubalcava

  2. This is very comidic and ironicly true this was very well put together and something that i will have to try very soon ......... haha i just did

  3. Writing about science can be boring, but you put a really cool twist on it with the comedy. Hopefully one day we'll have robot butlers.

    -Sabrina Rondero

  4. Very nice, Kevin. I knew from the beginning that I've heard this information sometime before within the last month, and I can't recall until you've mentioned "minutephysics." Very nicely written, as it is clear and easy to follow, other than what seems to be some numbering issues. Good job, and GO SCIENCE!

    -Ben Chang

  5. Well, I have been jumping and running around my block for an hour, I still am a senior in high school and finals are still in 72 hours. You don't suppose I am doing it wrong because I really could use an extra day to study... Good job on doing a "how to" article that is real and scientific.

  6. Kevin, I found this quite interesting! I never really looked at time traveling in this type of perspective. I usually find science boring, but your story actually got my attention! I liked how you got your facts checked by a teacher to make sure everything was correct. Overall, I thought this story was funny and amazing to read.

  7. I couldn't find a way to do nothing! :( I believe I have failed you Kevin but every time I told me heart to pause for a moment nothing would happen. I'm afraid I can 't time travel to the future. But I found that I am extremely good at traveling to the past. Thank you for such wise information. I feel smarter already

  8. Typical Kevin. Making a concept that is supposed to be extremely difficult to understand, to one that is humorous and almost trivial to understand. Your description of time travel is ironically very true and is actually pretty informative. I really enjoyed your description of time travel and I was very intrigued about the concept the if you stand you technically are travelling slower in time than someone sitting down even if it is for a couple of femtoseconds. Overall a great job Kevin.

  9. Kevin, this is definitely something that you would write. It seems like you actually put some thought and research into this which I applaud you for. Thank you for explaining it in a way that even us not-as-smart commoners could understand; I never thought of time travel in that way, it always seemed like time travel was for long drastic periods of time. Since you're taller than most of us, does that mean that you are perpetually farther in the future than everyone else? Wow, now I finally realize why you always make fun of me for being short. I loved your last sentence about Mr. Schaina. Don't ever trust Sean. Haha!

  10. Oh goshKevin,You would. I enjoyed your piec it was ver much upyour alley comedy wise, and while some of your terms wentover my head, i still really enjoyed it. Good job.

  11. Or you could like travel in a rocket ship at the speed of light around the Earth, but sure standing up is great. Anyways thanks for making the sciency mumbo jumbo comprehensive for a science noob like me to understand. Excellent article with plenty of humor. -Emily Wilt per 1

  12. I loved this "How To" the humor behind it was perfect. I liked how you described time travel as if it was such a basic and easy concept like brushing your teeth or riding a bike. this was defiantly fun to read and it made me think of all of the places I would like to time travel back to. Good Job!

  13. Your article was very interesting. It was very comical and got a good chuckle out of me. Your personality was clearly portrayed in the article and gave the audience a good incite to the author of the piece. Great job.

  14. this was very informative and useful Kevin and i can assure you that i will be time traveling all the time from now on :o it is quite typical of Sean to doubt things that he doesnt understand :p
    - Justin Myers

  15. I understood most of this simply because I am enrolled in physics so I thought this was a blog to laugh about. The other parts I did not grasps I still smiled because it was still funny. I enjoyed reading this humorous piece and if I was into time travel I would consider the following into doing so.

  16. Kevin! This "how to" article is the most funniest by far. I like how you used the concepts of calculus and physics to create this piece. This piece is very original and the title of it truly caught my attention. As of now, I am time traveling! I'm going to go on a walk now.You did a great job!

    - Tia Basa

  17. Great job Kevin. I love the child like concept of time travel and after I was done reading it, you left me in a a state of nostalgia, when I thought anything was possible. I love the imagery and tone behind your words. Great job.

    Marcopolo Anzora

  18. This entry suits you very well considering you are a very active participant in calculus and physics. Awesome usage of science and English to convey thought! Your love of the topic is very evident through your humorous and natural way of presenting it. Now if only it worked, I would be very appreciative.

  19. Oh my goodness, I have never felt so confused. You definitely lost me somewhere between the mention of time travel and femtoseconds. I laughed aloud when you mentioned Mr. Schaina because I can totally envision him loving this piece. Though my brain is still jumbled, the article was well-written and creative. Nice job!!

    Christina Tapia

  20. Suddenly, it all makes sense...I UNDERSTAND LIFE NOW! But seriously, this was quite the unique how-to article. You found a way to use scientific and mathematical terms and ideas that would normally cause readers to tune out in a way that made us keep reading. And it all actually made sense and added up. This was a really cool idea Kevin, good job! :)
    P.S. That last part was genius :D

  21. Very good story loved the how to everyone wants to know how to time travel. Love how u made the task seem so simple to the readers great job! -Haley Brown

  22. Wow, Kevin this piece sounds just like something you would say. thought it was entertaining and funny the way you wrote the artifle. Good job.

    -Alexandra Aguilar

  23. Pretty funny piece. It kinda makes me think about how much we take time for granted. It was nice taking a break from the other serious pieces that we have on this site. Good job!

  24. This was actually the most enjoyable thing I've read on this blog so far. It was ironic, funny, but most of all surprisingly entertaining. Weird science stuff like this makes me go crazy, I can't get enough of these kinds of things even though I can't and probably will never fully understand them. Organization of your writing was effective, explanations were really clear, and the topic was definitely not dull. Seriously, great job.

  25. Uh...Kevin! Slight headache with the 0.0000000003 or something along the lines of that. How did I know you'd write something as fantastic as time traveling. I was truly amazed by your background information you collected and your ability to explain clearly to us Physics Deprived people, like me. As always, you have such comedic tastes. Great job Kevin.

    -Jay Moritz

  26. Oh Kevin... you totallu would make something like this; and here I thought I would actually be able to travel through time.

    I enjoyed the comedice aspects of it - I seriously can imagine you explaining this to me. Is a femtosecond even real? I really liked when you told off Sean... ha, that made me laugh. Part of this still made my head spin, but it is pretty truthful. I hope that I can go to the future quicker now that I know this!

  27. This how-to is mind boggling.
    It was a very interesting read filled with a ton of science and math related elements! Time traveling! Oh boy!
    This was intriguing which made me, as the reader, follow through the piece quickly.
    I have to say, the concepts were very simple to understand; however, I was confused at how every step was practically a step one.
    But I later realized that it was to give different options of time travel.
    It was like a three-in-one jumbo combo for time traveling!
    Haha, very enjoyable read. Awesome job!

  28. This how-to is mind boggling.
    It was a very interesting read filled with a ton of science and math related elements! Time traveling! Oh boy!
    This was intriguing which made me, as the reader, follow through the piece quickly.
    I have to say, the concepts were very simple to understand; however, I was confused at how every step was practically a step one.
    But I later realized that it was to give different options of time travel.
    It was like a three-in-one jumbo combo for time traveling!
    Haha, very enjoyable read. Awesome job!

  29. So you're telling me, all this time I've been time traveling into the future? And all this time I've been wasting, wishing I could do something that I'm already doing! Mind blown. Haha, this was a funny, creative, and super entertaining entry. Great job!


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