
Monday, September 23, 2013

"The Proper Guide to Procrastination" By Jeremy Q.

Throughout life, society experiences various struggles leading to the circumstance where one may not be able to overcome necessary obstacles to succeed in life without proper guidance. This may range from solving algebraic equations in math class to finishing a blog report due in a few hours. In this entry, one may discover how to succeed in school while retaining the qualities of a slothful student.
            Many high school students suffer from lack of motivation and the symptoms from acquiring laziness when assigned to do work. The cause of this phenomenon is not definite but can be overcome. As a student guilty of such effects, I wish to pass on my knowledge on how to prevail over such a severe disorder. Results may vary.

9/20/13 6:22 PM
First I would like to explain why I included the times in which the portions of this instructional guide were written. This report I am writing right now, which was assigned a month prior, is approximately due in six hours. I wish to verify to you that my method for procrastination does in fact possibly work and such proof is that I will finish this piece within the projected time constraint I was given. If my guide does in fact fail to possibly solve the burden of procrastination, then this report wouldn’t be posted for I wouldn’t have been able to turn it in on time. As for now, I am about to head out and eat at a fancy steakhouse and would return to complete this guide as soon as possible.

9/20/13 9:13 PM (Priorities)
People may encounter procrastination through distractions such as gourmet foods that shift one’s priorities from what is actually important. Some Super Stockhouse Steak Special for example is a temptation that pleads priority among whatever one may be doing (it was very delicious by the way). The juicy tenderness of a well-done pound of awesomeness with a dab of A1 sauce has proven to be quite irresistible especially with a side of a Colossal Root Beer float. With the addition of creamy clam chowder and a handful of fries, it is quite a meal to contend with… Anyways, people who fall for such distractions are guaranteed to mismatch their priorities.  For people that fall under this category, they must first realize this shift in priorities. To notice such a thing implants a “nagger” in the back of one’s mind that will nag oneself and put stress upon the necessary work to be done until it is built to the point when one stresses enough to get back to topic.

9/20/13 10:34 PM (Planning)
The Croods is a very interesting movie… Speaking of getting back to topic, let’s get back to topic. Another significant matter to conquer procrastination is the importance of planning. If one chooses to procrastinate (or is unfortunate enough to be fall victim to procrastination), it is important to plan one’s procrastination. What is vital to procrastinating successfully is setting a schedule or deadline for when one can seize the opportunity to grasp enough motivation to complete one’s work prior to when it’s due. This is done by evaluating the work one has at hand and estimating its length of completion and importance to one’s life. This evaluation helps motivate the mind through stress which increases productivity of a person as the deadline comes nearer. The scheduling should be based on one’s situation and preference.

9/20/13 11:29 PM (Caring)
The most important factor to conquering procrastination is to care about the work one must do. People should consider whether the slight satisfaction of not completing work is worth it for they will suffer the consequences that may befall on them which usually outweigh the magnitude of such temporary satisfactions. This is important to keep in mind to spark and maintain what little motivation people may have so that it will not come back to bite them in the future when they choose to just give up. To sum it all up, if you wish to procrastinate you must be willing and able to finish the job and take into account all these factors so that you may actually finish in time.

9/20/13 11:40 PM (Warning)
Warning: Choosing to procrastinate can leave you with either an incomplete or unsatisfactory job caused by the limited time you’ve given yourself to finish a work assigned to you (even when given surplus amount of time by the teacher to complete the assignment prior to procrastination). Forgive me for my possibly inflated or incoherent word play for my procrastination guideline was written under the same circumstance it is written of. To put it bluntly, to avoid any possible regret regarding doing work in time and coherently, don’t procrastin


  1. good job on your writing i like how you incorporated the time in your writing keep up the great work.

  2. This story was very funny. I loved how you used immense yet precise vocabulary to describe an average everyday action such as procrastination. It astonishes me that this was the actual time frame you completed this assignment because I know I would not of been able to have a delicious steak and watch The Croods (a movie that is perfect to fall asleep on) and still would of been able to complete an assignment as important as this. I envy your procrastinating skills.

  3. I feel as if I've read the story of my life. Except, subtract the steakhouse dinner and substitute it for my phone! I really liked how you put the times in to emphasize "procrastination" at its best too. Haha. Even the little grammatical mistakes littered throughout felt like good contributions towards the theme that procrastinating will (most likely) diminish the quality of your work due to the various factors you listed over the course of several hours. Overall, I felt this was very relateable and fun to read! Go Jeremy!

  4. I think my favorite part of this how-to is the structure. It's hilarious how the paragraphs went from being well thought out, double spaced, and decent sized to being short, not formatted, and unfinished. The time stamps made me laugh because, well, that timeline reminds me of my own procrastination. For having done this is such a short amount of time, you've combined every aspect of your writing with every aspect of procrastination. I think you successfully explored how our minds work when we procrastinate, when we come up with "priorities" try to "plan" our procrastination and tell ourselves we can do it, and finally the stress we feel when we start "caring". The formal way you wrote everything adds to the irony of the subject. Overall, I think it's a witty piece. Nice job!

  5. Oh my god this is so extremley accurate, it is making me guilty at how exact I can relate to this! It was also really well written, made me feel like I wasn't reading something a highschooler wrote but a proffesional guide written by well, a proffesional. Had the right amount of humor mixed with the irony of the work itself, and the details of the examples of distractions made this by far my most favorite post to date.

  6. Jeremy, this was a wonderfully humorous as well as informative guide to how to survive procrastinating. The times that you provided for each time you sat down and wrote your submission was great. It showed not only you expertise at procrastinating but the ways that it can be efficiently done. I am not sure if this was a stylistic purpose but the final procrastinate is misspelled... ha well either way it plays up the fact that you finished writing this in the last several minutes before it was do. Overall great job on this guide to procrastinating.

  7. The time feature on the piece as well as the omission of double spacing in the last paragraph really helps add to the agency of the situation in the context of the story... i like this very much, good job
    -Arturo Ayala

  8. I love how you spoke seriously and instructively while the underlying tone was humorous; it kept me laughing at every paragraph.
    After reading this I feel like I'm am ready to face the world with the proper procrastinating methods!

  9. Wow, this story is basically me! I am amazed by your high level vocabulary in this piece. Honestly, if I was writing my blog story late, the level of my vocabulary would be poor. It seemed to me that this piece was made by someone who took time on it, but I was amused with the little grammar mistakes you made throughout the page. I kind of feel guilty being a procrastinator, but I can say that if you procrastinate, you have to do it right. I loved this piece and you did an amazing job!

  10. Jeremy, this piece literally made me laugh out loud. By time-stamping each portion of the essay, you created an extremely realistic scenario. From your dinner out, to watching a movie, I found myself relating to your struggle to complete your assignment while battling a million distractions. I loved the irony of how you clearly procrastinated while writing a paper pertaining to procrastination. Great job!

    -Christina Tapia

  11. I love this piece so much! It was really clever of your to write about procrastinating (something most of us are guilty of), and incorporate the time stamps which showed how much you procrastinated on this assignment. I like how it was really funny, even though you had a serious tone. Great job!

  12. I honestly really enjoyed how you made peace with such wittiness, it made me laugh because while you were teaching us, the readers about procrastination, you were procrastinating while doing so. This theme was very much enjoyable.

    -Jose Mancillas

  13. Jeremy, this was absolutely hilarious! I'm actually laughing pretty hard from reading this! The structure of your piece was perfect! I love how those are actual phases I personally go through when I'm procrastinating on my own homework (except for the last part, of course). I can't emphasize enough on how perfect your last part of the piece was, "not being able to finish" the assignment due to procrastination, while writing about procrastination. I'd say it was the cherry on top of an already amazing chocolate sundae. Procrastination is something that everyone can connect with, making your piece relatable to almost everyone! Wonderfully written!

  14. I love how you are able to convey your ideas clearly and fluidly. I would have never guessed that you procrastinated on this piece because it was very well thought out! Good job :)

  15. Either I'm thinking way too much into this piece that I'm just that off or I'm just that imaginative, but I can honestly see this as a short film. Just imagine typing, eating steak, watching Croods, and deciding whether to start your blog or not with Mr. Shelton doing a voiceover of your piece. I'm legitimately thinking about it..

    Well anyway, going back to topic, you did an awesome job writing this true-to-life occurrence in such a comical, humorous way. I love it!

    -Michelle Millan

  16. Thank you Jeremy for being able to show the world how we do it step-by-step, in an easy to read, and fun format! I too have been procrastinating with commenting on all of my peers lovely passages! Amazing work.

  17. All I have to say is... THANK YOU. You have accomplished an easy way to show those "normal" people how we procrastinators get things done! It was an easy and fun read. I love it when instructional pieces have a sense of humor!

  18. Humorous, relatable, and well formatted.
    I can't believe you sectioned each portion based off of actual times.
    The parenthesized words, (PPCW), were definitely attention grabbers and made the piece easier to read.
    The break-off of the "don't procrastin" was the cherry on top for this piece since it was in the section labelled "Warning" as well as the time being 11:40 PM when the piece is to be due at 11:59 PM.

    I can absolutely relate to this piece because I am someone who procrastinates very often, but I must ask, is there a sense of sarcasm utilized in this piece?
    My reaction to this piece was a laugh out loud constantly and then transitioning to a "oh gosh, why am I laughing? I PROCRASTINATE AND IT'S TERRIBLE" since it's SO relatable.

    Great job, Jeremy!

  19. I really enjoyed reading your story ! I loved how ironic it was because you were procrastinating when you were writing about this piece about procrastination ! This was also very funny and relatable. Also, I like how you were very descriptive when you were describing your dinner saying that the steak was a "juicy tenderness of well-done pound of awesomeness" with an "addition of creamy clam chowder and a handful of fries". This was really enjoyable to read. Good job !

  20. I loved the way you structured your piece to included the time since it allowed the reader to see your "procratinating skills" in actions. I think this piece's humor was well balanced and it definatley catured my attention. I feel as though many high schoool students at least at one point in their life have procrastinated on an assignment so this piece is relatable and allows the audience to reflect on all the times they have procrastinated, which in my opinion made the piece more humerous since i found that i was laughing at myself. I think that your use of higher vocabulary and long sentences helped build your credibility that you are a champion at procrastination since you can pull it off so well.

  21. Brava Jeremy! You did an awesome job at finding a topic that ultimately all teenagers can relate to. Procrastination is unfortunately a huge part of everyday life for me anyway. I really enjoyed the way you formatted your piece, especially your addition of the times. I found myself getting more and more agitated as it got closer to 11:59 even though the fact that I was reading meant you had made it. Great job with this, it was a great source of entertainment, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

  22. This was such a fun read, Jeremy! As a procrastinator myself, I can easily connect with this piece, especially the section under "Priorities" and food was involved. I thought it was great how you had the actual time of when each section was written out, making it seem so realistic. Glad you've successfully procrastinated!

    -Ben Chang

  23. My goodness Jeremy, you would write a guide to survive procrastination. I have to start off by saying that this story was very humorous. The structure of your story really demonstrated the aspect of procrastination because is showed how you had started this assignment the day it was due. Also your use of examples such as going to a movie and going for a steak dinner also demonstrate the aspects of procrastination. Overall Jeremy this was a pretty good example of procrastination with the use of examples and irony about the fact that you wrote this story about procrastinating while procrastinating.

  24. This was hilarious and so original, I cannot think of any better way to demonstrate "how to procrastinate" while procrastinating at the same time. Seriously, brilliant. "The Croods is a very interesting movie." LOL SO GUTS. Usually students try to conceal the fact that they procrastinate from their teachers, but you had the courage to even include the specific times you continued to procrastinate in. I commend you for your bravery. Excellent job at getting your point your across.

    Danieh Abu Alrub

  25. Oh my! This piece had me laughing from the start! The irony of the serious tone you took in writing about procrastination and in describing it as a,"disorder" (nice diction to add to the sarcasm behind the serious tone in your poem!) was hilarious, and the parts where you wrote using stream of consciousness made me laugh even more and solidified the fact that your writing is one of the most relatable by far! This sounds like something I could have written about any time I have ever had something due on Turnitin! Your times for each paragraph were a great detail to add in because it made the piece relatable and honestly it filled me with worry for you that your weren't going to finish when you started talking about the Croods haha ! When I read the title I instantly got excited and this was great, it was a good idea to make this a how-to because its such an unlikely topic to do that for, it definitely added to the humor in your story!

  26. Honestly, this piece is perfect. Its humorous and sarcastic tone make the informative guide easy and fun to read. I was laughing in my mind the whole time because I am exactly the same way. The fact that senioritis is so common and relatable is very comical. I love how you separated each paragraph into time increments and used factual information. Is it me or did your last sentence end without finishing the word "procrastinate"? LOL. Perfection. It gives the reader the actual feel of your rushing to finish the piece on time to Turnitin.
    I loved it!
    -Mackenzie Hopkins

  27. We have so much in common, and how you demonstrated your form of procrastination to be humorous. The fact that you only had a few minutes left to turn this in actually demonstrates your way of procrastination. Using food and other objects as a distraction, it really relates to my own lifestyle. I was going to add irony but the fact that you did procrastinate, considering the timer set each paragraph, and turned in this piece made me think otherwise. You literally procrastinated is what I am implying about irony. Anyways, I enjoyed this piece because it really relates to myself.
    Enjoyed it!
    -Emilio Pulmano

  28. Very good use of Irony and playing the opposite. A very good way to get your point across in a way interesting to the reader. Reminds me of this one picture I saw that said "Procrastination club meeting postponed"
    -Kevin McCondichie

  29. Oh my gosh! This had me laughing so hard all the way through! I think what makes it funnier is the fact that it's all true and your guide completely sums up the problems with procrastination! You deserve all of the kudos you get because this was amazing and I wouldn't have been able to stop even if I tried. The times that you added for each step was also a great touch and really added to everything in your work. There isn't much more to say about it except that it was a total pleasure to read!
    -Rachael Rubalcava

  30. Aw, I don't know why, but I thought this was really cute!
    I liked how you incorporated time sequence into your 'How To:' guide; this use of chronological order helped the reader to not only acquire insight from your guide, but in a personal way.
    The shift in tone was very obvious as the detail of the stanzas changed, in terms of double space and single space; places an emphasis on your warning note.
    I can't tell if "te" was cut off from procrastinate as a mistake or was purposely intended. I'm kind of leaning more towards it being purposely intended, and if that is the case, then I thought that tied the whole piece together, in that the effect you applied there ties back with the overall meaning.
    I like. ☺

  31. Aw, I don't know why, but I thought this was really cute!
    I liked how you incorporated time sequence into your 'How To:' guide; this use of chronological order helped the reader to not only acquire insight from your guide, but in a personal way.
    The shift in tone was very obvious as the detail of the stanzas changed, in terms of double space and single space; places an emphasis on your warning note.
    I can't tell if "te" was cut off from procrastinate as a mistake or was purposely intended. I'm kind of leaning more towards it being purposely intended, and if that is the case, then I thought that tied the whole piece together, in that the effect you applied there ties back with the overall meaning.
    I like. ☺

  32. Oh Jeremy, I must say that I myself am a victim of procrastination! This was very interesting and one of the most enjoyable pieces of writing I have ever read. I thought it was hilarious (and brave) of you to actually procrastinate on this assignment in order to prove your steps on how to procrastinate. I liked that you were very honest in your writing and basically told the reader what you were doing all night before working on the assignment. The sarcastic and comical tone made the piece light-hearted and had me silently laughing to myself the whole time. Nice job!
    -Alexandra Aguilar

  33. This piece was hilarious! It doesn't matter who you are, ALL students have procrastinated on some assignment and wind up stressing and getting no sleep. I liked how the piece was broken up by labeling the time, showing as it got later and later into the night and the piece still wasn't finished. This really showed how when distracted, your time simply goes by unnoticed. I thought it was ironic how in the last section, when warning readers about procrastinating and how this method may cause your work to be incoherent or not make sense, the writing just came to an abrupt stop as if the writer became distracted, never returning to proof read their work, and due to the time restraints just submitted if blindly. Awesome!

    Alyssa Anderson

  34. Every single person can relate to this guide. It's perfect! I love how serious the tone is. Mixed with the content of your guide, it makes for a funny and enjoyable read. The way to put detail into your dinner description really shows off what your priorities are. Whether you deliberately had the last part structured informally, it really showed how you truly are the master of procrastination and is the right person to share your knowledge. Good Job!

  35. This piece is very funny and sarcastic. I feel like I just read a piece that I could relate to myself and possibly every teenager there is! I like how you used elaborate vocabulary and that this was the actual time frame that you wrote this in.

    -Erin Napoleon

  36. The way you wrote this piece was very clever. I enjoyed the irony of you writing how to procrastinate appropriately while procrastinating yourself. I enjoyed the topic of your piece very very much!

  37. I really enjoyed this piece because it was different I hadn't read any comedy pieces, and nice use of irony it contributed to the comedy.

    Sabrina Rondero Per.5

  38. Jeremy this piece was humorous and very clever. I can completely relate to this because I am doing it right now. This really gives me a better idea on how to procrastinate better. The part where you put all the details about the dinner is great. Great Job.

  39. This was hilarious! I loved how you choose to write about procrastination because everyone can relate to it, and I loved how you were able to make procrastination so funny! I think it was so funny because of how ironic it was that you were also "procrastinating". Also, it seemed very laid back and nonchalantly written which made it easier and more fun to read. I really likes how yoy broke it up per section with a title and time; it made it seem as if you had all the time in the world but still things off, which is exactly what procrastinanting is.

  40. I thought this piece was really interesting. It made me laugh a lot because procrastination is my number one skill in school. I also love how you were procrastinating while writing this. It made it even better. Really great job!

  41. This piece made me laugh. It was interesting how you were giving a guide to avoid procrastination while performing the act yourself. It was very witty and I enjoyed it a lot.
    -Kyra Young :)

  42. Your second paragraph of the intro made me laugh and smile because it made me remember towards the beginning of the year when Mrs. Cogswell assigned us to be partners for our short story and you confessed to the class that you drew my picture before class started. I confess you are a great procrastinator! I love how you incorporated the times of when you accomplished things because that's about the same time when I'm starting my homework unfortunately.

  43. This was pure comedy, and a great read. I love how you incorporated the thoughts that we all go through, especially those of us who have more than 1 AP class, when having to submit work on a dead line. I thought the funny way you approached a sometimes serious subject made this a light, easy, fun read.
    -Percy Starks

  44. Your guide is really funny. The use of sarcasm contributes to the humor that I’m sure you were trying to share with your readers. I like how you made procrastination seem as something awful and difficult to deal with. Having to make a guide on “conquering” procrastination already makes it seem as though it takes a lot of effort to get past. Ironically, procrastination is not as hard as your guide makes it seem. Words, such as “symptoms,” “phenomenon,” and “disorder,” contributed to the exaggeration of overcoming procrastination. Overall, I thought your guide was genius.

  45. I really enjoyed reading this piece. I thought it hilarious how you managed to write about procrastination while procrastinating putting at risk the possibility of you not being able to turn it in! Obviously you were though so good job! I also really liked that at the beginning you called "lazyness" a severe disorder and a phenomenon because it was funny and kept me intrigued to read more. I also really liked that you chose this topic because I was able to relate to it 100%. Great job!!
    -Lucia Gonzalez

  46. I really enjoyed reading this piece. I thought it hilarious that you wrote about procrastination while procrastinating putting at risk the possibility of not being able to turn it in! Obviously you did though so good job! I really liked that you chose this topic because i was able to relate to it 100%. I liked that at the beginning you called "lazyness" a "phenomenon" and a "severe disorder" because it kept me intrigued to read more. Great job!!

  47. It's crazy how everyone reading this can probably relate to procrastinating! Jeremy this cracked me up! Telling the times made it seem so realistic and so relatable, it made your story just that much better. The best part of the story is you telling us that the "results may vary." That was the beginning of my laughing fits!

    -Taylor Robles

  48. This piece is very relatible. I procrastinate all the time. I forget to do my homework, my chores, and other things like that. Plus, this was pretty funny too.

  49. I just like how all this is nothing but facts. Thats the best part to it. And im sure this applies to every senior out there. It was also very interesting to read and there was a lot of humor in it. Thats what makes it the best. It had a lot to it and was great. Good job!

  50. I just like how all this is nothing but facts. Thats the best part to it. And im sure this applies to every senior out there. It was also very interesting to read and there was a lot of humor in it. Thats what makes it the best. It had a lot to it and was great. Good job!

  51. So that's how it's done! Turns out I've been procrastinating all wrong. Thank you for clearing it all up. Good job in taking a serious subject and making it enjoyable with humor and wordplay.

  52. i really enjoyed this because i tend to procrastinate which can cause more stress in my life. this has really inpired me to take responsability for all my assignments and get things done quicker so i can enjoy my free time intead of stressing about assignments.
    -abigail rich

  53. Haha. Jeremy this piece was great. I think everyone one can relate to this in one way or another. It also summarized procrastination perfectly.

  54. I LOVED THIS SO MUCH! I applaud that you chose a topic that affects millions of teenaged americans every single day, while some children in third world countries would LOVE to have a due date on a project at a school that does not exist! As I write this, I realize that I have followed your guide to procrastination very well; these blog comments are due in about an hour. I'm sure, however, that if I follow your instructions, I will be able to prioritize, plan, and care well enough to get these submitted in time. :) I love your obvious humor in these piece, as well as your hilarious under- and over-exaggerations! The antithesis of "qualities" to "slothful student" were fantastic as I imagined a child sloth-ing around on his homework assignment. You're amazing Jeremy!

  55. Hey Jeremy,
    I thought that confessing to the procrastination that we all participate in but never admit was one of those understood laws of being an A.P. student. I liked that you completely ignored this and came up with a great submission 6 hours before it was due! I guess that it's going to be like A.P. Chemistry all over again.... I mean, look at the time that I am posting this comment! It's 12:36 AM!!!!!!

    I liked how you developed this how to article and actually put words to the process that we all go through. I had never thought about how we all go through the phase of not having enough motivation to do the task assigned. I especially enjoyed the un-formatted last paragraph and the cut off words because you didn't have time to bother with those "insignificant details."

  56. This was great. It was nice to have a good laugh with this comical piece. I loved the way you organized it. You gave the time and what you were doing or thinking at the moment. It made the story even easier to relate to. My favorite part is the ending, where you were such a genius and structured the last paragraph as though you were running out of time to turn it in. It wasn't double spaced like the rest of the piece and you misspelled "procrastinate". Those details were hilarious.
    - Oscar Salazar

  57. Your story is magnificent, absolutely magnificent. Procrastination is a huge problem with me as well, and the degeneration of the structure, word format, and complexity made me bust up. I sorta kinda inadvertently followed this guide on my comments, 7 hours before they are due I'm starting! Bravo Jeremy!

  58. Jeremy, I really enjoyed reading this because I could relate 100%! The fact that you're writing about a topic everyone is guilty of, made it even more of a pleasure to read when you threw in humor. The use of imagery was very well written out, I felt as if I was eating with you t the restaurant( by the way, I'm getting really hungry now.) The way it is structured and organized is different from what I've seen on this blog post. Great work in sending it in late but with not that many errors really! I had a pleasure to read your piece of writing and you are great under pressure! More procrastination to come !!

  59. This piece is 100% Jeremy. Procrastination and you go hand in hand, you cant have one without the other. I know this from sitting in front of you in English most of last year. I also know how you feel, considering I have procrastinated on commenting on the blogs and have also procrastinated on my Frankenstein Review List. I felt a level of suspense due to your circumstances in the piece, so I can only imagine how you felt in the moment. Well done.

  60. I really liked your story. It was very relatable, as I also leave assignments to be finished within a few hours of the due date and time. There were a few grammar mistakes, but overall it was very good and easy to read and understand. I enjoyed the inflated language; as it added a comedic effect to the article.

  61. I really liked your story. It was very relatable, as I also leave assignments to be finished within a few hours of the due date and time. There were a few grammar mistakes, but overall it was very good and easy to read and understand. I enjoyed the inflated language; as it added a comedic effect to the article.

  62. WOW Jeremy, you're obviously the master of procrastination. Like you listed all the steps down and you have down to a science at this point, HA I bet you are procrastinating right now! But really, i liked this "how to" a lot! All of the irony, that is found in basically every step of this "how to" makes it so funny and enjoyable and obviously relatable. My favorite part was how we got a timeline of your process and how you got to that (Warning) section to sum it up just in time, Well good job Jeremy this was really enjoyable.

  63. I loved this Jeremy! I'm pretty sure every student can relate to this every day, especially AP students! I can especially relate since I'm writing this comment the DAY it's due.. but overall I liked your use of exaggerations and how you developed the article. Amazing!

  64. You're guts Jeremy. This was hilarious and a smart way of introducing procrastination because you procrastinated doing this piece. Very clever. I think almost everybody can relate to this blog because a lot of people procrastinate at one point in their life, and even if they do know its bad, we still do it over and over again.

  65. This might just be the most entertaining thing I've read in my life (aka within the last 48 hours). I really appreciated the fact that this whole post was written in a proper, academic voice. And I related to every single word, let me tell you. Because I, too, enjoy a good steak. I also enjoy stressing myself out about a submission the night it's due. Thus, the reason I'm commenting the day these comments are due. Anyways, this is some good stuff, Jeremy!

  66. First of all great job on this piece, i feel like this topic can fit towards a lot of people our age cause we all tend to procrastinate to a certain extent. Also, big ups for actually showing the different times of the day and its action, that must have taken quite a while to write!! Great job!!!

  67. Oh procrastination... we've all been there. This article is so relate able especially since I've procrastinated in reading and commenting on this blog. Thanks for sharing!

  68. Haha this I really enjoyed reading this story. I like how I felt likr you were actually talking me.

  69. I don't know whether you actually wrote this piecemeal or you just wrote it all at once but honestly I don't care. This was so well written with tons of irony as you did the things you told us not to do. The element of distraction seemed very important to your piece and the effort to create that effect really shows so that the reader can relate to your point.

  70. Teh teme and plot of you piece was very humerous and was actually relatable. You added to the expierence by including a time line making the entir piece seem as if someone actually did plan it. The effect was an intimate tone. The warning at the end only made me enjoy it more . It was a feel good piece>

  71. I really like this story. I can relate to it.

  72. Jeremy your a genius. You always seem to astonish me. I love how you added the times in which you wrote each section. Although you did make me realize that i do have a certain way that I procrastinate and a schedule so thanks. I love how at the end you were just telling us that we shouldn't procrastinate because our work usually doesn't come out so good.

  73. This was hilarious, partially because it pretty much describes me. Although I don't need a guide to procrastination because of the fact that I am a master at it, a.k.a these comments that are due in about an hour, I really enjoyed reading it. It made me laugh, maybe because it's something everybody goes through at some point. Its true about the planning as well... If you plan your procrastination just right, then you don't have to think back and say "wow, I could have totally finished that homework assignment if didn't procrastinate all night." Good work!

  74. haha I can totally relate to this piece just like many others can and Yes, i'm writing this comment an hour before they're due haha -Alexis Chiong

  75. Oh Jeremy, your story is so awesome. I am the Procrastination Queen, so I can totally relate to you and your story. Like others have said already, procrastination is the story of my life as well. I enjoyed reading your piece because you had me engaged from start to finish. My favorite part, hands down is the introduction. Procrastination truly is an epidemic. And yes, I agree- "results may vary". ;)

  76. Jeremy, this is just great! It left me laughing for a good five minutes! It's a process everyone can relate to, so I feel less bad that I participate in this deadly curse. I like that you included the times at which you started each section, it enhances and further promotes the idea of procrastinating. If more "how-to's" were written in this type of format, I would probably be more interested in how to do things a.k.a write more so I can be more motivated lol!

  77. This made me chuckle. I love that you made your story on a subject EVERYONE knows well! This is the exact method in which I do things. I liked how you added your distractions into what you were writing as well! You did very well!

  78. I do not think I need to tell you how awesome it is to have a step by step plan ready in case I am trapped in procrastination land. The casual tone of this "How-to" helps the reader imagine it as if it were an interesting conversation with a friend as opposed to one with professional tone and vocabulary. Also, the details of you procrastinating were very helpful in imagining a similar situation and pre-setting our priorities before hand. Thank you for the good laugh and thank you for allowing me to procrastinate efficiently.

  79. Like most of my peers, I agree that post was intriguing and hilariously accurate! It very much appeals to students in general and that it was got my attention. Great job with the structure as well; if it were written as just one big essay it may not have been as appealing to read! Kudos!

  80. Jeremy! Oh my gosh...
    This instructional guide got me laughing. Especially the end of it. You ended it in such a clever way. I thought that the whole concept of using procrastination as a topic was smart because almost everyone can relate to it. I also thought that your organization structure of the guide was interesting. I liked the fact that you wrote it in a diary-like manner.
    Great job Jeremy. I applaud you!
    -Tia Basa :)

  81. HAHA. Dude. I apologize a million times for admitting I skipped this the first time I perused this month's blog posts... I deeply regret not fully reading before.

    LUL. After getting to know you better this year, I can't help but think how fitting your post is... In my mind, you will forever be "nap and food" boy.

    Thanks for finding the guts to write about a trait that every AP/Honors student has. It's true when they say "AP kids are the best procrastinators." It's literally an art we've all learned to master... and I can tell you've mastered it well. xD

    I keep giggling at my laptop from this! I found it funny that you put actual time stamps, and indicated how this all actually planned out..especially because I know for a fact you actually did all this.

    The ending was a very comedic (and genius) way to finish off this post. Great job, Jeremy! Didn't know how funny you could actually be x)

    P.S. Note my act of procrastination as I post this as well... It's past 11pm the night the comments are due. Oh goodness...

  82. HAHA. Dude. I apologize a million times for admitting I skipped this the first time I perused this month's blog posts... I deeply regret not fully reading before.

    LUL. After getting to know you better this year, I can't help but think how fitting your post is... In my mind, you will forever be "nap and food" boy.

    Thanks for finding the guts to write about a trait that every AP/Honors student has. It's true when they say "AP kids are the best procrastinators." It's literally an art we've all learned to master... and I can tell you've mastered it well. xD

    I keep giggling at my laptop from this! I found it funny that you put actual time stamps, and indicated how this all actually planned out..especially because I know for a fact you actually did all this.

    The ending was a very comedic (and genius) way to finish off this post. Great job, Jeremy! Didn't know how funny you could actually be x)

    P.S. Note my act of procrastination as I post this as well... It's past 11pm the night the comments are due. Oh goodness...

  83. I really liked how relatable this was; I literally go through this process all the time! The way you used the different times in the evening had me literally busting up because it is my life in words. It also provided a kind of wake up call, because seeing the effect of procrastination on someone else--and the negativity it can bring-- opens my eyes to how I probably shouldn't be doing it so much. Great job!

  84. LOL why is this so great.

    Okay, I apologize a million times for not reading this before. I confess my act of procrastination as I type this out.

    Thanks for having the guts to write about a commonly known trait amongst us AP/Honors kids. I enjoyed the comedic effect of your post. I literally giggled to myself reading some parts of it. I thought implementing time stamps was a clever idea as well.

    The ending had me going for a bit, x)

    For someone who procrastinated this, I think it actually pulled off really well. You managed to actually make it seem structured and whatever comedic effect you were trying to convey, definitely showed in the ultimate picture. Nice job! I thoroughly enjoyed reading this (:

  85. Oh, aren't you a cool cat.

    This piece does relate to everyone. You were very clever in your execution all of the way to the very last, unfinished word: "procrastin-". I can appreciate what you did there. I like how you put up the most random things from dealing with "Some Super Stockhouse Steak Special" (This is nice alliteration by the way. I see what you did there, or what the advertisers did) to the "The Croods" movie which I never heard of as this only adds to the effect of your piece. That last paragraph wraps this whole piece up nicely without the double-space format. Your humorous tone is evident throughout the entire piece. It made me laugh.

  86. Oh, aren't you a cool cat.

    This piece does relate to everyone. You were very clever in your execution all of the way to the very last, unfinished word: "procrastin-". I can appreciate what you did there. I like how you put up the most random things from dealing with "Some Super Stockhouse Steak Special" (This is nice alliteration by the way. I see what you did there, or what the advertisers did) to the "The Croods" movie which I never heard of as this only adds to the effect of your piece. That last paragraph wraps this whole piece up nicely without the double-space format. Your humorous tone is evident throughout the entire piece. It made me laugh.

  87. Aren't you a cool cat?

    I loved what you did with the piece. Your tone is evident throughout the entire piece especially to the last word: "procrastin-". This subject of procrastination relates to everyone. It had me laughing. The randomness of things you did from eating "Super Stockhouse Steak Special" (This is nice alliteration by the way) to watching the movie "The Crookers" which I have never heard of as it only adds to the effect. The last paragraph's format was smartly published without the double spacing. I like the timeline you had going on there, as well. Good job


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