
Monday, September 23, 2013

“Sacrifice” by Ariana J.

If  there  was  a  terrible fire  and  i  could  only  save  one  thing  it  would  be  a  photo album.  I  value  this   because  it  has  a  lot of  my  childhood  memories.  Memories  I  could never  get  back  or  relive. For  example pictures of  me  and  my  grandpa  like  he  isn’t  alive anymore  so  like  all  pictures  of  me  and  him  I  value so much.   There  are  these  quotes  that  I  love  and  it  goes  like  this  “Sometimes,  you  will  never  know  the   true  value  of  a  moment  until  it  becomes  a  memory.”-anonymous. Another  one  I  like  is  “ I  love  those  those  random  memories  that  make  me  smile  no matter  what  i’m   going  through.” -anonymous.  I  wouldn’t  save  clothes  or like  an  electronic  device  because  you  could  always  re-buy  it  or  get  a  new  one  of  the same  thing.
    If  I  had  to  give  my  photo  album  to  someone  it  would  obviously  be  someone I  trust. So  my  best  friend,  Kameryn  S.  is  someone  who  I  really  trust.  I  love  her  to death  and  I  know  I  can  tell  her  anything  and  she  would  still  be by  my  side  no  matter what.  I mean  if  i  didn’t  really  have  to  give  it  up  I  wouldn’t  really  want .Unless obviously someones  would  get  hurt  or  for  some  strange  reason  their  life  depended  on  it then  yes,  I  would  give  it  up.


  1. This is very interesting. Im glad you value something acually valuable.-Raven Farrow

  2. I'm surprised you didn't choose a material item, like most people would, it's really amazing that you would choose memories and photos rather than your phone or an electronic. Good Job on the story.

    - Jose Mancillas

  3. It's nice to hear someone my own age acknowledge the worthlessness of material objects such as electronics. I can completely relate to your desire to salvage photos reminiscent of cherished memories. Your reference to the photographs of your grandfather reminded me of old photos of my own grandpa from when I was just a toddler. Like you, I have always loved looking through photo albums. No matter how many photos I have on my phone of family and friends, nothing compares to holding an aged photograph in your hand. You did a wonderful job at expressing your appreciation for your photo album and I think your piece will cause others to question what they value most. Keep up the good work!

    -Christina Tapia

  4. I like how your personality shined through this blog entry. It was a simple yet touching story. Good job :)

  5. I am so glad I found someone who is sentimental towards their possessions. I also like to keep photos and go over old times. I'm a really sentimental person and I usually keep even the smallest things. Your piece reminded me to take new pictures and keep adding to my photo albums.Isn't it amazing to go through old picutres and think about how much fun we had in that picture? Your piece was amazing and I hope you keep adding to your photo albums.

  6. I really like how you value your photo album so much. I can totally relate to you! Since "pictures are worth a thousand words", I can see how you would choose your photo album to save. Each picture represents a special memory in your life and it is priceless! I totally agree that you can just rebuy any electronics because they are just materialistic objects. I really enjoyed reading your story.

  7. I can easily connect with your thoughts on the significance of a photo album and agree with the quote you've provided that said, “Sometimes, you will never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory.” After my family has moved from a foreign country to the U.S., we have lost most of the photos we have taken, and my childhood memories went along with it. I truly wish I still have them somewhere and is able to get them back somehow as I now see the true value they hold—priceless memories.

    -Ben Chang

  8. This story was very touching and I really respect the fact that you got your photo album and not your phone or some other materialistic thing that could be replaced. Your use of description really softened the tone and made the tone very touching and sympathetic. This story really opened my eyes to realize that electronics are a waste of time and the feeling that you get when looking through photos can not be underestimated.

  9. I enjoyed that you chose a photo album to save and that you explained its importance to you. Also, I like how you put the quotes from the photo album in your story because they went with your story well. Nice job.

  10. I really like how you said you would save your album and you went into a lot of detail explaining what is does for you or how you felt about it. I could really picture it :) good job!

  11. It's very nice to see someone of our generation save something of value like a photo album rather than the typical answers of cellphones, clothes, and other electronic devices. I absolutely fell in love with the first quote you used because I apply it to myself almost everyday and its nice to see someone else's perspective.

  12. I love how instead of saving something like your phone you pick something that is more valuable to you. This is very smart because I too like to look at photos and remember old memories but I would never have thought of this.

  13. I really liked ur piece, I could tell you took your time on it in class, and probably out of class to write it. I also have a personal connection with the pics of me and my aunt because she has passed so I feel you on the reason why. I really like it and u did an amazing job on this piece. =)

  14. I have always put photo albums on my list of things to save in case of a fire so I really connected to your story and understood where you were coming from! Using quotes to support saving your photo album above everything else was really clever and let the reader understand you and your perspective better! In describing how hard it would be for you to give up your photo album you let everyone know how much it meant to you. Nice job, this was a nice read because most people wouldn't answer the same way you would!

  15. Thought provoking.Its hard to choose just one thing since we live in a materialistic world. Lets hope it never comes to that, but very nice story. A bit on the short side, but you get to the point.

  16. Wow, I can tell you put so much heart into this. This really makes us think about where our heart would be in a situation like this. You did a very great job!

    -Caitlyn Mulvey

  17. I can totally relate to your piece! I don't know what I would do if for some reason I lost all of those albums that contain my most precious memories. I mean those memories should exist within us and not only be remembered when we see those pictures but there is nothing like getting the full image of that day and seeing all the incomparable and irreplaceable details those images contain. I really liked that your topic was so unique and specific and that as a writer you shared with the reader what you value the most.

  18. i would do the same thing, i could never leave all those valuable photos. I would also give it to my best friend. I completely understand your point of veiw. nice writing

    - ryan cuthbertson

  19. This story is interesting as it may be hard to choose one item but I like the fact you chose something irreplaceable as you seem to care a lot about something that can bring back so many memories. you got the point across in a few words but I understood the point you were making.
    -Cody Molla

  20. Your piece is very relatable I like it. Those are always going to be memories that stay forever when a loved one is gone. I think you did a good job on explaining what actually is very memorable to you.
    -Norma Cabrera

  21. this is something i think anyone should save because you cant always relive all your greatest moments and you may need somethging to help you remember those amazing moments and i feel that a photo album can really help you. -abigail rich

  22. I applaud your want to avoid saving materialistic items and saving the item that matters most to you! Because i know if i was in a similar situatuion, my instinct would be to save my phone or something that is replaceable. I also love how you were able to incorporate quotes into your piece that help support your view point. I think many kids could learn things from you by reading this writing :) Great job!

    1. I love the first quote that you used, your writing seemed very comfortable and free responsive.
      --Kynzie F

  23. I enjoyed the overall stucture and meaing of your personal reflection. I like how you began with what you would save from a fire, and why you would save it. I began to think of all the things I would grab first, but never thought of my photo album. You demonstrated to me that those are memories that can never be relived again, or captured. Our house is full of memories and a photo album would best represent those memories. Not a lamp, or a favorite shirt but rather a picture. I also liked how you shared fond memories of you and your grandfather which made me think of memories with mines as well. Your reflection had meaningful power. You did a great job.

  24. I really enjoyed your piece! I don't think a lot of people realize what they would save if a situation like that would happen, so a lot of people probably can relate to this. I also liked how you used quotes in your piece that relates it. Good job! :)

  25. I think its very sweet that you chose something irreplaceable like your photo album. Most people would probably go for something like technology, but you chose something you can keep forever(:

  26. Aww thats so sweet! you chose something you can have always instead of technology or anything else. That's so sweet that you think of things with your family first
    ~ Felisa Monroy

  27. Your story is a great example of how the value of something you treasure is not based on how much money it cost.

  28. I like how you said that those pictures are memories that will never be forgotten even if the person is gone ; I think its something we can all relate to.
    -Chelsea Gonzales

  29. Great job on the piece! It's nice that you would save something like a photo album that cant really be replaceable and hold real sentimental value, rather than what kids consider important now such as electronics. -Hizkia Mambo

  30. That is smart that you got something very valuable because you are right it is not replacebale good job.

    -Eli Cabrera

  31. this was a great choose i would never leave anything like this behind great job :)

  32. I would buy you story offline honestly! You're amazing write keep up the good work!

  33. i think I would save my photo album too /jakob cadena

  34. I was expecting something different when I read this was titled sacrifice but i still like what I read. You answered a question that isn't really asked but also gave a very interesting answer. I know that many people would save their phone, x box, or some other ridiculous item. It truly touches the heart that there are different people and I felt the connection you had with your family and memories.

  35. I would also do the same to have photo albums to help remember great memories. This many little things are really important to have with you and you did a nice job comparing different things that should be saved.- Anthony Navarrete

  36. This touched my heart.Reading this made me realize who I really love and what things are most valuable to me.Pictures are very valuable!You can never go back to those memories! -Alexis Chiong

  37. Wow, i reallly loved how something you would save could hold so many memories. if i were to make one suggestion then i would say to be careful on how many times you use the word like and becaeful were you use it as well. but overall great job!
    - Alexamdra Urena

  38. Sentimental over material. I love it.
    I think it's an idea that's often faded away in society since materialism seems to be important to many members of society.
    The photo album must mean a lot to you, an irreplaceable item in your life. And I appreciate how you set an example to how you would save the photo album if there was a terrible fire.
    The mention of sacrificing this precious photo album to someone who is precious in your life is a great relation to how you would sacrifice all of the materialistic things for the photo album, and you would sacrifice the sentimental photo album for your friendship.
    The title "Sacrifice" plays an essential role in introducing the idea of this literary piece, and I enjoyed it!

  39. i really liked the way the story was well written good job!
    -Josh Bryan

  40. I like how you think logically . I know i would've kept my phone . You have a really good point to keep something less replaceable rather than to keep clothes or electronic devices ;)) -Funmi

  41. I like how you show the effection in this paragraph I loved how you expressed your feelings. But you could have added just a little more detail. but over all I loved your paragraph...

    -laura tormos P.2

  42. Great item to choose to save. Not many people would save a photo album. I liked how you gave descriptive reason why you would save the album because of your grandfather.

    Tommy McDonnell

  43. I would totally choose something like a photo album too. Memories are more important than things you can easily replace. This was a great story. I liked how you added who you would give your photo album to if you had to.

    - Valarie Ly


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